
Key points of ground cover Management of Auricularia auricula

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Black fungus, alias Auricularia auricula, Auricularia auricula. Fungi belong to basidiomycetes, Auricularia, Auriculaceae. Black and brown color, soft texture, delicious taste, rich nutrition, vegetarian meat, not only add style to Chinese cuisine, but also nourish blood and skin.

Black fungus, alias Auricularia auricula, Auricularia auricula. Fungi belong to basidiomycetes, Auricularia, Auriculaceae. Black and brown color, soft texture, delicious taste, rich nutrition, vegetarian meat, not only add style to Chinese dishes, but also nourish blood in the face, make the skin ruddy, glowing, and prevent and cure iron deficiency anemia, with many medicinal effects. Mainly distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places. Grow on the rotten wood of more than 120 kinds of broad-leaved trees, such as oak, poplar, banyan, locust, etc., solitary or group. At present, the artificial cultivation is mainly of section wood and bag material.

According to modern scientific analysis, the nutritional composition of Auricularia auricula contains 10.6 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 65 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of crude fiber, 375 milligrams of calcium, 201 milligrams of phosphorus, 185 milligrams of iron, 0.15 milligrams of vitamin B1, 0.55 milligrams of vitamin B2 and 2.7 milligrams of nicotinic acid. Therefore, black fungus has always been loved by the broad masses of people, often as an ingredient for cooking all kinds of famous Chinese and western dishes, or stewed with red dates and lotus seeds with sugar, as a Jiamei snack suitable for all seasons, it is not only crisp and delicious, smooth and tender, but also has the effect of increasing appetite and nourishing the body. Auricularia auricula has a certain adsorption capacity and has the effect of cleaning stomach and intestines and digesting cellulose on human body. Therefore, it is also an indispensable health food for textile workers, miners and barbers.

Auricularia auricula can also be used as medicine. Medical scientists of all ages have detailed records on the efficacy of Auricularia auricula, such as Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica: "Auricularia auricula was born on rotten wood, dry nature, the main treatment is not hungry, light body and strong will, and has the effect of treating hemorrhoids, blood dysentery and so on." Chinese medicine has always believed that Auricularia auricula has the effects of moisturizing and strengthening, clearing lung and tonifying qi, tonifying blood, calming and relieving pain and so on. It is a commonly used prescription in traditional Chinese medicine to treat waist and leg pain, hand and foot cramps and numbness, hemorrhoid bleeding and postpartum weakness. According to foreign reports, Auricularia auricula can reduce blood clots and ease coronary atherosclerosis, which has special benefits in the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease. The polysaccharides contained in Auricularia auricula have certain anti-tumor effects, and the inhibition rate of mouse sarcoma 180 is reported to be 42.6%. Chinese folk also use black fungus plus water decoction to treat women's cervical cancer and vaginal cancer.

