
How to cultivate Tomato with High yield in Autumn

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tomato (Tomato), alias tomato, persimmon. The ancient name is June persimmon and the good news is three yuan. In Peru and Mexico, it was originally called Wolf Peach. All have sticky glandular hairs with a strong smell. The stem is easy to lodge. Leaves pinnately compound or pinnately parted, leaflets extremely irregular

Tomato (Tomato), alias tomato, persimmon. The ancient name is June persimmon and the good news is three yuan. In Peru and Mexico, it was originally called "wolf peach". All have sticky glandular hairs with a strong smell. The stem is easy to lodge. Leaves pinnately compound or pinnately parted, leaflets extremely irregular, varying in size, ovate or rectangular round, margin irregularly serrated or lobed. Calyx radiate, lobes lanceolate, persistent when fruiting; Corolla radiate, yellow. Berries flat-globose or subglobose, fleshy and juicy, orange or bright red, smooth; seeds yellow. Flowering and fruiting, summer and autumn. Tomato is a temperature-loving and light-loving vegetable, which is not strict on soil conditions, but in order to obtain high yield and promote good root development, fertile loam with deep soil layer, good drainage and rich organic matter should be selected. Native to South America, it is widely cultivated in the north and south of China. Tomato is rich in nutrition and has special flavor. It has the effects of losing weight, eliminating fatigue, increasing appetite, improving digestion of protein, reducing stomach distension and food accumulation, etc.

Growth Environment of Tomato

Temperature: tomato is a temperature-loving vegetable. Under normal conditions, the optimum temperature for assimilation is 20: 25 ℃, and the optimum soil temperature for root growth is 20: 22 ℃. Increasing soil temperature can not only promote root development, but also significantly increase the content of nitrate nitrogen in soil, accelerate growth and development, and increase yield.

Light: tomato is a light-loving crop, the light saturation point is 70000lx and the suitable light intensity is 30000~50000lx. Tomato is a short-day plant, which basically requires short-day sunshine in the process of changing from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, but the requirement is not strict. Some varieties can bud and blossom in advance under short-day sunshine, while most varieties blossom earlier under 11-13 h sunshine. Plant growth is robust.

Moisture: tomatoes need more water, but they do not have to be irrigated frequently. Generally, the soil moisture is 60% 80% and the air humidity 45% 50%. The high humidity in the air not only hinders the normal pollination, but also causes serious disease under the condition of high temperature and humidity.

Soil and nutrition: tomato is not strict on soil conditions, but in order to obtain high yield and promote good root development, fertile loam with deep soil layer, good drainage and rich organic matter should be selected. PH6~7 is suitable for soil acidity and alkalinity, and over-acidic or over-alkaline soil should be improved.

How to cultivate tomato with high yield in autumn?

