
Spinach science seed retention technology

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Spinach is an annual or biennial herb in the subfamily Chenopodiaceae. Also known as spinach, Persian grass. Edible from leaves and young stems. Spinach originated in Persia and was cultivated 2000 years ago. Later spread to North Africa, by the Moors spread to Western Europe, Spain and other countries. Spinach 647

Spinach, spinach of the subfamily Chenopodiaceae of the amaranth family, is an annual or biennial herb. Also known as spinach, Persian grass. Use leaves and tender stems for food. Spinach is native to Persia and was cultivated 2000 years ago. Later spread to North Africa, from the Moors to Western Europe, Spain and other countries. Spinach was introduced into the Tang Dynasty in 647. Spinach main root is well developed, fleshy root is red, sweet and edible.

Morphological characteristics of spinach

Spinach can be up to 1 meter high and without powder. Roots conical, reddish, less white. Stems erect, hollow, fragile and succulent, unbranched or with a few branches. Leaves hastate to ovate, bright green, tender and succulent, slightly glossy, entire or with a few dentate lobes. Male flowers integrate globose glomerules, then arranged in interrupted spike panicles on the upper part of branches and stems; tepals usually 4, filiform, flattened, anthers without appendages; female flowers clustered in leaf axils; bracteoles slightly flattened on both sides, apical residual 2 denticulate, abaxially usually with 1 spinous appendage; ovary globose, stigmas 4 or 5, extended. Utricle ovate or suborbicular, ca. 2.5 mm in diam., flattened on both sides; pericarp brown.

The nutritional composition of spinach: spinach is called "nutritional model student". It is rich in carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals (calcium, iron, etc.), coenzyme Q10 and other nutrients.

The function of spinach: nourishing blood, stopping bleeding, restraining yin, moistening dryness. Treatment of bleeding, hematochezia, scurvy, thirst and drink, astringent stool.

Scientific seed retention technique of spinach

The sex types of spinach plants can be roughly divided into the following four types: first, absolute male plants, only male flowers. Second, the vegetative male plant has only male flowers. compared with the absolute male plant, the basal leaves are larger and bolting is later. Third, the female plant, only the female flower, bolting later than the male plant. Fourth, monoecious, the same plant has female and male flowers, or "bisexual flowers", and the florescence is close to that of the female plant.

When it is found that some plants in the remaining seed field begin bolting, the absolute male plant and the female plant with early bolting, as well as the diseased plant, weak plant and hybrid plant should be pulled out as soon as possible, and fertilized once, so as to promote the multiple branches of the seed plant. In the future, some vegetative male plants should be removed one after another, usually leaving only 5 vegetative male plants blooming at the same time with the female plant per square meter (for pollination). After the female plants are seeded, all the vegetative male plants can be removed to promote the development and maturity of the seeds.

When most of the stems and leaves of the plant are withered and the pericarp turns yellowish green, the seeds can be harvested and stacked for 5 days for "post-ripening", then threshed and dried for storage.

In spinach hybrid seed production, it is generally appropriate to adopt the planting method of 1:4 line between father and mother, but attention should be paid to constantly pulling out all male and hermaphroditic plants in the mother line, as well as the female and hermaphroditic plants in the father line. As the sex type of spinach plant is more complex, so we should pay attention to master the technology of seed retention.

The sex types of spinach plants can be roughly divided into the following four types: first, absolute male plants, only male flowers. Second, the vegetative male plant has only male flowers. compared with the absolute male plant, the basal leaves are larger and bolting is later. Third, the female plant, only the female flower, bolting later than the male plant. Fourth, monoecious, the same plant has female and male flowers, or "bisexual flowers", and the florescence is close to that of the female plant.

When it is found that some plants in the remaining seed field begin bolting, the absolute male plant and the female plant with early bolting, as well as the diseased plant, weak plant and hybrid plant should be pulled out as soon as possible, and fertilized once, so as to promote the multiple branches of the seed plant. In the future, some vegetative male plants should be removed one after another, usually leaving only 5 vegetative male plants blooming at the same time with the female plant per square meter (for pollination). After the female plants are seeded, all the vegetative male plants can be removed to promote the development and maturity of the seeds.

When most of the stems and leaves of the plant are withered and the pericarp turns yellowish green, the seeds can be harvested and stacked for 5 days for "post-ripening", then threshed and dried for storage.

In spinach hybrid seed production, it is generally appropriate to adopt the planting method of 1:4 line between father and mother, but attention should be paid to constantly pulling out all male and hermaphroditic plants in the mother line, as well as the female and hermaphroditic plants in the father line.