Key points of ground cover Management of Auricularia auricula

1. Ingredients: 80% sawdust, 12% rice bran, 2% soybean powder, 3% corn meal, 1% gypsum powder, 1% lime, 0.5% calcium superphosphate and 0.5% magnesium sulfate, with a water content of 60%. According to the routine bagging, sterilization, inoculation, culture. 2. The arrangement of the cultivation site should first take into account the height of the terrain and the amount of rainfall. Rain or low-lying land, the bed should be higher than the ground 10~15cm, in order to facilitate drainage; drought less rain or high terrain, the bed should be lower than the ground 15~20cm, in order to moisturize. The width of the bed should be 1.2 to 1.4m, and the length should be unlimited. Spread a layer of sand on the front bed and aisle, pour it thoroughly, and spray it with 5% lime water. 3. The placement and covering of the bacterial bag disinfect the bacterial bag with 0.2% potassium permanganate or 0.1% topazine solution, and then cut off the cotton plug and collar with a blade around the bag, cut off the bag above the material surface and put it upside down on the bed according to the interval of 10cm. This will help the moisture to rise and yellow water to seep down. Finally, it can be shaded directly with grass curtains, covered with plastic film and pressed around. 4. The management of the ear-out period 4.1 the management of the fruiting body formation period is from late April to early May, the external temperature and humidity is relatively low, spray water on the grass curtain in a fog, cover the plastic film, maintain more than 90% humidity, proper ventilation, pay attention to heat preservation, the primordium can be formed in 7-10 days. 4.2 the management of the differentiation period of the fruiting body is the differentiation period when it grows to 1~2cm, which takes about 5 to 10 days. At this stage, the ear piece is small, the water content of the culture material is sufficient, the amount of water required is small, the ground and grass curtain are kept moist, the air humidity is kept between 85% and 90%, ventilation is increased appropriately, and scattered light is given, and the plastic film should be removed when the temperature is high during the day. 4.3 the management of the growth period of the fruiting body is from the spherical primordium to the opening of the ears for about 10 to 15 days, during which the humidity is maintained above 90% and the ventilation is increased. Due to the gradual increase in external temperature, the plastic film should be removed during the day, except on cloudy and rainy days. Frequently turn over the straw curtain and spray Lysol to the grass curtain every 3-4 days. At this stage, a small amount of direct light should be given to prevent miscellaneous bacteria pollution and ear flow caused by high temperature and high humidity. 4.4 Management of the harvest period of the fruiting body when the ear piece is fully expanded, the edge is rolled in, and the ear root changes from thick to thin, it should be harvested in time. Stop watering 2 days before ear picking so that the ear root can contract. When picking ears, they should be picked together with the roots of the ears, leaving no residual ears, so as not to cause miscellaneous bacteria pollution. After harvest, it is best to spray 0.15% chlorothalonil solution to prevent the pollution of miscellaneous bacteria. At this time, spraying water should be light, pay attention to cooling, in order to facilitate the recovery of mycelium growth of the second stage of ear bud formation. 5. Identification and control of diseases 5.1 miscellaneous bacteria infected in the ear stage are mainly all kinds of molds. The most harmful is Trichoderma, accounting for more than 90%. Followed by Penicillium, Aspergillus, Alternaria, Rhizopus and Mucor.

1) Trichoderma, the initial mycelium is white plaque, gradually becomes light green, and finally becomes dark green, dark green, smelly and soft; when the fruiting body is contaminated, it will lead to decay.

2) Penicillium, similar to the mycelium of Auricularia auricula, turned green, blue or grayish green in the later stage. The mycelium of different sizes is formed, which mainly harms the hyphae and causes mildew after the fruiting body is infected.

3) Aspergillus, can appear black, yellow, brown and other colors. Multi-infection culture material surface, compete with hyphae for nutrition, and there is a pungent stench, after the fruiting body is infected, resulting in rotten ears.

4) Alternaria, producing a large number of orange powdery spores. It spreads quickly, infects hyphae and destroys nutrients.

5) Mucor and Rhizopus had similar morphological and physiological requirements, and the hyphae were grayish white. 2-3 days later, black particles (sporangia) appeared at the top of the hyphae. Harms the mycelium. The infection of all kinds of mold usually occurs in the ear root behind the first stubble. The prevention and control measures that should be taken are:

The main results are as follows: 1) High yield and disease resistance strains were selected.

2) to ensure a good ear environment. Choose places with moderate canopy density, fresh air, good ventilation and no pollution by feces and garbage.

3) it is best not to cultivate continuously in the same site. If the conditions do not permit, the site should be thoroughly disinfected.

4) strengthen management and pay attention to ventilation, cooling and moisture drainage under the condition of high temperature and high humidity.

5) timely cultivation and harvest, bags can be placed when the local average temperature is above 10 ℃.

6) when it is found that the bacterial bag contaminated by mold should be dug up and plastered with 5% lime emulsion, it can also be treated with 40% formaldehyde solution and various effective drugs, and then cultured in isolation. Those with serious pollution should be wrapped in waste newspapers in time and buried or burned as soon as possible. Never discard the vicinity of the site and cause new pollution.

5.2 flowing ear is a physiological disorder phenomenon of full rupture of cells, which makes the ear piece become paste. The disease mostly occurs in the environment with high temperature, high humidity, poor light and ventilation, and the harvest is not timely caused by bacteria and mold pollution.

The measures to be taken are:

The main results are as follows: 1) the cultivation site should be sunny and ventilated, with a certain degree of shade (six points of yang and four points of overcast).

2) in the season of high temperature, mildew and rain, it is necessary to dig drainage ditches and do a good job of site disinfection.

3) when the ear piece is about to mature, the air humidity should not exceed 85%. When the earpieces are mature, they should be harvested to avoid excessive maturity.

4) if you find a runny ear, scrape it off in time and apply 5% lime water. If it is caused by bacteria, you can spray it with 25 × 10-6 chlortetracycline, penicillin or 500 × 600 times Dysen zinc.