
Comprehensive Control of Tomato Gluten Rot

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tomato (Tomato), alias tomato, persimmon. The ancient name is June persimmon and the good news is three yuan. In Peru and Mexico, it was originally called Wolf Peach. All have sticky glandular hairs with a strong smell. The stem is easy to lodge. Leaves pinnately compound or pinnately parted, leaflets extremely irregular

Tomato (Tomato), alias tomato, persimmon. The ancient name is June persimmon and the good news is three yuan. In Peru and Mexico, it was originally called "wolf peach". All have sticky glandular hairs with a strong smell. The stem is easy to lodge. Leaves pinnately compound or pinnately parted, leaflets extremely irregular, varying in size, ovate or rectangular round, margin irregularly serrated or lobed. Calyx radiate, lobes lanceolate, persistent when fruiting; Corolla radiate, yellow. Berries flat-globose or subglobose, fleshy and juicy, orange or bright red, smooth; seeds yellow. Flowering and fruiting, summer and autumn.

Morphological characteristics of Tomato

The tomato tree is 0.6-2 meters high, with sticky glandular hairs and a strong smell. Leaves pinnately compound or pinnately parted, 10-40 cm long, leaflets extremely irregular, varying in size, often 5-9, ovate or rectangular, 5-7 cm long, margin irregularly serrated or lobed.

Peduncle 2-5 cm long, often 3-7-flowered; pedicel 1-1.5 cm long; calyx radiate, lobes lanceolate, persistent when fruiting; Corolla radiate, ca. 2 cm in diam., yellow.

Berries flat-globose or subglobose, fleshy and juicy, orange or bright red, smooth; seeds yellow. Flowering and fruiting, summer and autumn.

Comprehensive Control of Tomato Gluten Rot

What is muscle rot?

Also known as stripe rot and stripe spot, it is a common and serious physiological disease of greenhouse tomato.

Introduction of tomato gluten rot: it is a physiological disease, which mostly occurs from fruit expansion to ripening. In the early stage, the appearance of the fruit showed striped gray stains from the pedicel to the navel, and in severe cases, it was in the shape of cloud. In the later stage, the color of the disease department deepened, and the boundary between disease and health became more obvious. In the cross section of most fruits, the vascular bundles turned grayish brown, the cells were necrotic and the fruit walls were hardened. When it is serious, the flesh is brown and woody, and the quality becomes worse and tasteless. From the vertical point of view, there are black tendons from the stalk to the navel, so it is called tendon rot.

The occurrence of tomato gluten rot disease is related to variety, climate and cultivation conditions. In general, middle and late maturing varieties, such as Jiafan 1, 2, 15, Qiangfeng, etc., have strong growth potential, large leaf weight, mild disease or no disease. The disease of early-maturing varieties will also be serious due to the application of nitrogen fertilizer, poor light, high night temperature and soil consolidation.

Comprehensive control of tomato gluten rot:

In terms of control, first, mid-and late-maturing varieties with mild disease should be selected. Second, more organic fertilizer, soil fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer should be moderate, potassium fertilizer should be increased, and foliar topdressing should be carried out after the fruit enters the expansion period. The third is to control the temperature, the temperature rises quickly in early spring, pay attention to ventilation, in order to enhance the illuminance, the greenhouse film in winter and spring should be wiped frequently, avoid using the old polyethylene greenhouse film, to prevent the greenhouse film adsorption dust affect the greenhouse light. Fourth, reasonable fertilization of water, not warm irrigation, ear fruit expansion period can be irrigated once. When topdressing nitrogen fertilizer, urea per mu shall not exceed 20 kg and ammonium hydrogen shall not exceed 5 kg. Under the premise of adequate fertilizer and water, carbon dioxide fertilization at the same time, the effect is better.