
Standardized cultivation and management techniques of lotus root

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lotus root belongs to the lotus family. Lotus root is slightly sweet and crisp, can be eaten raw or cooked, is one of the commonly used dishes. Lotus root is also a plant with high medicinal value, its roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are all treasures, which can be nourished and used as medicine. The powder made from lotus root can eliminate food and relieve diarrhea, appetizer and clear heat.

Lotus root belongs to the lotus family. Lotus root is slightly sweet and crisp, can be eaten raw or cooked, is one of the commonly used dishes. Lotus root is also a plant with high medicinal value, its roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are all treasures, which can be nourished and used as medicine. The powder made from lotus root can relieve diarrhea, appetizer, clear heat, nourish and prevent internal bleeding. it is a good liquid food and nourishing Jiazhen for women, children, women, weak and sick people. Lotus root is rich in vitamin C and minerals, which is effective, beneficial to the heart, promotes metabolism and prevents rough skin.

Lotus root contains starch, protein, aspartic acid, vitamin C and oxidase ingredients, and its sugar content is also very high. Eating fresh lotus root raw can clear away heat and relieve annoyance, relieve thirst and stop vomiting; if you squeeze fresh lotus root juice, it is even more effective. The cooked lotus root tastes sweet and warm, can strengthen the spleen and appetizer, tonify the blood and tonify the heart, so it mainly tonifies the five internal organs and has the effects of digestion, thirst, and health.

Traditional Chinese medicine thinks that the lotus root is cold and tastes sweet. Raw use, with the function of cooling blood and dispersing blood stasis, treating febrile diseases and thirst, hematemesis, hot rain, etc.; mature use can benefit blood, stop diarrhea, strengthen spleen and appetizer. The single-experience prescription based on lotus root is widely used in clinic and has a good effect. For example, fresh lotus root juice, take half a cup every morning and evening to treat pulmonary tuberculosis bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, nosebleed. In addition, hammering raw lotus root juice, add the right amount of honey, stir well, take it in stages, treat fever and thirst; half a cup of lotus root juice and pear juice, and evenly take it to treat scorched phlegm and dry mouth. The connecting part of lotus root is called lotus root node, which contains asparagin, tannin and so on, which has high medicinal value. Lotus root node and lotus root are similar in sex, taste and function, but lotus root node focuses on hemostatic effect.

Standardized cultivation and management techniques of lotus root

1. Preparation of lotus root seed

Select varieties with disease resistance and high quality. Whole lotus root, main lotus root or seed lotus root can be used as seed, and the smallest lotus root branch is generally required to have 1 terminal bud, 2 internodes and 3 nodes. Plant lotus root properly with mud, no big damage, no disease, plant as you dig, and keep it fresh. It should be no more than 10 days from digging to planting. If it cannot be planted in time, it should be preserved by immersion or covered with watering. Those that need to be transported or stored for a long time shall be washed, disinfected and packed. But the storage time should not exceed 45 days. The amount of seed used per mu is 200,250 kg.

2. Tillage and fertilization

Select the land with sufficient water source, good water quality, good water retention, rich organic matter and far away from the industrial "three wastes". Deep ploughing 30 cm, rake flat, get rid of weeds and previous years' withered lotus root and lotus root whip, apply 80 kg of quicklime and 4000 kg of farm manure per mu, as well as 25 kg of compound fertilizer and 25 kg of rotten cake fertilizer.

3. Colonization

The distance between points is 1.5 ~ 2 meters, and the distance between rows is 2 ~ 2.5 meters. The branches of lotus root are obliquely inserted into the mud at an angle of 20 degrees. The lotus root head is introverted, and the planting holes between different rows are arranged in the shape of plum blossoms. The distance between the side row and the ridge of the field is half of the row spacing.

4. Water and fertilizer management

The water used for irrigation should meet the standard, and the water layer should be kept in the field all the year round. The water depth should be 5 cm 10 cm from April to May and deepen with the increase of air temperature. The water depth is 10 cm 20 cm in high temperature season from July to August and 5 cm from September to October. In the field water layer in winter, the frost injury should not occur in the underground lotus root.

General topdressing 2-3 times, the first application in 1 to 2 standing leaves (25 days after planting), 10 kg potassium sulfate per mu, 15 kg urea or 2000 kg mature person feces and urine per mu; the second application in 5-6 standing leaves (about 40 days after planting), 20 kg 25 kg compound fertilizer, 10 kg urea or 2000 kg mature person feces and urine per mu; 15 kg urea per mu or 2000 kg mature person feces and urine per mu. If the lotus root is harvested in the first and middle of July, or if the soil fertility in the field is higher and the plant is growing vigorously, the third topdressing may not be applied. Before topdressing, the water level should be shallower properly. During topdressing, the fertilizer can not be left on the leaves or trampled on the lotus whip.

5. Control of diseases, insect pests and weeds

The main diseases of lotus root are rot and brown spot. Corruption is mainly controlled by selecting disease-resistant or disease-free varieties, crop rotation, field disinfection and other measures. 25% carbendazim wettable powder 500 / 1000 times liquid spray can be used to control brown spot disease, and the safety interval is more than 15 days; or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times liquid spray, the safety interval period is more than 15 days; or 25% metalaxyl wettable powder 800 times liquid spray, the safety interval period is more than 1 day. The main pests of lotus root are aphids and Spodoptera litura. Aphids were sprayed with 800 times of 40% dimethoate emulsion with a safe interval of more than 7 days. Spodoptera litura can be controlled by artificial killing of eggs and larvae, sex pheromone, black light or sweet and sour trapping and killing adults, and can also be controlled by spraying 40% fenvalerate EC 4000 × 6000 or 4.5% cypermethrin EC 3000 times. The safe interval is about 15 days.