
The latest scientific planting techniques of wax gourd

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Sowing wax gourd at the right time is fond of temperature and heat tolerance. In order to obtain high yield, suitable climatic conditions for fruit setting and fruit development should be selected. The climatic conditions have the greatest influence on the fruit setting rate of wax gourd, so special attention should be paid to the seasonal arrangement. The weather is sunny

I. sowing at the right time

Wax gourd likes temperature and resistance to heat. In order to obtain high yield, suitable climatic conditions for fruit setting and fruit development should be selected. The climatic conditions have the greatest influence on the fruit setting rate of wax gourd, so special attention should be paid to the seasonal arrangement. Conditions such as sunny weather, high temperature and high humidity are conducive to fruit setting; dry air, low temperature and rainy days are not conducive to the development of wax gourd fruit, so special attention should be paid to sowing. Try to avoid planting wax gourd in this period of time. According to many years' planting experience, the planting period of winter gourd in spring greenhouse in Beijing is in the middle of March, which is beneficial to the production ratio of wax gourd. After planting, the growth period of this kind of wax gourd is 100 mi 120 days, and the seedling raising period is about 40 days. The sowing date of rootstock and scion is determined according to the planting period. Because the scion germinates more slowly than the rootstock, it is necessary to sow the scion first and then the rootstock. The scion is sown 3-5 days earlier than the rootstock. Generally, the scion is sown in late January and the rootstock in early February. In this way, the fruit setting and fruit development of wax gourd are around May, and the temperature and sunshine are more suitable.

Second, the preparation of seedling bowl

Both scion seedlings and rootstocks can use seedling bowls to raise seedlings, and the nutrient soil in the bowl must use fertile garden soil that has not been planted with melons in recent years, and sandy soil is the best. add 1 kg of compound fertilizer and 0.3 cubic meters of rotten organic fertilizer per cubic meter of nutritious soil and put it into a nutrition bowl with a caliber of about 10 cm. After installation, pour water through the bowl and put it in the greenhouse for use. The preparation of seedling bowl is usually carried out 3-4 days before sowing.

Third, soaking seeds to accelerate germination

In order to improve the germination rate of seeds and speed up seed germination, wax gourd seeds and rootstock seeds need to soak to promote teeth. Wax gourd seeds with white and glossy surface have high germination power, and the seed coat of wax gourd seeds is thick, which hinders the water absorption and oxygen penetration of seeds, so its seed germination is much more difficult than ordinary seeds. The method of seed germination is to soak the selected seeds in hot water of 50 ℃-60 ℃ first. Keep stirring until the water temperature drops to about 30 ℃, stop stirring, continue to soak the seeds for 14 hours, make the seeds fully absorb enough water, wrap them with sandcloth or towels, put them in a warm place, and accelerate germination at a constant temperature of 25 ℃. After 3-4 days, most of the seeds can be sown when they germinate. The rootstock selected pumpkin seeds with full seeds, soaked the seeds in warm water of about 30 degrees for 6-8 hours, then put them into 25 ℃ constant temperature to accelerate germination. After 1-2 days, most of the seeds germinated white buds and could be sown. Planting this kind of small wax gourd generally requires 250g of wax gourd seeds per mu and 700g of pumpkin seeds per mu. After planting, 3000Mu of grafted seedlings are needed, and 3500 seedlings per mu can be raised in production.

Fourth, sowing seeds

The whole sowing process is completed in the greenhouse. During this period, the temperature around Beijing is relatively low, and the greenhouse needs to be heated properly to keep the temperature in the greenhouse at about 30 ℃. The day before sowing scions, the nutrient soil in the bowl should be watered thoroughly. Press a small hole with a depth of 1-2 cm in the middle of the bowl with wooden sticks or fingers. Select the germinated wax gourd seeds. Put one seed flat in each bowl, and it is best to tilt the seed slightly downward. Then gently sprinkle the sifted fine sand on the surface of the nutrition bowl and cover the seeds. After sowing, sprinkle an appropriate amount of water on the bowl. The method of sowing rootstock is basically the same as that of sowing scion. It's just that the sowing date is a few days late.

5. Seedling stage management after sowing

After sowing to before emergence, pay attention to watering, but do not have too much water, in order to prevent rotting roots, just keep the soil moist. Before scion emergence, the temperature in the greenhouse should be kept at 30 ℃-35 ℃ during the day and 16 ℃-20 ℃ at night, and grass curtains should be added outside the greenhouse in the morning, evening and night. The seedlings can emerge after a week or so, and the temperature should be cooled in time after emergence, 25-28 ℃ in the daytime and 15 ℃ at night. The growth rate of rootstock is fast, and the temperature requirement for rootstock growth is not high. The temperature required for rootstock growth is 3-5 ℃ lower than that of scion. In management, attention should be paid to prevent seedlings from overgrowing and to avoid the formation of tall seedlings. After emergence, the seedlings can be properly ventilated during the day, and the photosynthesis efficiency can be improved by controlling the opening time of the grass curtain in the morning and evening and prolonging the lighting time appropriately. When the rootstock grows 1-2 true leaves, the seedling age is about 20 days, when the scion true leaves have just grown 1-2, and the seedling age is about 23 days, then you can start grafting.

