
Field planting Management techniques of Angelica sinensis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Angelica, (scientific name: Angelica sinensis,) alias Gan Gui, Qin Na, Xidang Gui, Min Angelica, Jin Angelica, Angelica sinensis, perennial herbs, 0.4-1 m high. The florescence is from June to July and the fruiting period is from July to September. China was introduced from Europe in 1957

Angelica, (scientific name: Angelica sinensis,) alias Gan Gui, Qin Na, Xidang Gui, Min Angelica, Jin Angelica, Angelica sinensis, perennial herbs, 0.4-1 m high. The florescence is from June to July and the fruiting period is from July to September. China introduced Danggui from Europe in 1957. It mainly produces southeastern Gansu, with high yield and good quality in Minxian County, followed by Yunnan, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hubei and other provinces. Some provinces and regions in China have also been introduced and cultivated. Its root can be used in medicine and is one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicines. It has the effects of tonifying blood and blood, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, moistening dryness and smooth intestines, anti-cancer, anti-aging and immunity.

Angelica growth habit

It is a crop with low temperature and long sunshine, suitable for cold and cool climate, and can be cultivated at an altitude of about 1500-3000m. In the low sea area, the bolting rate is high, and it is not easy to pass the summer. The seedling stage likes the shade, the transmittance is 10%, avoid the scorching sun directly; the adult can bear the strong light. It is suitable for the cultivation of deep, loose, well-drained and fertile sandy loam rich in humus, but not in low-lying stagnant water or easily hardened clay and barren sandy soil.

Field planting Management techniques of Angelica sinensis

The main results are as follows: 1. Angelica sinensis grows well in the natural environment with high air humidity and high altitude of 1500-3000 meters. It is better to use sandy loam or humus loam with slightly acidic to neutral, deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage. Avoid continuous cropping.

2. Select half-shady and half-sunny slopes for land preparation. It is appropriate to use neutral or slightly acidic sandy loam soil that is fertile and loose and rich in humus. The soil should be ploughed 20 meters deep, 60 kilograms of compound fertilizer should be applied, and rakes should be fine and leveled. Generally, ditches should be made of 1 meter, with a width of 30 centimeters and a height of about 25 centimeters. Drainage ditches should be opened around to facilitate drainage. In the previous crop, wheat, hemp, flax, rape and so on were better, but potatoes and legumes were not suitable.

3. The seeds were sowed from the first ten days of June to the last ten days of June. Before sowing, the seeds were soaked in warm water of 30 ℃ for 24 hours. After drying, the seeds were covered tightly and covered with weeds. The sowing amount is 4-5 kg per mu. The seedlings emerge about half a month after sowing, and the cover grass will be loosened at this time to prevent the seedlings from being hurt when uncovering the grass. Uncover the grass at the beginning of August. Weeds should be removed to keep weeds free in the field. Combined with weeding seedlings, it is appropriate to remove the weak and stay strong, and the distance between plants should be about 1 cm.

4. Select seedlings and transplant 

1) Seedling selection generally chooses seedlings with a diameter of 2mi 5mm, uniform and robust growth, disease-free and injury-free, less bifurcated, and smooth skin (seedling age 90rel 110 days, 100 fresh roots 40Mel 70g). Large seedlings with a diameter of less than 2mm and more than 6mm are used with caution as far as possible.

2) Seedling treatment before planting, 40% isosalidophos and 40% carbendazim were mixed with 250 g of 250 g of carbendazim and 10 kg of water and 15 kg of water, and the seedlings were dipped in the medicament and generally transplanted into the field about 10 hours later to prevent diseases and insect pests and angelica sesame mouth disease.

3) timely transplanting Angelica sinensis can be divided into winter planting and spring planting. Winter planting should be carried out from the Beginning of Autumn to before freezing, and spring planting from the Spring Equinox to Grain Rain should be planted before and after the Qingming Festival.

4) the planting density is generally 6500 / mu to protect 8000 seedlings.

5) at present, plastic film mulching cultivation is widely used in planting method. The technical specifications of various planting methods are as follows: for plastic film cultivation, a strong ultramicro film with a width of 80cm and a thickness of 0.005 or 0.006 mm is selected for plastic film cultivation, with a band width of 100cm, ridge width of 60cm, ridge spacing of 40cm and ridge height of 10cm. Planting 2 rows per ridge, row spacing 50 cm, hole spacing 20 cm, 2 seedlings per hole, 15 cm deep, 6600 holes per mu, first covered with plastic film, then planted, and then compacted with soil at the mouth of the hole.

5. Field Management 

The main results are as follows: 1) check the seedlings and replenish the seedlings of Angelica sinensis. Generally, the seedlings emerge 30 days after transplanting, and check the seedlings in time after the seedlings are complete.

2) Intermediate ploughing and weeding should be carried out three times after the emergence of seedlings, the first time weeding when the seedling height is 5 cm, shallow ploughing and shallow hoe; the second time weeding when the seedling height is 10 cm and 15 cm, appropriate deep hoe; the third time, weeding is combined with intertillage weeding and soil cultivation when the seedling height is 25 ~ 30 cm.

3) topdressing Angelica sinensis should not topdressing more nitrogen fertilizer at seedling stage to avoid prosperous growth. In the middle and later stage, combined with mid-ploughing and weeding, compound fertilizer 30 / mu and 50 kg / mu

4) in the cultivation of picking flowers and moss, when there are plants with early bolting due to improper control, they should be cut and cleaned as soon as possible, otherwise the quality of medicinal materials will be affected.

5) Irrigation and drainage Angelica sinensis should be watered less in the early growth stage, properly watered when the soil is dry, it is better to keep the soil moist, avoid irrigation with heavy water, the field can not accumulate water in the later stage, and the stagnant water should be eliminated in time in the rainy season to prevent rotting roots.

6. Diseases and insect pests and their control

1) Root rot is a half-known fungus, which mainly harms the roots of Angelica sinensis. The first control method is to disinfect the soil with 70% pentachloronitrobenzene 1 kg before planting; the second is to select disease-free and healthy seeds, soak the seeds with 65% zinc 600 times solution for 10 minutes before planting, and plant in rotation with Gramineae crops as far as possible. timely drainage after rain; third, timely removal of diseased plants and disinfection of disease holes with lime; fourth, irrigating the disease area with 1000 times solution of 50% carbendazim.

2) Brown spot is also a kind of half-known fungus, which is easy to occur in high temperature and humidity. It mainly harms the leaves of Angelica sinensis, which usually occurs in May and is serious from July to August. At the initial stage of the disease, 65% of the solution of 600 times of Dyson zinc or 1% of Bordeaux solution of 1 and 120 Bordeaux can be sprayed or irrigated to prevent and cure the disease.