
Answers to questions about the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tea tree mushroom, commonly known as tea mushroom, etc., the scientific name Agroeyde Chaxingu.Huang Sp.nor tea tree mushroom taste delicious, crisp and delicious, fragrance but no peculiar smell, the mushroom body contains 18 kinds of amino acids and a variety of mineral elements. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that tea tree mushroom has the characteristics of dispelling dampness, diuresis and invigorating the spleen and stomach.

Tea tree mushroom, commonly known as tea mushroom, etc., the scientific name Agroeyde Chaxingu.Huang Sp.nor tea tree mushroom taste is delicious, crisp and delicious, fragrance but no peculiar smell, the mushroom body contains 18 kinds of amino acids and a variety of mineral elements. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that tea tree mushroom has the effects of removing dampness, diuresis and invigorating spleen and stomach. It is one of the delicious and rare edible fungi and is the most popular mushroom dish in banquets and restaurants at present.

Biological characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus

Temperature: Pleurotus ostreatus grows in temperate to subtropical regions, so the strain is more resistant to high temperature and low temperature. The mycelium could grow normally at 5-35 ℃, and the optimum temperature range was 18-28 ℃. Pleurotus ostreatus is a constant temperature fruiting fungus, which does not need temperature difference stimulation. Its fruiting body formation temperature is 13-28 ℃, the most suitable is 18-24 ℃, and the mushroom emergence speed is fast at 20 ℃.

2, moisture: the water content of the culture material of Pleurotus ostreatus can be controlled at about 65%, and the growth is faster. If the culture material is dry or wet, it is not conducive to mycelial growth. When the fruiting body is formed, the relative humidity of the air is required to be higher, and the growth process is lower, so it is beneficial to the growth and development of the fruiting body to keep the relative temperature of the air at 100% during the mushroom period and to drop to 85% after mushroom production.

3, air: tea mushroom is an aerobic fungus, the mycelial growth stage should ensure the supply of fresh air, so the culture environment of the cultivation bag must be well ventilated. However, in the stage of mushroom emergence and fruiting body growth, a slightly higher concentration of carbon dioxide is beneficial to mushroom emergence and stalk elongation, thus increasing the yield, so the ventilation should be reduced during the fruiting body development, which is similar to the cultivation of Flammulina velutipes.

4, nutrition: tea mushroom is a kind of wood-rot fungus, which is often wild on the decaying stump of Camellia oleifera or decaying parts such as poplar and willow. Because of its non-insect laccase activity, the ability of utilizing lignin is weak, but the activity of protease is strong, the ability of utilizing protein is strong, and the optimum carbon ammoniation is 60:1. Increasing the proportion of organic nitrogen (such as wheat husk, rice bran corn flour, cake fertilizer, etc.) in the cultivation material is beneficial to increase the yield.

5. Light: the mycelium growth process of Pleurotus ostreatus usually does not need light, but its fruiting body has obvious phototaxis, and the formation of primordium and the development of fruiting body need a certain amount of scattered light, so the cultivation chamber requires strong scattered light to facilitate the formation of primordium and the growth of fruiting body.

6, acidity and alkalinity (PH value): tea mushroom likes to grow in acidic environment, the hyphae can grow normally at PH value of 4-6.6, and the optimum PH value is 5.5-6. It grows poorly in neutral and alkaline environment, so natural PH value can be used in cultivation, but it should be prevented from being alkaline.

Answers to questions about the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

