
Standardized high-yield cultivation and management techniques of Chinese milk vetch

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chinese milk vetch, also known as Qiao Yao, red flowers, grass seed, native to China. Like warm and humid conditions, there is a certain ability to cold, the whole growth period requires enough water, Chinese milk vetch on the soil requirements are not strict, sandy and clay loam is more suitable. Salt tolerance is poor, belonging to leguminous,

Ziyunying, also known as Qiaoyan, safflower, grass, originated in China. Like warm and humid conditions, have a certain cold resistance, require enough water during the whole growth period, Ziyunying is not strict on the soil, sandy and clayey loam is more suitable. Poor salt tolerance, belonging to Leguminosae and Astragalus membranaceus. Biennial herbs. The main root is hypertrophy, the lateral root is shallow, and the stem is cylindrical, hollow, tender and succulent, with sparse hairs. Most of the leaves are odd-pinnate compound leaves, flowers are umbels, generally axillary, less terminal, two rows of pods, United into a triangle, seeds reniform, seed coat smooth, root, whole grass and seeds can be used as medicine, with the effect of dispelling wind and eyesight, invigorating spleen and replenishing qi, detoxification and pain. It is one of the main nectar plants in China.

Growth habits of Artemisia mandshurica

Ziyunying prefers warm climate, moist and well-drained soil grows better, and it has strong shade tolerance at seedling stage, so it is suitable for interplanting in the later stage of rice. Ziyunying prefers a warm climate and generally has an obvious overwintering period. The growth rate was slow below 8 ℃ in seedling stage, and accelerated obviously when the daily average temperature reached more than 6 ℃ ~ 8 ℃ after the beginning of spring. The optimum temperature for flowering and pod setting is 13 ℃ ~ 20 ℃. Artemisia mandshurica grows well in moist and well-drained soil, and is afraid of drought and waterlogging. The most suitable soil water content for growth is 20%-25%, and the soil is mainly loam with light texture.

The optimum temperature for seed germination is 15 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, which needs to absorb more water and oxygen during germination. The root system grew faster than the shoot in the seedling stage, and the root and shoot grew slowly during the overwintering period, and accelerated after the beginning of spring, but the root growth was still stable, and the shoot growth rate suddenly accelerated after the budding stage. the dry weight of the shoot can be increased by 1.3 times in about half a month, so the dry matter weight of the aboveground part is much higher than that of the root system at the early flowering stage. At full flowering stage, the ratio of dry matter of root to shoot is about 1 ∶ 4: 6. The rhizobium of Artemisia mandshurica belongs to the Rhizobium family, which is not a resident soil microflora. It is generally necessary to be inoculated with rhizobium in areas where it has not been planted. The activity of rhizobium was very weak after turning green, increased sharply after turning green, reached the peak at the early flowering stage, and then decreased rapidly.

The plant height increased slowly in the seedling stage, and accelerated gradually with the increase of temperature after the beginning of spring, and increased rapidly after the budding stage, and the growth rate was the fastest from the beginning of flowering to the full flowering stage. the length of the increase in plant height from budding to full flowering accounted for about 2/3 of the final flowering stage. The flowering period of Ziyunying is generally 30-40 days. The flowers of the main stem and the first pair of large branches at the base bloom first, and then bloom sequentially according to the order in which the branches appear. The main stem and branches open one by one from the bottom up. The natural hybridization rate of Ziyunying is very high, which is generally more than 60%. It usually takes about 20 to 30 days for the pod to bloom to blacken. Ziyunying fresh grass, whether cement cellar, soil cellar, polyethylene bags, cans and buckets can be silage, which can be popularized and applied according to local conditions. Polyethylene bags are easy to damage, so the general storage time should not exceed 3 months. The fresh grass of Ziyunying should be dried for 2 to 3 days after harvest, so that the water content is reduced to about 70%, and then chopped into silage to avoid nutrient loss caused by too much water during the silage period. Artemisia mandshurica is a kind of silage which is difficult to silage because it contains high protein but less carbohydrates. The addition of carbohydrate-rich feed such as distiller's grains, rice bran and gramineous forage can effectively solve the problem of dry matter and crude protein loss. When the silage time is long, it is better not to add salt.

