
Standardized cultivation and management techniques of leek

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Make the leek root grow in the dark environment, produce a chlorophyll-free softening product, that is, leek yellow. As a high-grade health vegetable, leek is favored by consumers. Leek is a perennial herb of the family Liliaceae, used as medicine for seeds and leaves. With healthy stomach,

Make the leek root grow in the dark environment, produce a chlorophyll-free softening product, that is, leek yellow. As a high-grade health vegetable, leek is favored by consumers. Leek is a perennial herb of the family Liliaceae, used as medicine for seeds and leaves. It has the effects of invigorating stomach, refreshing, relieving perspiration and astringent, tonifying kidney and helping yang, fixing essence and so on. Distributed all over the country.

The Dietotherapy effect of Chinese chives

Tonifying kidney and warming yang: leek yellow sex warm, taste pungent, with the role of tonifying kidney and Yang, so it can be used for the treatment of impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation and other diseases.

Tonifying the liver and stomach: leek contains volatile essential oils and sulfides and other special ingredients, emitting a unique spicy smell, helping to regulate liver qi, increase appetite and enhance digestive function.

Regulating qi and regulating blood: the pungent smell of leek has the effect of dispersing blood stasis and activating blood circulation, leading qi and stagnation, which is suitable for falling injury, nausea, enteritis, hematemesis, chest pain and so on.

Embellish bowel laxation: leek contains a lot of vitamins and crude fiber, which can wrap the hair, gravel, metal shavings and even needles in the digestive tract, and it is called "intestinal lavage grass" to treat constipation and prevent bowel cancer.

Standardized cultivation and management techniques of leek

First, select excellent varieties

There are many varieties of leek used in the cultivation of leek, including large leaves and leaflets according to the size of leaves, and early-maturing varieties, middle-maturing varieties and late-maturing varieties according to the early and late maturity. We have introduced many varieties in recent years. Through experiment and comparison, it is considered that the "rhinoceros leek" in Chengdu, Sichuan is better, which has the advantages of fast growth, high yield, cold tolerance, fertilizer tolerance, disease resistance and so on. It has stronger tillering ability, wider, thicker and more leaves, higher seedling height, thicker and thicker leaves, higher seedling height, thicker and thicker leaves, less roots, less floating, less disease and high yield, but it is an ideal softening cultivated variety at present.

II. Soil selection

The cultivation of leek has higher requirements for soil, and it is appropriate to choose sandy loam with deep soil layer, high organic matter content, loose ventilation, water and fertilizer conservation, irrigation and drainage.

III. Land preparation and border formation

Leek is a vegetable that is planted and harvested for many years, and it is no longer ploughed, because before this, it must be turned deeply into the soil layer to facilitate the development of root system. It is better to plough the soil up to 25-30cm. After deep ploughing, the soil is exposed to the sun for 3-5 days, smashing large chunks of soil and making fine soil preparation. Plots should be considered to be conducive to irrigation and drainage. The small plots can be made into a width of about 10m, and the turtles back to the north and south, and the large plots do not need to be used as a border. A "ten" trench can be added in the middle of the field, and a perimeter ditch can be opened around to facilitate drainage.

4. Choose suitable cultivation methods.

Leek can be sown and planted in spring and autumn every year, especially in spring, from mid-March to mid-April. Autumn is from late September to early October.

1. Live broadcast. Before sowing, according to the row spacing of 2kg per 667m2, a sowing ditch with a depth of 17-20cm and a bottom width of about 17cm was opened on the border surface according to the row spacing of 73cm. Dig the bottom of the ditch, crush and flatten the soil and spread a thin layer of fine sand to fill the soil gap, then sow. In order to sow the seeds evenly, the depth of the seeds in the soil is the same, and the seedlings come out neatly, it is also necessary to make a special sowing pressure board (the plank is 1m long and 8-10cm wide, one end is raised and tied with a rope), the plank is placed in the sowing ditch, one person drags slowly in front, and the other person gently presses the plank behind to make a straight impression appear in the ditch, and after dragging and pressing, the seeds are sown evenly in the impression. After sowing, cover a thin layer of fine sand, the thickness is not more than 0.5cm, then apply fully mature human feces and urine, the concentration is 1 part of human feces and urine to 2-3 parts of clean water, about 1000kg per 667m2.

2. Ramet transplanting. The seedlings isolated from the old mackerel should be prepared, about 4000-5000 plants per 667m2, and the row ditch of 20-25cm in east-west direction and depth of 30-35cm should be opened. Each 667m2 was treated with rotten farm manure 2000-3000kg or organic compound fertilizer 1000-1500kg and superphosphate 50kg. After fully mixing the fertilizer and soil, the separated seedlings were put into the ditch to cultivate soil, the distance between the plants was about 20cm, and the fixed root water was enough.

V. Field management

1. Apply fertilizer and water frequently and clean up the weeds in the field in time. When leek seedlings grow to 7-10cm, 20% concentration of human feces and urine or biogas water should be applied once (that is, 2 parts of mature human feces and urine to 8 parts of clear water), and once again after about 15-20 days, and then once every other week, the concentration is the same as that of the last time. When the leek seedlings grow to 30-50cm, 30% concentration of human feces and urine (that is, 3 parts of human feces and urine to 7 parts of clear water) are applied, and 0.5% urea is added to the feces and water. In case of prolonged drought, ditch irrigation is required, and after the border surface absorbs enough water, 50% concentration of human feces and urine plus 0.5% urea is applied. If the seedling is weak, the leaves of the plant are thin, and the thickness and hardness of the stem are not enough, organic compound fertilizer should be applied properly, the dosage of 20-25kg per 667m2. Weeds in the countryside should be cleaned up in time, so as to get rid of weeds early and diligently, so as to keep the border free of weeds.

