
Management measures of coriander in high temperature in summer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When it comes to coriander, we are all very familiar with it. It is a dish that we often eat in our lives, and it can also be put into all kinds of dishes, which can make this dish look more appetizing and taste better. Therefore, it is widely used in life.

When it comes to coriander, we are all very familiar with it. It is a dish that we often eat in our lives, and it can also be put into all kinds of dishes, which can make this dish look more appetizing and taste better. Therefore, it is widely used in life.

What is cilantro?

Coriander, formerly known as coriander, alias: coriander, coriander, Latin name: Coriandrum sativum L. Annual or biennial strongly scented herbs of the family Umbelliferae and coriander, 20-100 cm tall. The root is fusiform, slender, with many slender branches. Stems Terete, erect, much branched, striate, usually smooth. Root leaves stipitate, style erect when young, retrorse outward when ripe. The fruit is round, and the main ribs and adjacent secondary ribs are obvious on the back. The ventral surface of the endosperm is concave. The tubing is not obvious, or 1 is located below the secondary edge. Native to the Euro-Mediterranean region, it is cultivated in Northeast China, Hebei, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Xizang and other provinces. Stems and leaves are used as vegetables and spices, and have the effect of invigorating stomach and eliminating food; fruit can extract aromatic oil; fruit is used as medicine, which has the effect of expelling wind, penetrating rash, invigorating stomach and expectorant.

Morphological characteristics of coriander

It is an umbrella-shaped plant of the genus Zingiberaceae, an annual or biennial herb. In Shuowenjiezi, it is written: "if coriander is used as a clover, it can taste delicious." Its stem is soft, the leaf is thin and the root is bearded, and Sui Suiran is also. Zhang Qian made it possible to grow coriander in the western regions, hence the name coriander. Coriander is the appearance of stems and leaves. Shiller is secretive about Hu, so the Jin land is called coriander. " Parsley originated in western Asia, Persia and Egypt, and was introduced into China by Arabs in the Tang Dynasty. Meng Xi's "Dietotherapy Materia Medica" and Chen Zang's "Materia Medica" record in detail the attributes, growth cycle and hydrological environment of this plant.

Management measures of coriander in high temperature in summer

Parsley prefers cool climate to high temperature, and stops growing when the temperature exceeds 30 ℃. So how can I grow coriander well in summer?

I. Variety selection

The varieties with heat resistance, late bolting and fast growth were selected.

II. Soil preparation and fertilization

Choose soil that is more fertile, good performance of water and fertilizer conservation, drought can be irrigated, waterlogging can discharge, and good permeability. The soil that has not been planted with coriander for more than five years must not be replanted. 4000 kg of rotten farm manure and 100kg of cake fertilizer are applied per mu. The residue of the previous crop should be removed to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Deep ploughing fine rake, make a border, the width of the border is 1 Mel 1.5 meters, and the length is 8 Mel 10 meters.

Third, soaking seeds to accelerate germination

The sowing time of coriander is not strict, and it can be harvested in 40 min 50 days after sowing. Soak the seeds to promote budding before sowing. The method is as follows: soak the seeds in clear water for 24 ℃ for 30 hours, remove them and spread them on a moist gunny bag with a thickness of 2ml and 3 cm, cover the moist gunny bag with a temperature of 20 ℃-25 min, stir it twice a day, keep a certain amount of moisture, and then sprout and sow seeds after 4 days.

Fourth, sowing and protecting seedlings

The main method of planting coriander in summer day is to sow two rows and leave one, then put the covering soil on both sides of the border, then pour enough water, sow evenly after the water seeps, and cover the soil 2 cm after sowing. Then sow the empty bed left behind in the same way as the first sowing bed. The amount of seed used per mu is about 2 kg. After all the broadcast, there will be a suppression to conserve soil moisture. If the weather is dry and the soil moisture is small, which affects seedling emergence, it can be irrigated with a small amount of water.

V. Field management

Thinning and weeding were carried out when the seedling height was 4mur5cm, and the seedling distance was 2mur4cm. After the seedlings were irrigated in combination with irrigation, one mu of thin manure water was applied, and when the seedling height was 7Mui 8cm, the amount of fertilizer should be large, and the amount of ammonium sulfate should be 20,30kg per mu. The soil should be kept moist, watered every 4 murals every 5 days, and shaded to cool down. Harvest can be combined with thinning seedlings and harvested in batches, which is beneficial to plant growth.

In fact, coriander is sold all the year round in our lives, but if the temperature is too high in summer, it is not conducive to its growth, so if you want to grow a high yield of parsley, you must understand its life preferences. Only in this way can we create a better growth environment.