
High-yield cultivation techniques of Sophora flavescens

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sophora flavescens is not the ginseng we talk about in our life, but it is quite different. Sophora flavescens is also a common traditional Chinese medicine. It has a long history of traditional Chinese medicine culture in China, and many names of traditional Chinese medicine only have a word difference. But their efficacy and effect

Sophora flavescens is not the ginseng we talk about in our life, but it is quite different. Sophora flavescens is also a common traditional Chinese medicine. It has a long history of traditional Chinese medicine culture in our country, and many names of traditional Chinese medicine only have a word difference. But their efficacy and effect are very different.

What is Sophora flavescens?

Sophora flavescens name of traditional Chinese medicine. The dried roots of Sophora flavescens, a leguminous plant, were dug in spring and autumn to remove root heads and branchlets, washed, dried, or sliced fresh. It is bitter and cold. It has the function of clearing heat, dryness and dampness, killing insects and diuresis. For hot dysentery, hematochezia, jaundice and urination, red leucorrhea, vaginal swelling and itching, eczema, eczema, skin itching, scabies leprosy, external treatment of trichomonal vaginitis.

High-yield cultivation techniques of Sophora flavescens

I. selection of land and land preparation

According to the living habits of Sophora flavescens, the land with sufficient light, good drainage, convenient watering and low groundwater level should be selected. the soil requires sandy loam with deep soil layer, loose texture and pH value of 6-8. The land with heavy sticky soil, low-lying stagnant water and sunshade should not be planted. Sophora flavescens is a deep-rooted perennial plant. Before planting, it is necessary to apply long-acting barnyard manure, cake fertilizer or chemical fertilizer as base fertilizer. Generally, 5000 kilograms of rotten farm manure, 50 kilograms of superphosphate or 20 kilograms of diammonium phosphate, with a depth of 30 to 40 centimeters, must be broken to facilitate root growth and development. The rake is fine and flat, with a flat bed 1.5 inch 2 meters wide in the north and a high bed 15 centimeters high in the south. Dig drainage ditches around the land so that it can be irrigated by drought and waterlogged.

2. Select superior species

Under the same cultivation conditions, the yield and quality of different varieties were very different. The selection of improved varieties is an agricultural measure with high benefit and quick effect. The new tetraploid strain of Sophora flavescens 61-2-22 not only has good agronomy and vigorous growth in the field, but also the content of matrone in root medicinal materials is much higher than that of the original plant and other tetraploid lines. The content of chemical components is also high, which meets the ideal requirements and should be vigorously promoted in production.

3. Transplanting

After spring sowing, the seedlings can be transplanted after about 75 days. It can be planted in spring or in autumn. Spring planting is in mid-May and autumn planting is in late October. It should be early rather than late, transplant early, take root early, and return green early the next year. When planting, dig holes according to the row spacing of 33 × 23 cm on the border surface, depending on the root length, and apply appropriate amount of manure as base fertilizer at the bottom of the hole. After mixing evenly with the hole soil, 2 seedlings are planted in each hole. The planting depth is based on the original natural growth depth of the seedlings, and the heart bud can be slightly exposed. Water the roots thoroughly after planting. The cuttings were planted with 1 plant in each hole and planted in the hole according to the same method and planting density.

IV. Mode of reproduction

To split roots, Reed head-based reproduction, but also seed sowing and cutting propagation.

The main results are as follows: 1. During the autumn harvest, the annual Sophora flavescens root with a diameter of 0.7 cm, purple-red, pest-free and fully developed was selected as the seed root and stored in wet sand until the next spring. From March to April in early spring, the seed root was cut into small segments of 4cm. According to the specification of row spacing of 35 cm × 25 cm × 6 cm, the cut root was placed vertically into the hole, one hole at a time, with the big head facing up, do not turn upside down, cover the soil about 2 cm, should not be too thick, otherwise affect the emergence of seedlings. Use about 50 kilograms of seed root per mu. When planted with root, it blossoms late, so it is difficult to receive seeds in the same year, but the root grows faster and the yield of medicinal materials is high.

2. during the harvest of Sophora flavescens, the sturdy and disease-free plants were selected to cut off the thick roots for medicinal purposes, and the fine roots with heart leaves were used as seedlings for planting. Large seedlings can be divided into 2-4 plants according to the natural growth of buds and roots, and then planted. Can also dig wild Sophora flavescens, thick root cut off medicine, fine root together with Reed head planting, plant, row spacing and split root propagation method is the same, the time should be in late autumn or early spring. Propagated with Reed head, it can be harvested in the next year after planting, with short production cycle and good economic benefits.

