
Interim measures of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Administration of Information Collection in Aquatic products Wholesale Market

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Article 1 in order to standardize the information collection work of designated units (referred to as designated units) in the aquatic products wholesale market of the Ministry of Agriculture, ensure the operation quality and efficiency of the collection system, and improve the accuracy and timeliness of information, better for the industry competent departments, producers,

Article 1 These Measures are formulated for the purpose of standardizing the information collection work of designated units for information collection of aquatic products wholesale markets (hereinafter referred to as designated units) of the Ministry of Agriculture, ensuring the operation quality and efficiency of the collection system, improving the accuracy and timeliness of information, and better providing information services to the competent departments of the industry, producers, operators and consumers.

Article 2 The Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture shall be responsible for managing the information collection work of designated units for information collection of aquatic products wholesale markets and providing necessary guarantee for the development of the work. China Fisheries Society is entrusted to establish an information collection center for aquatic products wholesale market (hereinafter referred to as the information collection center), which is specifically responsible for statistics, analysis, organization, coordination and other daily management work.

Article 3 The fishery competent departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning (hereinafter referred to as the fishery competent departments at the provincial level) shall be specifically responsible for the collection of information on the wholesale markets of aquatic products within their respective jurisdictions, establish and manage the information collection system for the wholesale markets of aquatic products in their respective regions, designate special personnel to be responsible for the collection and analysis of information on the wholesale markets of aquatic products, and provide necessary guarantees for the development of such work.

Article 4 The principles of voluntariness, fairness, impartiality and openness shall be adhered to in the declaration and identification of designated units. To apply for a wholesale market of aquatic products as a designated unit, the following basic conditions shall be met: it shall have certain representativeness in the whole country or region (the trading volume and trading volume rank among the top in the whole country or region, or the trading volume and trading volume of a certain variety rank among the top in the whole country or region), the market shall be equipped with basic information collection software and hardware facilities, and full-time or part-time personnel shall be arranged to be responsible for information collection and reporting.

Article 5 The market of the declared designated unit shall submit an application to the provincial fishery competent department where it is located. The provincial fishery competent department shall be responsible for examining the materials reported by the market and recommending them to the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture. The Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture shall entrust the Information Collection Center to examine the materials and determine the designated unit for information collection according to the examination results. The Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture shall issue a plaque (valid for five years) to the designated units and publish it.

Article 6 Designated units shall select personnel with certain professional knowledge of information collection of aquatic products wholesale markets and corresponding computer operation ability as information collectors of aquatic products wholesale markets (hereinafter referred to as information collectors), and submit them to the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture for examination and approval. The Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture uniformly issues letters of appointment (valid for five years) to identified informants and publishes them.

Article 7 Designated units shall provide information personnel with working conditions suitable for their work requirements and ensure their relative stability. If the information officer needs to be replaced, the information collection center shall be notified in advance, and the work handover shall be properly completed to ensure the normal operation of information collection work. Informationists should constantly strengthen business learning, enhance market information sensitivity, and improve information analysis and judgment ability.

Article 8 the information collection center shall establish an expert group for information analysis of aquatic products wholesale market. The list of members of the expert group is proposed by the Information Collection Center and submitted to the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture for approval. The Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture issues letters of appointment (valid for five years) to the members of the identified expert groups. Information analysis experts shall submit at least one article on the operation of aquatic products wholesale market in their respective regions to the information collection center every month, and participate in the market operation stage situation analysis discussion and training activities organized by the information collection center as required.

Article 9 Daily and monthly reports shall be adopted for information submission. The informant shall submit to the information collection center the transaction price and volume of all the collected varieties of the market on the day before 18:00 (less than 10 varieties shall be submitted according to the actual number of traded varieties). Monthly report on total market turnover, total turnover and market operation analysis of the previous month shall be submitted before the 5th day of each month.

Article 10 The information collection center shall be responsible for providing business guidance to the designated units and informants, supervising the quality of information submitted, and finding abnormal data, and shall timely understand the situation and correct the information through telephone communication or on-site investigation. At the same time, it provides necessary technical guidance and services to the work of provincial fishery authorities, including determining collection species, establishing price index system and debugging collection system software.

Article 11 The information collection center shall be responsible for the collection, statistics and analysis of information, and shall report to the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture for examination and approval before unified release to the public. Designated units may notify the wholesale traders of the wholesale market of aquatic products issued nationwide.

Article 12 The Fishery Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture entrusts the Information Collection Center to be responsible for conducting annual assessments on all designated units and informants. Specific assessment scoring criteria are as follows:

(i) Price information out of 100 points. For delayed report and omission without reason, 0.5 points will be deducted for each delayed report and 1 point will be deducted for each missing report.

(II) Full score of 100 points for variety transaction information. For delayed report and omission without reason, 0.5 points will be deducted for each delayed report and 1 point will be deducted for each missing report.

(III) Full score of 60 points for market transaction information. For delayed report and omission without reason, 2.5 points will be deducted for each delayed report and 5 points for each missing report.

(4) Full score of 60 points for market dynamics. For delayed report and omission without reason, 2.5 points will be deducted for each delayed report and 5 points for each missing report.

(5) Deduct 5 points for each time when it is found that the submitted information is obviously false.

(6) When emergency submission is required, 2 points shall be added for each submission.

(7) If the information cannot be submitted in time due to force majeure factors, the information collection center shall be notified in advance, and the information collection center shall handle it at its discretion.

(8) In order to encourage all units to use computer networking, 10 points will be added once a year to units with complete networking facilities and equipment and who often use computer networking to transmit information.

Article 13 Units and information officers with assessment scores exceeding 260 points may be rated as excellent designated units and excellent information officers. Under any of the following circumstances, the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture will cancel the qualifications of designated units and information officers, withdraw their plaques and letters of appointment for information officers, and publish them.

(1) Failure to submit information for one consecutive month without cause;

(2) intentional fraud, which is ineffective after persuasion;

(3) The total number of missing daily reports exceeds 50 times without reason within two years, or the total number of missing monthly reports exceeds 4 times.

Article 14 The Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

Article 15 These Measures shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.