
Eggplant summer topdressing precautions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Eggplant, also known as eggplant, is one of the few purple vegetables and a very common home-cooked vegetable on the table. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui parts of the region known as Luo Su, Guangdong and Guangxi known as dwarf melon, Solanaceae is an annual herb, tropical perennial.

Eggplant, also known as "eggplant", also known as "Luosu", is one of the few purple vegetables, and it is also a very common household vegetable on the table. In some areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, people are called Luosu, and people in Liangguang are called dwarf melons, which are annual herbs of Solanaceae and perennials in the tropics. Its fruit is edible, the color is mostly purple or purple-black, there are also light green or white varieties, the shape is also round, oval, pear-shaped and so on. Eggplant is a typical vegetable, which can be used in various ways according to different varieties. Eggplant is of high value to the rehabilitation of diseases, but the improvement of vitality belongs to the effective range.

Morphological characteristics of eggplant

The root system of eggplant is well developed, with a depth of more than 1 m, and the main root groups are distributed in the 30~33cm soil layer. Lignification is relatively early, the ability of regeneration is slightly poor, and the ability of adventitious root formation is also weak. In greenhouse cultivation, the branching habit is allowed to grow naturally, which will form indoor shade, affect the ventilation and light transmission of eggplant, aggravate the disease and decrease the yield. Therefore, scientific pruning must be carried out in cultivation. The flowers of eggplant are bisexual, mostly solitary, and there are 2 or 4 clustered flowers, white or purple, basally connate to form a tube. The self-pollination rate of eggplant is high, and the natural hybridization rate is between 3% and 6%. According to the length of the style, it can be divided into three types: long style, middle style and short style. The stigma of the long style is higher than the anther, the flowers are large and dark, and it is easy to pollinate on the stigma, which is a sound flower; the stigma of the middle stigma is flush with the anther, and the pollination rate is lower than that of the long style; the stigma of the short style is lower than the anther, the flower is small, the pedicel is fine, and the chance of pollination on the stigma is very small, usually almost completely falling, which is an unsound flower. Eggplant fruit is a berry, the shape is round, long stick or oval, the color is purple, reddish purple, green, white and so on. The seed is flat and round, the outer skin is smooth and hard, and the weight of a thousand seeds is about 5g.

Matters needing attention in topdressing eggplant in summer

As the saying goes, "whether there is a harvest or not lies in water, and more or less in fat." If you want to have a high yield of eggplant, you must first give it to him to eat well. How to make eggplant eat well in summer? Let's listen to it: 1. Appropriate amount. Eggplant needs the largest amount of nitrogen fertilizer, but in the hot season, it is necessary to eat less and eat more. Each application of urea per mu should generally be controlled within 30 kg. Because in the high temperature season, the transformation rate of urea is relatively fast after urea is applied to the soil, and the excess part will be lost after the plant meets the needs. Especially in sandy soil, the proportion of loss will be greater. It is suitable for ammonium bicarbonate to apply no more than 40 kg per mu each time. Excessive application rate will not only cause nutrient loss, but also cause ammonia damage to eggplant leaves and fruits. 2. Appropriate law. It has become a habit for vegetable farmers to apply chemical fertilizer with water, but this method should not be used in summer high temperature season. Because of the high temperature, the fertilizer efficiency will be reduced after a large amount of ammonia volatilization during the application of chemical fertilizer. In particular, ammonium bicarbonate is more likely to cause ammonia poisoning in eggplant. The effect of ditch application or hole application is the best, and the thickness of buried soil should not be less than 5 cm after topdressing, so as to reduce the volatilization of effective components of chemical fertilizer. 3. Reasonable collocation. Although eggplant needs the most nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is also indispensable. When following fertilizer, you can't apply nitrogen fertilizer every time. In the full fruit period, it is best to apply ternary compound fertilizer twice, with a total of not less than 40 kg per mu, in order to meet the needs of eggplant growth and fruit.