Standardized high-yield cultivation and management techniques of Artemisia mandshurica

1. Selection of improved varieties: popularizing improved varieties is the key link to win high yield. For example, the average yield of Yujiang big leaf seed is higher than that of other improved varieties by 7.5t/ ha. 2. Seed treatment: before sowing, the seeds should be selected and wiped with salt water, then soaked in 30-40% human urine for 10-12 hours, then picked up to dry, and finally mixed with rhizobium. Seed dressing with rhizobium is the most important part of seed treatment of Radix Astragali, which is very important to promote early nodulation of roots. When inoculated with rhizobium, the yield of fresh grass is generally increased by more than 10%, and the yield is as high as more than 40%. 3. Appropriate early sowing: the fresh grass yield of Artemisia mandshurica sown in the first and middle of October was the highest, then decreased gradually, and the yield sown after November was even lower. Thus it can be seen that timely early sowing is very beneficial to the high yield of Ziyunying. According to the experiment, within the range of sowing 60 kg / ha of seeds, the sowing amount of Artemisia mandshurica is basically proportional to the yield of fresh grass, that is, the yield increases with more sowing, and the economic benefit of 22.5-37.5 kg / ha is better. 4. Scientific fertilization: Ziyunying belongs to legume root nodule nitrogen-fixing crops, so fertilization should be based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and nitrogen fertilizer should be applied properly, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing nitrogen with phosphorus, increasing nitrogen with potassium and raising big fertilizer with small fertilizer. Phosphate fertilizer is generally used as base fertilizer or seed fertilizer to facilitate root development, improve nitrogen fixation and improve stress resistance. The application of potassium fertilizer can promote the seedlings of Artemisia mandshurica to be stout, early branching and nodulation, so as to increase the yield of fresh grass. After spring warming, the yield was significantly increased by topdressing appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer, especially for the second and third types of seedlings with poor growth. In addition, the application of trace fertilizers such as molybdenum and boron also had an obvious effect on increasing the fresh grass yield of Artemisia mandshurica. 5, strengthen the field management (1) open the "three ditches" well, prevent waterlogging and drought: Ziyunying likes to be moist, avoid waterlogging, open the three ditches well, so that the ditches communicate with each other, do not stain the water after rain, and sow into the sticky soil, so that the soil is soft and rotten, so as not to sink rotten buds. In order to avoid dry and scorched sprouting after seed germination, sandy soil should be sowed in shallow water and drained after seed germination. In the areas with good soil tillage and convenient drainage and irrigation, it can be mastered that the soil surface is soft and there is a water layer when sprouting, and the wet surface of the soil without water layer is the standard when emergence. After sprouting, there can be no stagnant water during interplanting. After rice harvest, horse water should be irrigated in time to prevent drought, in order to keep the surface of the field from tanning, and attention should be paid to clearing ditches and preventing stains after spring warming. (2) cover grass to prevent cold: the most suitable temperature for the growth of Artemisia mandshurica is 15-25 ℃, and it will suffer frost damage when the temperature is lower than-3 ℃. Mulching grass after late rice harvest is beneficial to the yield increase of Ziyunying. In addition, the application of pig manure and plant ash has a certain effect on the cold resistance and freezing resistance of Ziyunying. (3) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: the main pests of Ziyunying are aphids, leaf miners, thrips and stem flies, all of which can be sprayed with 1000-2000 times dilution of dimethoate. Where the water source is convenient, aphids or stem flies are found at the seedling stage, which can be watered through the top of the leaf for 3 hours and then drained, which can kill a large number of flies. Stone-sulfur mixture (Baume 0.3 degree) can be used to control powdery mildew and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. 6. timely retting: timely retting is the last link to improve the yield and fertilizer efficiency of Artemisia mandshurica, which is easy to be ignored in production. The yield is not high and the fertilizer efficiency is low. In addition, the fresh grass is too tender, the nitrogen content is low and the water content is high. If the retting is too late, although the yield is high, the cellulose and lignin in the fresh grass are increased and the plant is aging, which is not conducive to decay and decomposition, and the fertilizer efficiency is also low. Moreover, the decomposition of organic acid and a large amount of carbon nitride and hydrogen sulfide gas will affect the survival and tillering of early rice seedlings. Therefore, it is more appropriate for Ziyunying to turn in full bloom.