3. Cuttage propagation from June to July in the north and April to May in the south, the sturdy and disease-free branches of Sophora flavescens were cut together and cut into small segments 13-16 cm long, and the lower incision should be close to the stem node, showing a horseshoe shape. Cut off the lower leaves, according to the row spacing of 20 × 10 cm, insert the cuttings obliquely into the nursery bed, the depth of the cuttings is 2 × 2 + 3, the soil cover is pressed, and there are 1 × 2 leaves on the ground. Domestic Sophora flavescens cut and inserted at the same time, can not be put for a long time, otherwise affect the survival rate of cuttings. After insertion, the soil is moist and shaded properly, and the new root can be produced from the lowest stem node in 15-20 days. When the root is 3 cm long, it will be placed in the field.

4. Seed propagation Sophora flavescens seeds are small, the germination rate is about 70%, and the direct seeding method is often uneven, so the method of seedling raising and transplanting is often selected. Seeds maturing after June should be selected and sowed along with picking or sowing in September. In Beijing area, the seeds are generally sown in the seedbed in March, both strip sowing and sowing. The plant spacing of the strip sowing line is 30 × 20 cm, the depth of the ditch is 1 × 1.3 cm, the seeds are mixed with river sand, scattered evenly in the ditch, and the soil is covered by 0.5 cm to 0.7 cm. Sowing can spread the seeds evenly on the ground and step on them once, so that the seeds are close to the soil and do not need to be covered with soil. The sowing amount per mu is about 0.5 kg. Cover with plastic film after sowing to keep warm and moisturizing. When the local temperature reaches about 20 ℃, the seedlings will emerge in 15-20 days. When the true leaves of  3-5  were found to be too dense, the seedlings should be interseedling, and the seedlings could be planted and cultivated amateurishly. After 2 months of growth after sowing, it can be transplanted.

Among the above four propagation methods, Reed head was used as breeding material, and the yield was the highest. The second is root propagation.

Growth habits of Sophora flavescens root

Sophora flavescens is a perennial herb with well-developed roots with a depth of 60-80 cm, so it is most beneficial to root growth on sandy loam with deep soil layer and loose texture. When the soil is too sticky, poor ventilation and poor water, it often causes rotten roots, so that the whole plant withered, and the root sprouting power is strong, so it can be propagated by the method of dividing roots. The upper and middle part of the root strip germinated faster than the lower part. The results showed that the root of Sophora flavescens grew with the growth of the aboveground, and in the later stage, with the gradual decrease of air temperature, the aboveground grew slowly, the nutrients transferred to the lower part, and the root grew more rapidly.

Fertilizer requirement characteristics of Sophora flavescens

Sophora flavescens plants have strong fertilizer absorption, and depending on their strong roots, they can absorb nutrients from the surface and deep layers of the soil. In the general medium fertility soil, it can grow and develop well, and the effect is better when applying more base fertilizer and topdressing nitrogen fertilizer. When nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are seriously deficient, Sophora flavescens plants will show certain physiological morbidity. In the case of serious nitrogen deficiency, the initial leaf color gradually changed from dark green to light green, and the plant grew slowly; in severe cases, the growth point was undeveloped or even necrotic, new leaves no longer grew, old leaves gradually withered and yellow, roots were small, and the yield of medicinal materials was very low. In the case of phosphorus deficiency, the leaves are green, sometimes reddish brown, there are obvious brown spots on the early leaves, but in the later stage, the spots expand and dry, the leaves sometimes twist, and the heart leaves grow slowly. When potassium deficiency, the leaves of the plant are green to dark green, the leaves are broad, the petiole is slender and tender, and the performance is too long. Sometimes there are large brown spots on the edge of the old leaves, the veins are dark green, other parts are light green, and obvious spots appear.

Fertilization techniques of Sophora flavescens

Because Sophora flavescens is a fertilizer-loving medicinal plant, we must first apply sufficient basic fertilizer when sowing; the basic fertilizer is mainly mixed fertilizer of farm soil, such as rotten pig, sheep pen fertilizer or coke ash, with a dosage of 1000~1200kg per 667m2 (1 mu). After mixing with the soil, the land is flattened. In addition to applying basal fertilizer, topdressing should be applied at least 2 or 3 times during plant growth. Topdressing in the early stage of growth, mainly nitrogen fertilizer or human and animal manure; in the middle stage of growth depends on seedling fertilization; after autumn, it is better to apply long root fertilizer, such as calcium superphosphate and other phosphorus and potassium mixed fertilizer.

1. Removing flower bolts

Sophora flavescens will bolt and blossom one after another from late April to May. In order to concentrate nutrients on the root growth, the flower bolts should be cut off except for the seed land, and the time should be sooner rather than later.

2. Drainage and irrigation water

Sophora flavescens most avoid stagnant water, in the rainy season to clear ditches and drainage; in case of dry weather, timely ditch irrigation or watering, excess stagnant water should be eliminated in time to avoid waterlogging.

For those who plant Sophora flavescens, you still need a lot of techniques and skills to grow high-yield Sophora flavescens. In the process of cultivation, in addition to learning from the successful ones, you should also combine the problems encountered in the actual process, constantly analyze and summarize, and work out the most suitable method for yourself.