
How to cultivate mustard with high yield

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tuber mustard, phylum angiosperm, family of dicotyledons. Mostly herbaceous plants. Mustard is a kind of mustard, which generally refers to leaf mustard, such as nine-head mustard, snow mustard, pig blood mustard, tofu skin mustard and so on. Mustard is a kind of semi-dry non-fermented pickle.

A family of dicotyledonous plants, phylum angiosperms. Most of them are herbs. Pickled mustard is a kind of mustard, generally refers to leaf mustard, such as nine mustard, mustard, pig blood mustard, bean curd skin mustard and so on. Pickled vegetable is a kind of semi-dry non-fermented pickle, which is pickled with mustard stem as raw material. It is one of the three famous pickles in the world (namely Fuling pickled vegetable, French pickled cucumber and German sweet sour cabbage).

Pickled mustard is a variety of mustard, mustard is often used to pickle salted pickled cabbage, its fleshy stem pith is Chongqing pickled mustard raw material, belongs to Cruciferae, Brassica genus.

Cruciferae prominent features are: herbs, cruciform corolla, tetradynamous stamens, pods. There are many economic plants, including many kinds of daily edible vegetables. Brassica is a herb with long siliques and yellow corolla. Chinese cabbage (B.pekinensis) originated in North China and widely cultivated in various places. It is the main vegetable in winter and spring in Northeast China and North China.

How can mustard tuber be cultivated with high yield?

Pickled mustard can be planted in winter fallow fields. After harvest, the late rice is immediately prepared and planted. The growth period is 120~130 days. Generally, the yield per mu is about 2000 kg. The high-yield field reaches 2500~3000 kg. The output value per mu is about 2000 yuan. At the same time, there are about 1500 kilograms of rhizomes and leaf residues returned to the field per mu. Green manure increases soil fertility and is beneficial to subsequent crop yields.

According to local climate and soil conditions, stem mustard with thick stem and thick meat is selected as seed. At present, especially grass kidney mustard in Pei Ling County of Sichuan Province has higher yield and better quality. Pickled mustard tuber is a kind of cross-pollinated crop, the natural cross-crossing rate is generally 20%~50%, not only the varieties "cross flowers" mixed, but also with other cruciferous crops "cross pollen," general varieties cultivated 3~4 years will occur degradation, affecting yield and quality. Therefore, seed selection should be adhered to every year, and the plants retaining the characteristics of the original fine varieties should be used as production seeds and propagation seeds according to the characteristics, traits, high yield and disease resistance of the original varieties at seedling stage, vegetable head expansion stage, bolting stage and flowering and fruiting stage respectively.

Second, timely seedling master in 25~30 days before transplanting seedlings. Seedbed is the basis for cultivating strong seedlings. The plot with thick soil layer, loose soil, rich organic matter and convenient irrigation should be selected as the nursery ground. Before sowing and seedling, deep turning and whitening should be done, and then the flat bed of 1.1~1.3 meters wide should be made. Every 10 square meters seedbed sowing seeds 5 grams, generally for 1 mu field seedlings. Because the seeds are small, they should be mixed with plant ash and fine sand, and then broadcast several times. After sowing, cover the seeds with fine soil and miscellaneous fertilizer, and cover the bed surface with straw to keep it moist. 3~4 days after sowing, cotyledons emerge and mulch is removed in time. Thinning and watering should be carried out when seedlings are about 4~5 cm high. After 15 days of emergence, water and fertilizer should be properly controlled to promote strong seedlings.

3. It is better to transplant in time before and after "light snow." Generally master in late rice harvest in time after ploughing soil preparation, ridge, ridge width 1 meter, each ridge planting 2 rows, row spacing 32 cm, plant spacing 30 cm, about 4000 plants per mu. Transplanting to take soil with fibrous roots, do not hurt stems and leaves, prevent bending roots, and timely watering seedlings.

Fourth, field management after planting watering in the morning and evening to improve the survival rate of seedlings. After the seedlings survive, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, and water and fertilizer should be applied once every 8~10 days. The concentration of water and fertilizer will gradually increase with the growth of the seedlings. After the beginning of spring, the weather is warm and the development of pickled mustard is accelerated. Fertilization should be carried out to promote the growth of nodules. 30kg compound fertilizer and 7kg urea should be applied to the middle of the ridge per mu. In the later stage, more quick-acting fertilizer should be applied to prevent premature bolting caused by fertilizer removal, nutrient dispersion, increased water content, thickening of rubber band, high hollow rate, low processing rate and poor quality. In order to ensure the yield and quality, it should be mastered when the plant just appeared "top"(i.e. bud) harvest, generally early April for harvest appropriate period.