
How to cultivate perilla for high yield

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Perilla (scientific name: Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. ), alias: Cassia, Baisu, Chisu, etc.; annual herb of Labiatae. With special fragrance, the leaves are wrinkled and curled, flattened and oval in shape, 4 to 11 cm long and 2.5 to 9% wide.

Perilla (scientific name: Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. ), alias: Cassia, Baisu, Chisu, etc.; annual herb of Labiatae. With specific fragrance, the leaf blade is wrinkled and curled, complete and oval when flattened, 4 to 11 cm long and 2.5 to 9 cm wide, apex long or acute, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin rounded or broadly cuneate, both sides purple or upper green, lower surface with many concave glandular scales, petiole 2 to 5 cm long, purple or purple-green, crisp. The twigs are purple-green, with marrow in the middle of the section, fragrant air and slightly pungent taste.

Botanical History of Perilla frutescens

Perilla has been planted and used in China for nearly 2000 years. It is mainly used in medicine, oil, spices, edible and so on. Its leaves (perilla leaves), stem (perilla stem), fruit (perilla seed) can be used as medicine, tender leaves can be eaten raw and used as soup, and stems and leaves can be flooded. In modern times, perilla has become a kind of multi-purpose plant with high economic value because of its unique active substances and nutrients. Russia, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Canada and other countries have carried out a large number of commercial planting of perilla plants, and developed dozens of perilla products, such as edible oil, medicine, flooded products, cosmetics and so on.

How can perilla be cultivated for high yield?

Perilla is an annual herb of the family Labiatae, which is rich in nutrition and effective in traditional Chinese medicine. it can also be used as an ornamental plant and an industrial raw material with a wide range of uses. The cultivation techniques of high yield and high efficiency are as follows:

I. selection of land and land preparation

1. It is better to choose the slightly acidic loam with high humus content or the loose and fertile sandy loam with good drainage.

two。 Apply sufficient base fertilizer, especially high-quality farm manure, such as livestock manure and poultry manure, require more than 5000 kg per mu, first fully mature, spread before soil preparation in spring, and then plough into the soil, fine rake and mix well to make the soil fertilizer blend.

3. Perilla frutescens is the root system of fine soil preparation, and the root system is well developed. it can be buried in more than 30 cm, but it is mainly distributed in 25 cm soil layer. Therefore, it is necessary to plough deeply before winter, with a depth of more than 25 centimeters, and make use of winter freezing to eliminate spores, eggs and pupae of germs in the soil, loosen the soil, and enhance the ability of soil to store water and preserve fertilizer. Before spring planting, spring ploughing and spring raking is carried out to make the land fine, flat, loose and soft.

4. Opening ditches to make beds, such as poor drainage, will seriously affect the yield and quality of perilla. Perilla needs to be carefully managed and harvested many times, so it is necessary to open ditches to make beds. The width of the border is wide on both sides of the border, which can remove weeds and facilitate harvesting. It is generally required that the width of the border is about 1.2 meters, the width of the furrow is 30 cm ~ 40 cm, and the depth of the ditch is 15 cm ~ 20 cm.

2. Seedling raising and transplanting

Perilla can be used for direct broadcast, broadcast, strip sowing and hole sowing. Perilla has strong adaptability and can germinate when the ground temperature is above 5 ℃. Generally speaking, the suitable sowing time is from late March to early April. It can also raise seedlings and transplant, if it can be raised in the greenhouse and planted in the field, it can prolong its growth period and benefit high yield and high quality.

1. Select improved varieties to choose Japanese leaf-eating perilla and domestic big-leaf perilla. Red leaf perilla leaves in the rich aroma, green leaf perilla growth is prosperous, can also be selected. Choose seeds with good color, uniform size, full grains and no mildew.

two。 First of all, make a good nursery bed. Applying fully mature farm manure and quick-acting fertilizer, on the basis of deep ploughing in winter, shallow ploughing, fine ploughing and leveling are made into a small low border in the north-south direction, with a width of about 1 meter, a ridge height of 4 cm ~ 6 cm, and a drop of 10 cm in the north and south to facilitate daylighting. Secondly, sow it early as appropriate. The sowing time is 30 ~ 40 days earlier than that of open field direct seeding, and it is generally suitable from mid-February to early March. Third, improve the sowing technology. The seeds were treated under 3 ℃ for 5 days and sprayed with 1000ppm gibberellin to promote germination.

The suitable temperature of seedling bed is 15 ℃ ~ 20 ℃ when sowing. The amount of seed used per mu of seedbed is about 1 kg. Mix the seeds with more than 10 times fine sand, spread them evenly in the seedbed, and then sprinkle a layer of fine soil so that you can't see the seeds. If the bed soil is not wet enough, it should be sprayed or sprinkled; if the temperature can be controlled at about 20 ℃, seedlings can emerge about a week after sowing. Fourth, strengthen the management of seedbed. When the first pair of true leaves are unfolded after emergence, weeds are removed and quick-acting fertilizer is applied once after weeding; when the second pair of true leaves are unfolded, the seedling spacing is about 3 cm, and the quick-acting fertilizer is applied once after setting the seedling; when the third pair of true leaves are fully unfolded and the fourth pair of true leaves appear, the seedlings are refined, and when the seedlings are 5 ~ 7 days and the seedling height is 12 cm ~ 15 cm, they can be transplanted into the field.

3. Transplant and set aside a sturdy seedling to prepare for replenishing seedlings. If the seedling bed soil is white, the bed soil should be watered thoroughly the day before transplanting to moist the soil to facilitate the seedling, keep the root system intact and transplant with the soil. Transplanting had better be carried out on cloudy days, before rain or arranged in the afternoon, which is beneficial to slow down the seedlings. At the time of planting, the holes were burrowed according to the row spacing of 25 cm × 35 cm.

III. Field management

1. Check and replenish the seedlings about 5 days after planting, start the sturdy seedlings in time to ensure that the seedlings are complete and complete.

two。 About 10 days after intertillage weeding and planting, ploughing and weeding should be done once in time, and pay attention to the shallowness of the soil so as not to hurt the roots. in the future, according to seedling, soil moisture and grass, we should plough and weed for 2 ~ 3 times, and loosen the soil to preserve soil moisture.

3. Irrigation and drainage, during its growth period, especially in summer, it is necessary to timely watering to resist drought and keep the soil moist; in the rainy season, especially after heavy rain, clear ditches and drain water in time to prevent roots from being soiled and rotten.

4. Skillfully applying topdressing to plant seedlings after living and before ploughing can topdressing once, applying 1000 kg of dilute water dung per mu, or applying 10 kg of urea into 0.3% solution point; before closing the plant, 2500 kg of dilute water dung per mu should be applied; it is best to spray 0.5% urea solution once or twice in the leaf prosperous period.

5. If picking leaves and forking is for the purpose of harvesting seeds, some stems and leaves should be properly removed to facilitate ventilation and light, and reduce the nutrient consumption of stems and leaves; if tender stems and leaves are harvested for consumption, the tip of flower bud differentiation can be removed so that they do not blossom so as to maintain the exuberant growth of stems and leaves.