
How to get high yield in spring cultivation of edamame bean

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Edamame bean, also known as edamame bean, green edamame bean, white edamame bean, refers to the green pod soybean harvested between the full grain stage and the early ripening stage. it is a new legume vegetable with rich nutrition and delicious taste. According to traditional Chinese medicine, edamame bean has sweet and flat taste, invigorating spleen and dehumidification, moisturizing dryness and detoxification.

Edamame bean, also known as edamame bean, green edamame bean, white edamame bean, refers to the green pod soybean harvested between the full grain stage and the early ripening stage. it is a new legume vegetable with rich nutrition and delicious taste. According to traditional Chinese medicine, edamame bean tastes sweet and flat, which has the effect of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, moistening dryness and detoxification. It is rich in nutrition, including protein, calcium, iron, vitamins and other nutrients. Because of its therapeutic effect of invigorating qi and invigorating the spleen, it is very suitable for the elderly with weak spleen and stomach.

Growth habits of edamame bean

Edamame likes temperature and waterlogging, so it is suitable for temperate regions with high temperature in summer. The seed germination temperature is 10-11 ℃, 15-20 ℃ germinates rapidly, and the seedling stage is tolerant to low temperature for a short time. The suitable temperature is 20-25 ℃, and it cannot blossom when it is less than 14 ℃. The late growth stage is sensitive to temperature, too high temperature ends early growth, too low seeds can not fully mature, 1-3 ℃ plants suffer,-3 ℃ plants freeze to death, edamame bean is a short-day crop, limited growth early-maturing species. The requirements for the length of light are not strict, and the infinite growth late-maturing species belong to short-day crops. It should be noted that the northward species move to the south to bloom earlier and the southward species move to the north to delay flowering. Edamame bean needs more water, and seed germination needs to absorb water slightly more than seed weight. The soil water holding capacity of seedling stage, branching stage, flowering and podding stage and pod expansion stage is 60-65%, 65-70%, 70-80% and 70-75%, respectively. Edamame bean is not strict on soil quality. It is better to have deep soil layer, good drainage, rich calcium and organic matter soil, PH value is 6.5, need a lot of P, K fertilizer, P fertilizer has flower protection and pod protection. Protect the growth of root system and enhance the activity of rhizobium. When K is deficient, the leaves turn yellow.

Edamame bean from sowing to the formation of the first flower is the early growth stage, and begins to germinate and differentiate about 30 days before flowering. This period is dominated by vegetative growth and is a period of nutrient accumulation. The flowering period is about 14-30 days, during which the growth is the most exuberant, and the vegetative growth and reproductive growth are carried out at the same time (material accumulation accounts for 55-65% of the total height, total leaf area, total dry weight, accounting for 60% of the total nitrogen accumulation). Two weeks after flowering, the bean grain increased sharply, requiring a lot of water and nutrients, insufficient fertilizer and water supply, resulting in premature senescence of plants and falling flowers and pods.

How to cultivate edamame bean with high yield in spring?

I. selection of place of origin

1. Soil conditions: the root system of edamame bean is well developed, choose loam or sandy loam with deep soil layer and medium fertility, and the condition of drainage and irrigation is the best. It is required that the soil pH value is about 6.5. when the soil pH is less than 5.5, 100kg lime per mu is required to carry out neutralization improvement.

2. Growth conditions: edamame likes warmth, seeds begin to germinate at 10 ℃-12 ℃, and 15 ℃-20 ℃ is the best. The optimum temperature in the growing period was 20 ℃-25 ℃, and the optimum temperature in the flowering and podding stage was 20 ℃-28 ℃. Pod setting was delayed at low temperature, and it could not blossom when the temperature was below 14 ℃. If the temperature was too high, the plant would end growth ahead of time and the pods could not be filled.

II. Variety selection and treatment

1. Variety selection: according to local production conditions and market demand, select varieties with high yield, high quality and strong stress resistance according to local conditions. At present, the main varieties suitable for export in our province are edamame 75 and 2808.

2. Seed selection: the seed quality of edamame bean is significantly different due to the difference of seed retention time, producing area and technology of seed reproduction. Therefore, it is necessary to select small packaging seeds whose quality reaches the second grade of seed classification standard and has a good reputation.

