
How to plant yellow flowers in autumn and winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Daylily (scientific name: Hemerocallis citrina Baroni), also known as day lily, lemon daylily, belongs to lily order, lily family perennial herbs, roots nearly fleshy, often spindle expansion in the lower part. Scape length varies, pedicels shorter, flowers many, perianth yellowish

Day lily (scientific name: Hemerocallis citrina Baroni), also known as golden needles, lemon day lilies, belongs to Liliaceae, Liliaceae perennial herbs, roots nearly fleshy, the middle and lower parts often have fusiform expansion. Scape varies in length, pedicel short, many flowers, perianth yellowish, orange, black-purple; capsule obtusely trigonous-elliptic, flowering and fruiting from May to September. [1] it has the effects of hemostasis, anti-inflammation, heat-clearing and dampness, and is rich in pollen, sugar, protein, vitamin C, calcium, fat, carotene, amino acids and other essential nutrients. Mainly distributed in China.

Growth habits of cauliflower

Cauliflower is barren, drought-tolerant, lax on soil, and can be cultivated either geographically or on hillsides. It can adapt to a wide range of light and can be intercropped with taller crops. The aboveground part of cauliflower was not resistant to cold, and the underground part was resistant to-10 ℃ low temperature. Avoid wet soil or stagnant water. The seedlings began to be unearthed when the average temperature was more than 5 ℃, the optimum temperature for leaf growth was 15 ℃ ~ 20 ℃, and the higher temperature was required at flowering stage, and 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ was suitable.

Key points of how to plant cauliflower in autumn and winter

The main results are as follows: 1. The selection of soil lily has strong adaptability to soil and can grow in all kinds of soil. The requirement of soil acidity and alkalinity is not very strict, generally, it can be cultivated in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil, and the best pH value is 6.5-7.5. Cauliflower has a well-developed root system and is deeply embedded in the soil, so it is best to choose loam, clay loam and sandy loam with deep and fertile soil. 2. The root system of cauliflower is well developed, and the soil preparation requires a depth of more than 33 cm to ensure the normal growth of the root system. Deep ploughing can increase the water storage in the soil and reduce the harm of drought. During land preparation, the sidewalks are planned and irrigation facilities are built according to the size of the land area. Cultivated in flat land, it is generally used as a bed every 15 rows or so. The interborder ditch is about 25 cm wide and 15-18 cm deep. A large and flat main ditch with a width of 25cm and a depth of more than 30cm is opened around and every 4-5 to facilitate drainage. 3. Organic fertilizer is the main base fertilizer, which can be applied in ditch or hole. Before planting, combined with soil preparation, dig planting ditches with a row spacing of more than 30 centimeters or planting holes with a depth of 15 centimeters and a width of 25 centimeters. Every 667 square meters, rotten barnyard manure 3000-4000 kg and calcium superphosphate 50-75 kg were applied layer by layer, and then covered with 5-7 cm fine soil, so that the roots of the seedlings did not come into direct contact with fertilizer, so as to prevent "root burning". Then fill in the surface ripe soil, after finishing can be planted, every 667 square meters and then drench 250 kilograms of human feces and urine to water. 4. Pruning the seedlings before planting can reduce the consumption of water and nutrients of the plant, reduce the source of bacteria, make some leaves, shortened stems and roots have strong vitality, and can quickly extract new roots and sprouts after planting, and improve the survival rate. When pruning, remove the black stem under the shortened stem and the spindle root on the fleshy root, cut the root to 5 cm to 7 cm, and remove the decayed root. Then cut the seedling leaves to 6cm and 7cm, and remove the residual leaves. Before planting, soak the seedlings in 1000 times solution of 50% carbendazim wettable powder or 50% methyl thiophanate wettable powder for 10 minutes, dry until the surface is not wet, and then plant. 5. Reasonable close planting is an important measure to increase the per unit yield of cauliflower, which must be determined according to the tillering habits of cauliflower and the growth and development characteristics of flower bolts and buds. It is suitable to plant 1800-2000 clumps per 667m2 for varieties with flat land, fertile land and weak tillering ability. Planting method adopts wide and narrow row cluster planting, wide row 100 cm, narrow row 65 cm, hole distance 40-50 cm. 6. the root group of properly deeply planted cauliflower occurs from the shortened stem and sends new roots from the bottom to the top every year. If the planting is too shallow, it is easy to be threatened by drought in autumn and winter, which will affect the survival and emergence of seedlings, and if it is washed by heavy rain within 2012 after planting, it will cause root exposure, affect the absorption and utilization of water and nutrients, and hinder the growth and development of plants. Shallow planting tillers occur quickly, dense clumps, underdeveloped root system, weak plant growth, weak flower vines, small number of buds, light weight and low yield. However, the planting was too deep, the tillering was too slow, and the high yield period was delayed by 1 Mel for 2 years. Therefore, cauliflower must be properly deeply planted, usually about 13 cm. When planting, first open the planting ditch or planting hole, cover the soil slightly after the seedlings are implanted, and then fertilize and cover the local soil, so that the seedlings are exposed to the soil surface of 3 centimeters. The height of the mulch should be flat.