1. what are the nutritional conditions for the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus? Pleurotus ostreatus is a kind of wood-rot fungus which has weak ability to decompose lignin and cellulose. Wild Pleurotus ostreatus is only born on Camellia oleifera. After artificial domestication, broad-leaved trees such as paulownia, maple, willow, oak and poplar can be used as cultivation materials. However, the miscellaneous sawdust with loose material and less tannin is more suitable for the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus. Wheat bran, rice bran and cake fertilizer can be fully used as nitrogen sources. In addition to the use of sawdust, bagasse, rice straw, cottonseed hull and fungus straw can also be used as carbon sources. Among the carbon sources, monosaccharides and disaccharides are the best, while starch and cellulose are weak. If there is only glucose in the culture formula, the mycelium growth is loose, and a small amount of sucrose is used, the mycelium will grow dense and flourish. It shows that mineral elements are needed in the process of mycelium growth. 2. what are the temperature conditions for the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus? Pleurotus ostreatus is a medium-temperature edible fungus. On PDA medium, the spores could germinate in 24 hours under the condition of 26 ℃, and the fine hyphae could be seen with naked eyes after 48 hours. The optimum temperature for mycelium growth was 23 ℃ 28 ℃, stopped growing over 34 ℃, and could be preserved for 3 months at 4 min below zero. The temperature range of primordium differentiation of fruiting body was 12 ℃ 26 ℃, and the optimum temperature was 18 ℃. Lower or higher temperature would delay primordium differentiation. Low temperature, slow growth of fruiting body, but strong tissue, large mushroom shape and good quality; higher temperature, easy to open umbrella and form Pleurotus ostreatus. 3. What kind of moisture should be used for the growth of tea mushroom? The water content of the culture medium for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus should be controlled at 60%, 65%, that is, grasp a handful of the medium by hand, squeeze it hard, moist between the fingers, slightly drop but not flow, the fingers are loosened into pieces, and it is appropriate to spread out after landing. However, different kinds of sawdust and thickness are slightly different, so they should be mastered flexibly. When the mycelium grows, the air relative humidity is required to be less than 70%; the fruiting body formation and development period is 85% Mel 95%, and the growth period is appropriately reduced to prolong the product shelf life. 4. What is the air, light and pH of Pleurotus ostreatus? Tea tree mushroom is a kind of aerobic macrofungus, which is very sensitive to carbon dioxide, and the concentration of carbon dioxide in poor ventilation is too high, which is easy to cause slow growth of mycelium, thick and long stalk of fruiting body, small cap, early opening of umbrella, deformed mushroom and so on. Pleurotus ostreatus is a light-dependent fungus, the fruiting body has the characteristics of phototaxis growth, and appropriate diffuse light is a necessary condition for the completion of normal life cycle. During the mycelium culture, the mycelium still grew in the absence of light, but did not form a fruiting body. The fruiting body is not easy to differentiate without light, and the suitable light intensity is 50ml / 300L. The mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus likes weak acid environment and is the most suitable for pH5.5-6.5. The mycelium grows sparsely and slowly below or above pH 4. 5. what are the cultivation forms of Pleurotus ostreatus? The cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus is divided into spring planting and autumn planting according to season. In spring cultivation, the mycelium culture stage needs proper heat preservation, the temperature rises in the later stage of fruiting body growth, grows fast, the fruiting body shape is small, the quality is relatively poor, and it is easy to be harmed by diseases and insect pests; in autumn cultivation, after inoculation, the mycelium culture temperature is more suitable. The fruiting body formed at lower temperature has larger blossom shape, good quality, less pollution of diseases and insect pests, higher bioconversion rate and good economic benefit. The cultivation sites can be cultivated indoors or outdoors, and the cultivation forms can be divided into shelf bag cultivation, wall bag cultivation and bed soil mulching cultivation. All localities can choose according to local conditions. 6. What is the formula of Pleurotus ostreatus medium? Formula 1: miscellaneous sawdust 76%, wheat bran 20%, sugar 1%, calcium superphosphate 1%, calcium carbonate 1%, gypsum 1%; formula 2: miscellaneous sawdust 68%, wheat bran 15%, tea seed cake powder 15%, sugar 1%, gypsum powder 1%. Formula 3: 58% sawdust, 20% cottonseed hull, 20% wheat bran, 1% sugar, 1% gypsum powder. Formula 4: miscellaneous sawdust 60%, bagasse 18%, wheat bran or rice bran 20%, calcium superphosphate 1%, gypsum powder 1%; formula 5: miscellaneous sawdust 60%, corncob 20%, wheat bran or rice bran 19%, gypsum powder 1%; the water content of the above formula is 60%, natural pH, autumn cultivation should add 0.1% rape 0.2% carbendazim; Camellia oleifera cultivation area can add 10% tea seed shell powder, which can effectively increase the yield. 7. How to select and disinfect indoor bag planting? Indoor bag cultivation can make use of greenhouse, mushroom house and idle house, etc., and the cultivation of spontaneous bacteria to mushroom production can be completed in the same place. The environmental microclimate of indoor bag planting is easy to be controlled artificially, easy to manage, easy to obtain high quality and high yield, and is also suitable for factory cultivation. The place used for indoor bag planting should be clean and hygienic, far away from workshops, warehouses and poultry and livestock sheds, with good temperature regulation and light transmission. Comprehensive disinfestation and disinfection must be carried out before cultivation. First, after cleaning and cleaning, the insecticidal solution of dichlorvos of 800 times is sprayed, and after 5 days, it is fumigated with sulfur or formaldehyde solution to control the breeding of miscellaneous bacteria. 8. How to mix and sterilize indoor bag planting? According to the formula of the selected cultivation material, weigh all kinds of raw materials, mix well with water to make the water content reach 60% Mel 65A / e, pack the polypropylene corner bag with 17 × 33 × 0.005 cm polypropylene corner bag by hand or bag filling machine, loose and tight, the material surface is flat, the loading height is 1315 cm, and seal with non-cotton cover body or ring cotton plug. The sterilization was kept for 10 hours at 100 ℃ at normal pressure, and sterilized overnight or at 0.138 MPA at high pressure for 1.5 hours. 9. How to inoculate and cultivate indoor bag planting? The material bag after sterilization and cooling is inoculated and planted under aseptic condition, and there is no cotton cover or ring cotton plug on the sleeve plug. Try to block the bacteria to avoid fragmentation to prevent the death of the seed. The inoculated bacterial bag was placed vertically on the indoor shelf and cultured under the condition of 25i 2 ℃ for 55 days. The hyphae filled the whole bag. During the germicidal period, the room should be kept as dark as possible. 10. How to harvest tea mushroom? Tea tree mushroom is not only edible, but also the stalk is very fragile and tender, so it should be harvested together with the cover and handle. When the fruiting body grows, the cap is still curled, and the spores are not yet harvested. One-time harvest can also be used to harvest large and small, old and young in batches, and attention should be paid to the protection of young mushrooms when harvested in batches. Generally, 4 batches of fresh mushrooms can be harvested, and 60 kilograms of fresh mushrooms can be produced for every 100 kg of dry material. After harvesting, the fruiting body can be sold fresh after cutting off the roots and attached impurities, and can also be dried, graded, packaged and sold far away, or can be frozen and preserved or processed into canned water. What are the technical indicators of Tea Tree Mushroom? (1) sensory index color: light yellow to yellowish brown, deep in the center of the cap, clear soup; taste, smell: canned tea tree mushroom should have taste and smell, taste fragrance, no peculiar smell; tissue morphology: mushroom shape is basically complete, the cover is elastic, allow a small number of cracks, no serious deformities, the stalk is crisp and tender, the length of the stalk in the same jar is the same. (2) physical and chemical index solids: not less than 5% of net weight; brine concentration: 0.8% Mel 1.5%; microbiological indicators: no pathogenic bacteria and corruption caused by microorganisms.