2. Cultivate the soil and cut the green. Soil cultivation is one of the main measures to soften the pseudostem, which is generally divided into 2-3 times. The organic compound fertilizer 20-25kg/667m2 was applied before each soil cultivation, and the fertilizer should be applied on both sides of the leek seedling row. When the pseudostem grew to 15-20cm and the seedling height was about 50cm 4-5 months after sowing (that is, transplanting) or cutting the leek for the first time, the soil was cultivated for the first time and reached the 2cm of the lotus mouth. After about 7 days, the soil was cultivated for the second time, and this time it was on a par with Hekou. If the first and second cultivation is not done and then the third cultivation is carried out, it will slightly exceed the 1cm of Hekou. The mouth of the lotus is 2cm away from the root. When cultivating the soil, first pick up and fix the leek leaves with a thin bamboo pole, and then cultivate the soil, be careful not to hurt the roots, stems and leaves, and wait until the leek leaves grow well and cut off the leek leaves above 2cm, that is, the so-called cutting green. Immediately after cutting, apply 50% concentration of human feces and urine or biogas water. If Rain Water can not chase human feces, urine or biogas water in spring, Dali brand organic compound fertilizer granules can be used instead. The dosage is 1000-1500kg of human feces, urine or biogas water per 667m2, or 100-150kg of granules.

3. Cover the grass curtain. After cutting and fertilizing, cover the grass curtain. The straw curtain is made of bamboo tail and rice straw about 2m long. first, the straw is divided into two sides, the grass tail is neatly arranged on the grass tail, the plastic thread is intertwined on the bamboo tail, and the grass head is fastened with two thin bamboo poles with a diameter of 1-1.5cm. According to the bottom width 65cm, the triangular shape of 60-65cm on both sides will cover the grass curtain on the leek ridge. The thickness of the grass curtain is opaque. Its covering height should be high rather than low, otherwise it will affect the yield and quality of leek. In case of drought after covering the grass curtain, use a sprayer to spray water 1-2 times a day when the temperature is above 30 ℃, in order to spray the grass curtain wet without dripping, in order to reduce the temperature in the grass curtain and maintain a certain humidity.

4. Cut the leek in time. When the leek yellow grows to 65cm high and the leaf tip begins to wilt, it can be harvested. The harvest time depends on the season. When the summer temperature is above 30 ℃, it can be harvested 6-7 days behind the curtain; when the temperature is 25 ℃, it can be harvested 10-13 days after the curtain; when the temperature is 18-20 ℃, it can be harvested about 20 days after the curtain. It takes about 30 days to harvest below 12 ℃ in winter. When harvesting, open the grass curtain to hold the leek yellow leaves to one side, gently dig up the soil on the other side of the leek ridge with a small hoe, and cut the leek roots evenly and forcefully in the horizontal direction with a "7" knife. The appropriate stubble height is 5-10cm. The cut chives are tied into 0.5-0.75kg, soaked in water for 1-2 hours, and then finished with clean water. After 1-2 days, 60% concentration of human and animal dung water (or biogas water) was applied on one side of the root, and 2000-2500kg per 667m2 was better, then it could be transferred to the next round of field management of leek. Generally cut chives 5 times in 2 years, each time the yield is more than 2500kg/667m2. In order to increase yield, improve quality, avoid premature senility and prolong life, it is better to harvest twice a year.

VI. Prevention and control of diseases, insects and weeds

1. The disease of leek. The main diseases of leek are Botrytis cinerea, blight and Verticillium wilt.

⑴ Botrytis cinerea. It is mainly harmful to leaves. Control methods: the degree of susceptibility varies with different varieties, so the selection of resistant varieties is one of the important measures to control the disease. If it is found that a small number of plants are susceptible, you can use 50% promethazol or 50% prohydantoin 800-1000 times liquid spray, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder solution.

⑵ epidemic disease. It can harm roots, stems and leaves, especially pseudostems, and the disease is more serious when the humidity is high. Prevention and control methods: because the disease is serious under the condition of high humidity, drainage ditches should be opened during soil preparation, and attention should be paid to rotation or planting on the ground where leek yellow has not been planted. If it is found that the diseased plant can be sprayed with 50% nail cream copper 600 times solution or 64% poison alum 400 times solution, sprayed once every 10 days, continuous prevention and control for 2-3 times is better.

⑶ Verticillium wilt. It mainly harms the leaves, when the leaves are susceptible to disease, the leaf tip gradually yellowed, the leaf sagging turned yellow, and the whole plant wilted and died when it was serious. Prevention and control methods: timely detection of diseased plants, in the initial stage of the disease can be used 50% carbendazim 500 times solution or 70% mancozeb 500 times solution spray. At the same time, fertilization should be based on farm manure and organic fertilizer to enhance the disease resistance of plants.

2. Pest control. The main insect pest of leek is leek late-eye mushroom mosquito. Leek late eye mushroom mosquito, also known as leek maggot, mainly gathered in the underground part to harm the tender stem, spring and autumn damage to the young stem of leek caused rot, so that leek leaves withered and died. Control method: when the larva damage is found, irrigate the root with 75% phoxim 500x solution or 20% fenvalerate 2000 times solution.

3. Main weeds and their control. The main weeds in the leek field are paspalum grass, horse tang, wild amaranth, dandelion, plantain and so on.

Weeding methods:

⑴ was excavated manually.

⑵ is sprayed with herbicides, 50% butachlor EC can be used after sowing, and 100-150mL per 667m2 is sprayed on the border surface.