
Why does mustard sprout?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A family of dicotyledonous plants, phylum angiosperms. Most of them are herbs. Pickled mustard is a kind of mustard, generally refers to leaf mustard, such as nine mustard, mustard, pig blood mustard, bean curd skin mustard and so on. Pickled mustard is a semi-dry non-fermented pickle

A family of dicotyledonous plants, phylum angiosperms. Most of them are herbs. Pickled mustard is a kind of mustard, generally refers to leaf mustard, such as nine mustard, mustard, pig blood mustard, bean curd skin mustard and so on. Pickled mustard is a kind of semi-dry non-fermented pickles, pickled with mustard stem as raw material. It is one of the famous special products in China, together with French sour cucumber and German sweet sour cabbage, and is called the world's three famous pickles.

Pickled mustard is a variety of mustard, mustard is often used for pickled cabbage, its fleshy stem pith is Chongqing pickled mustard raw material, belongs to Cruciferae, Brassica genus. Cruciferae prominent features are: herbs, cruciform corolla, tetradynamous stamens, pod. There are many economic plants, including many kinds of daily edible vegetables. Brassica is a herb with long siliques and yellow corolla. Chinese cabbage (B.pekinensis) originated in North China and widely cultivated in various places. It is the main vegetable in winter and spring in Northeast China and North China.

Pickled mustard is an excellent stem mustard, also known as fresh vegetable head, fresh vegetable head can also be made into small dishes, fried with meat or soup, but more used for pickling. It is crispy and tender in texture, delicious in flavor, rich in nutrition, with a special flavor, special sour and salty flavor, crispy and tender, rich in protein, carotene, dietary fiber, minerals, etc. essential for human body, as well as glutamic acid, aspartic acid, propionic acid and other 17 kinds of free amino acids. Pickled vegetables can be used with meals, stir-fried dishes and soups.

Why does pickled mustard sprout?

Compared with leaf mustard, mustard tuber has longer growth period, stricter temperature requirement and lower cold tolerance. Its stems and leaves are closely related to sowing date and environmental conditions. Different climatic conditions in different places, yield and quality of different areas have different differences, and the results produced by different sowing dates also have great differences. The whole growth period of pickled mustard tuber is about 150 days, among which the fleshy stem expansion period requires the growth temperature of 8-13℃, and the temperature below 16℃ is conducive to the expansion of fleshy stem. Because of the special requirements of pickled mustard tuber on climate and environment, it has become a specialty vegetable in many areas of China. With the development of vegetable industry, different scales of introduction and trial planting have been introduced everywhere. At present, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and Hunan on both sides of the Yangtze River are the main production areas, and Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang provinces located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have been introduced and cultivated successively in recent years. The sowing time and harvest time are also different due to different climates in different places. The central part of Sichuan is generally sown in early September, harvested in February and March of the next year, with higher yield, and the yield is obviously reduced after sowing in early October; Wuhan, Yichang and other places in the middle reaches of Yangtze River are sown in early September, harvested at the end of December or sown from late September to early October, planted and survived through winter, and harvested from late March to early April. In Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other places in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, sowing in September and October, there are both successful and unsuccessful in the spring of the next year; some areas have small size and low yield all the year round; there are also some areas with early bolting, resulting in certain losses. The reasons for this similar phenomenon mainly include the following factors: First, climate factors Because mustard tuber has strict temperature requirements, poor cold resistance, and long growth period, the climate difference in winter is large, which brings certain difficulties to cultivation. When the temperature in winter dropped to 7-8℃, flower bud differentiation turned to reproductive growth, and when the temperature rose in the next year, flower stem also rapidly elongated. The longer the day length, the greater the degree of promotion, Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas were greatly affected by this aspect; when the winter temperature was at the temperature suitable for mustard tuber, the bigger the mustard tuber was and the higher the yield. When the temperature changes greatly, mustard tuber is easy to suffer from freezing injury and frost damage, which makes its normal nutritional growth blocked, thus turning to reproductive growth, yield obviously reduced, and easy to occur bolting phenomenon. When the climate changes greatly in a certain year, the whole growth of pickled mustard tuber will not adapt to the climate change, and it will also cause bolting phenomenon. Second, the cultivation conditions in the sowing schedule arrangement, such as sowing late, winter seedlings through vernalization flower bud differentiation, the next year after the temperature rises, the plant to reproductive growth mainly, fleshy stem expansion period is short, slow expansion, when the temperature is above 10℃, rapid bolting; mustard tuber in its early growth process by diseases, pests, phytotoxicity, fertilizer damage and other aspects of harm, and affect its growth, but also easy to cause bolting phenomenon: In addition, soil fertility, fertilization level and the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients will indirectly affect flower bud differentiation and bolting by affecting the nutritional growth of plants. Generally fertile soil, higher nitrogen level, flower bud differentiation and bolting of plants will be delayed, on the contrary, bolting will be earlier; cultivation techniques due to more organic fertilizer, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer as base fertilizer, expansion peak period also need appropriate topdressing; to harvest in time, when buds appear, fleshy stems have fully grown, should be harvested in time, lest bolting affect quality. 3. Effects of growth regulators IAA, NAA, 2.4-D, 2.4.5-T and gibberellin could promote bolting of pickled mustard tuber. If pesticides, trace fertilizers or other preparations containing the above substances were sprayed at its growth stage, they might lead to early bolting and thus affect yield. Due to the special characteristics of pickled mustard tuber, its cultivation is also limited to some areas. Due to the high requirements of cultivation techniques and climatic conditions, it is easy to cause bolting phenomenon due to climatic factors in its cultivation and growth stage. In order to avoid this phenomenon, it is necessary to sow according to the local timely sowing date, and continuously improve cultivation techniques to reduce the occurrence of this phenomenon. However, it is difficult to determine the best sowing time of pickled mustard tuber in abnormal years, and it is inevitable to sprout.