3. Seed treatment: before sowing, antiseptic insecticides and seeds such as "thiram + phoxim" can be used to mix seeds according to the ratio of 1-1-1-1-100, and sow with mixing.

Third, sowing seeds

1. Sowing at the right time: edamame 75 and 2808 generally come out to harvest for about 70 days. The spring sowing time in southern Fujian is from the Waking of Insects to Qingming, and to the north of Fuzhou is between the Spring Equinox and Grain Rain.

2. Sowing rate: the general seed consumption is about 5 kg per mu, with 3 seeds per hole and 15000 trees per mu.

3. Reasonable close planting: the planting method of small border and narrow row is adopted, that is, the width of furrow is 20 cm, the width of border is 60 mi 70 cm, double row hole sowing, row spacing 35 cm, hole spacing 18 mi 20 cm. Variety 2808 is compact and suitable for close planting, while edamame bean 75 can be slightly sparsely planted. Cover sand soil should not be too thick, otherwise it is not easy to emerge seedlings, easy to rot.

IV. Scientific fertilization

1. Fertilization principles: grasp the early application of compound fertilizer, little or no application of urea to prevent nitrogen bias, thick green leaves are prone to aphids and red spiders and other diseases and insect pests.

2. Base fertilizer: 70 kg of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus per mu.

3. Topdressing: edamame belongs to the vegetative growth stage from sowing to the formation of the first flower (about 30 days). In this stage, topdressing can be applied twice. Generally, the first fertilizer is applied within a week after emergence, with ammonium bicarbonate 15 kg per mu and calcium superphosphate 15 kg per mu. Mix evenly, mix 1.5 kg mixed fertilizer every 50 kg water, irrigate in the middle of the border. The second fertilizer was applied in the next 6 days (half a month after seedling emergence). Ammonium bicarbonate 20 kg per mu and superphosphate 15 kg were mixed evenly, and 2.5 kg fertilizer was applied in the middle of the bed every 50 kg of water. The third fertilizer was applied about 30 days after emergence (initial flowering stage), with urea 5 kg per mu and compound fertilizer 15 kg per mu. In the future, if you look at the seedling phase, you will get a small amount of fertilizer if the seedling is different, and if the seedling phase is good, you will not fertilize until the green pods are harvested. Horse running water (half-ditch water) should be irrigated once after each fertilization. after fertilization, there is no need to irrigate in case of rain.

V. Field management

1. Intermediate ploughing: the first intertillage is carried out when the edamame bean grows to two compound leaves to promote root elongation. The second intertillage was carried out in the later stage of branching combined with ditch clearing and soil cultivation, and attention should be paid to eliminate stagnant water in the field and prevent rotten pods in the pod filling stage.

2. Water management: edamame seed germination requires more water, so it is appropriate to plough and sow along with the whole bed. During the flowering period, the soil water content is required to be 70%, 80%, otherwise the bud shedding rate will increase.

3. Fertilization: in terms of fertilizer requirement, edamame bean needs less than 15% of the total fertilizer before flowering, while the flowering and podding stage accounts for more than 80% of the total fertilizer requirement. In terms of fertilizer types, a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer is needed, as well as a large amount of phosphorus and potash fertilizer. when phosphate fertilizer is lacking, the number of branches and flowers is lacking, and the number of falling flowers increases. Sufficient phosphate fertilizer can promote root growth, accelerate metabolic process in vivo, enhance nodule activity, and mature pods early. When the potassium fertilizer is deficient, the cotyledons turn yellow and the symptoms of potassium deficiency appear in the "gold rimmed".

4. Pest control and disease control: edamame mainly controls underground pests at seedling stage, such as available pest control, Lesbon, phoxim and so on. If diseases and insect pests are found during and before flowering, metalaxyl mancozeb, methyl thiophanate or carbendazim and Jingangmycin can be used with phoxim or pyrethroid to control 1 / 2 times. Plant diseases and insect pests should be controlled twice at the end of flowering, phoxim or security plus BT should be sprayed in the evening on a sunny day.

VI. Harvest

Edamame bean is a fresh vegetable harvested from full grain filling stage to early ripening stage. The harvest time is relatively short. The best harvest time is only 5 days per plant, only 5 days per plant, and the suitable harvest time per plant is only about 10 days. Therefore, generally divided into two harvests, timely harvest is the last key link to ensure high yield and bumper harvest.