
Grafting methods and Management points of eggplant

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Eggplant, also known as eggplant, also known as Luosu, is one of the few purple vegetables, and it is also a very common household vegetable on the table. In some areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, people are called Luosu, and people in Liangguang are called dwarf melons, which are annual herbs of Solanaceae and perennials in the tropics.

Eggplant, also known as "eggplant", also known as "Luosu", is one of the few purple vegetables, and it is also a very common household vegetable on the table. In some areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, people are called Luosu, and people in Liangguang are called dwarf melons, which are annual herbs of Solanaceae and perennials in the tropics. Its fruit is edible, the color is mostly purple or purple-black, there are also light green or white varieties, the shape is also round, oval, pear-shaped and so on.

The growing environment of eggplant

Temperature: eggplant likes high temperature, the optimum temperature for seed germination is 25: 30 ℃, the optimum temperature for seedling development is 25: 30 ℃ during daytime, 15: 20 ℃ at night, and grows slowly below 15 ℃, causing flower drop. Metabolism disorder when it is lower than 10 ℃.

Lighting: eggplant has higher requirements for light time intensity. Under the condition of long sunshine and high intensity, eggplant has exuberant growth, good flower bud quality, high fruit yield and good coloring.

Moisture: less water is needed before the eggplant is formed, more water is needed after the eggplant grows rapidly, and the water demand is the largest before and after the eggplant harvest, so it should fully meet the water demand. Eggplant likes water and is afraid of water. When the soil is moist and ventilated, it is easy to cause retting roots, and the air humidity is easy to cause diseases.

Soil: suitable for cultivation in soil rich in organic matter and strong ability to conserve water and fertilizer. Eggplant has higher requirements for nitrogen fertilizer, delayed flower bud differentiation and significantly reduced flower number when nitrogen deficiency, especially in the peak flowering stage, if nitrogen deficiency, short-styled flowers become more, plant development is not good. Under the condition of low level of nitrogen fertilizer, the effect of phosphate fertilizer was not significant, and the absorption of potassium increased sharply in the later stage.

Grafting methods and Management points of eggplant

I. grafting method

1. Split method

Japanese Torubam rootstocks were sown 25 days earlier (25 days earlier after germination and 35 days earlier for direct seeding), Japanese Yehong red eggplant and Congo eggplant were sown 10 days earlier, Korean CRP was sown 20 days earlier and direct seeding was 25 days earlier, and Korean CYP and Anyang ArQ rootstocks were sown 20 days earlier and 25 days earlier. When the rootstock grows to 6 Mel 8 true leaves and the scion grows to 5 Mel 6 true leaves, the stem is semi-lignified and the stem diameter is 0.3 Mel 0.5 cm, which is the most suitable for grafting. The rootstock leaves 2 large and sturdy leaves, cut flat from above the second leaf 3mm 5cm high above the ground, remove all the other leaves at the top, and then cut longitudinally with a blade. Cut the split vertically in the middle of the stem of the rootstock with a thickness of 0.8ml 1cm, then remove the lower part of the scion from the semi-Lignification, generally cut off the cotyledons and the upper 2 true leaves, and retain the upper 2 true leaves; cut the stem into a wedge, which is about the same size as the cut of the rootstock (the wedge length is 0.6 ~ 0.8 cm). Then insert the scion into the incision of the rootstock, tie it with a narrow plastic strip or clip it with a grafting clip, and then plant it into the grafting seedbed.

2. Rely on the connection method

The scion was sown 6 days earlier than the rootstock, and the scion was grafted when both the rootstock and the scion grew to 2 Mel 3 leaves. Two seedlings similar to the rootstock and scion were selected. Both the rootstock and scion were cut obliquely with a blade 1 cm below the first true leaf, with a cut length of 0.4 mi 0.5 cm, half of the stem diameter, and the scion was cut upward and the rootstock was cut down. then the scion and the rootstock were grafted together, fixed with a grafting clip and transplanted into the grafting seedbed. The root system of the rootstock and scion should be removed so that the scion can be cut off after survival.

2. Management of grafted seedlings

The key factors for the survival of eggplant grafted seedlings are temperature and air relative humidity. When eggplant is grafted in winter and spring (from late September to early October), because of the cold weather, it is appropriate to set up an electric hotbed or seedling bed buckle arch shed in the winter warm plastic greenhouse to further keep warm and humid. The period of cultivating grafted seedlings of eggplant in autumn and winter and overwintering is in the middle of summer and early autumn. The grafted seedling bed and plastic arch shed should be set up in the greenhouse for shading, rain protection, moisturizing, ventilation and temperature regulation.

The grafted seedlings should be planted along with the grafting and buckle the small arch shed. When planting, plant it in the seedbed by 10 cm square, then water (do not let the water soak the interface); cover the soil after water infiltration (the interface cannot be buried, and the grafting clip should be exposed on the ground). After the whole bed is planted, buckle up with a small arch shed and cover it with plastic film for shelter from rain (summer and autumn) or strict heat preservation (winter). Three days after grafting, the temperature in the small arch shed was kept at 25 ℃-30 ℃ during the day, and the air relative humidity was more than 95%. The grafted seedlings survived after 7 days, and the roots of the scions were cut off 10 days later. The grafted seedlings were transplanted and planted in the winter warm plastic greenhouse for about 45 days.