First, cultivate strong seedlings to ensure the preparation and disinfection of the whole seedling 1, bed soil preparation and disinfection: fully mature farm manure and vegetable garden soil are mixed and sifted according to the proportion of 4:6, and then mixed into seedling bed soil, and then mixed with 250g urea and 1Mel 2kg calcium superphosphate per cubic meter, 50g carbendazim (or mancozeb) and 100g phoxim are mixed well every 50kg bed soil, which can play a germicidal and insecticidal effect. Spray water with a sprayer to make the water content reach the degree that the water content is squeezed into a ball without water seepage, fall to the ground and disperse, and then put it into a nutrition cup. 2. Seed soaking, disinfection and sprouting: tomato seeds are continuously stirred in warm water of 55 ℃, continuously stirred to 25 ℃, soaked for 10 minutes, soaked in 1% potassium permanganate solution for 15 minutes, filtered with gauze pocket, tied up the mouth of the bag, washed in water until clear, then soaked in 25 ℃ water for 4 hours, removed and drained, germinated until white, waiting for sowing. 3. Sowing at the right time: loosen the soil in the middle of the nutrition cup with a small bamboo stick, and then sow two germinated seeds in the center of each nutrition cup, covering the nutrient soil with a thickness of about 1 centimeter.Then the nutrition cup is neatly placed on a low border with a width of 12 centimeters and a depth of 16 centimeters, and the length depends on the situation. cover with plastic film and grass mulch on both sides of the border, and cover the tomatoes planted in winter and early spring with plastic film and grass. The tomatoes planted in summer and autumn and winter are covered with sunshade net and plastic film to replenish seedlings at one leaf and one heart, to ensure that there is a strong seedling in each nutrition cup. 4. Seedling stage management: planting seedlings in winter and spring should pay attention to prolonging light, strengthening heat preservation, ventilation and dehumidification, adjusting the light, temperature and humidity in seedling protection facilities, and mainly preventing sudden fall disease and blight. Early spring planting tomato should strengthen heat preservation, ventilation and humidity drainage, prolong light, pay attention to rain and strong light in the later stage, and mainly prevent early and late blight and virus disease; summer and autumn and winter tomato seedlings should pay attention to shading and rain protection, cooling, dwarfing control can obviously reduce virus invasion and cultivate strong seedlings. Second, intensive cultivation, heavy application of base fertilizer: generally apply rotten chicken manure or cow manure per mu (every 50 kg of fertilizer add 10% phoxim 812 powder or 10% Kuman granule 200g, buckle the film for 7 days) 5000 kg, 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer or 50 kg of Norwegian compound fertilizer, 20 kg of superphosphate. The land should achieve the goal of "three ploughs and three harrows" to achieve the purpose of crushing the soil, loosening and breathing, and lay the foundation for stable production. Third, prevention of seedling diseases during planting: 30% of seedling bacteria 60 grams or 72.2% prednisone 50 grams can be added to 50 kg of fixed root water to prevent seedling diseases. The distance between rows and plants is 60 cm × 40 cm, and about 3200 plants are planted per mu. Choose to plant in the afternoon on a cloudy day and drench the root water. Be careful not to plant after a rainstorm.

Fourth, fertilizer and water management in the field should pay attention to pre-control, promoting post-attack: planting to slow seedling stage, properly loosening the soil, paying attention not to dry and not watering, 0.2% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture can be used for foliar topdressing to promote early seedling retardation. When the first inflorescence fruit was dilated, the seedlings were extracted with dilute dung twice to set up a high-yield shelf; the first ear walnut was as large as the fourth ear fruit just flowered as the full fruit stage, pay attention to heavy topdressing (mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer), re-irrigating fruit expansion water, urea and potassium sulfate 810kg per mu every 10 days. The first ear fruit whitened to the garden, watering every 7 days, while spraying 0.2% urea and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture to promote rapid fruit expansion, prevent plant premature senescence and increase yield. Fifth, timely thinning of flowers and fruits to promote the prosperity of tomato seedlings: when the plant height is about 33 cm, it is necessary to timely insert bamboo and bind vines, and at the same time remove lateral buds and pruning, generally remove the leaves below the first fruit, and retain the middle and top leaves to protect the fruit from sunburn. Pruning has the following several kinds of single-stem pruning, one-dry half-pruning and double-dry pruning. Three different methods can be used according to the planting density, or one or two of them can be used. Early-maturing and self-capping tomato varieties generally have concentrated fruit setting and small fruit, so it is necessary to thinning flowers and fruits in full bloom or full fruiting stage. the number of fruits per plant is about 40, and when the fruit per panicle is as large as broad bean, there are 4 good fruits, and excess flowers, fruits and deformed fruits are removed. In order to concentrate the supply of nutrients, in order to increase the weight of single fruit and improve the rate of commercial fruit. Pay attention to choosing sunny days for pruning and thinning flowers and fruits. It is easy to drop flowers and fruits in low temperature in spring and winter and high temperature in autumn. It should be dipped in flowers within 3 days of flowering (10 mg / L when the temperature is higher than 15 ℃ and 20 mg / L when the temperature is below 15 ℃). Each flower can only be treated once. 6. Fruit redness: early-maturing varieties generally bear fruit in winter and spring and in the middle and later stages of autumn and winter planting. 2000 ethephon (15 mg / L) can be used to smear the surface of ripe fruit or soak the fruit in 2500 mg / L solution for 2 minutes. When the fruit is stacked in a hotbed of 22 ℃ for 6 days, the fruit can turn red to market.