VI. Grafting

Grafting must also be carried out in the greenhouse. When grafting, the temperature in the shed should be kept above 25 ℃, the air relative humidity should be above 90%, and the grafting operation must be carried out under the condition of sunshade. Generally, grass curtains should be covered outside the shed where the grafting operation position is located, which can reduce the stimulation of sunlight on the grafting wound, and the tools used for grafting are relatively simple, with this kind of thin blade and special grafting plastic clip. The commonly used grafting method is called grafting method, which has the advantages of simple operation, fast grafting speed and high survival rate. Before grafting, first thoroughly water the rootstock nutrition bowl and scion nutrition bowl, gently pull out several scions from the lower part, put them into a bowl, soak the roots with water, and then start grafting: the specific operation method is: first pick up a bowl rootstock, hold two leaves with two fingers in one hand, hold two leaves with two fingers in one hand, and hold a blade in the other hand, near the bottom of the other cotyledon, so cut obliquely upward. In this way, cut a 45-degree angle above the cotyledon, cut it off with a knife, the section should be smooth, and the section is 0.6-0.8 cm long. Take a pre-prepared scion, also hold the leaf in one hand and a blade in the other, cut upward oblique at 1.5km below the cotyledon at an angle of 45 degrees, stick the cut scion on the rootstock and clip it with a grafting clamp, you can see that the scion section is basically consistent with the rootstock section. To complete all the grafting tasks with the same method, the grafted seedling bowl should be placed neatly to one side, and a small arch shed should be propped up on the top of the bowl with bamboo slices in time, then covered with a thin film, and covered with a sunscreen cloth, so that it can play the role of wind protection, light protection and warmth.

VII. Management after grafting

After grafting, the seedling bowl should be in the arch shed, airtight and opaque within three days, and the indoor temperature should be kept above 25 ℃ during the day and 15 ℃ at night. The cloudy and snowy weather maintains the temperature of the shed by increasing the number of times of adding coal, which can speed up wound healing.

After three days, ventilation should be done properly in the morning and evening, and the time should be gradually increased from 10 minutes to half an hour. When the light is not too strong in the morning and evening, the shading cloth should be removed to see the light after the air is breathed. It is increased from half an hour to two hours, and the small arch shed can be removed seven days later. 12 days after grafting, the grafted seedlings entered the normal management stage, when the temperature was between 25-30 ℃ in the daytime and 15 ℃ at night. The seedlings were refined at low temperature one week before planting, with a temperature of 20 ℃ in the daytime and 10 ℃ at night. After 20 days of grafting, the grafted seedlings can be planted when they grow 2-3 true leaves.

VIII. Colonization

The planting period of winter gourd in spring greenhouse in Beijing is in the middle of March. Ten days before planting, the soil should be prepared and made in the greenhouse. Before that, the field has been fully fertilized with fermented dried chicken manure, 2000kgs / mu, 50kg / mu and 50kg / mu. After turning, it is made into a small high border 1.3m wide with a height of 15-20cm. Planting should be carried out on a sunny morning, and the stem nodes should be selected. For planting seedlings with thick leaves, dig planting holes on both sides of the border with a spade, about 33 cm apart, and sprinkle appropriate amount of white lime powder to disinfect the soil, so that double-row wax gourd seedlings can be planted in each row. When planting, remove the plastic box of the nutrition bowl, put the seedlings into the planting hole together with the nutrient soil, then cover the surrounding of the seedlings with soil, and immediately irrigate the planting water after all planting in a shed. The planting water should be watered thoroughly at once.

IX. Post-planting management

The temperature is relatively low in the middle and last ten days of March, and heat preservation is the main way to slow down the seedlings after planting. The greenhouse should be closed strictly in the first day or two, and the temperature in the greenhouse should be kept at 30-35 ℃. When the temperature is above 35 ℃, it should be properly ventilated. The seedlings basically slow down in 2-3 days, and the seedlings begin to grow in 4-5 days. After a week, cracks begin to appear on the ground, and some small grass seedlings also grow. At this time, it is necessary to plough and weed in time, with the appropriate depth of 3-5 cm, and with the principle of not loosening the roots of the seedlings. On the one hand, remove the grass on the surface, on the other hand, cover the cracks on the ground with soft soil, which can play the role of preserving soil moisture. At this time, the lower part of some seedlings also grow bifurcations, when loosening the soil, we should remove these small forks, leaving only the trunk, so as to reduce nutrition consumption. 3-4 days after ploughing, the shelf will be set up near the winter melon seedling to prepare for the melon seedling hanging vine. The specific method is: take a bamboo pole about two meters long, evenly insert it near the seedling, take the bamboo pole horizontally above, za the bamboo pole in this way, so that the shelf is very solid, and the wax gourd seedling can grow along the bamboo frame in the future. After that, the melon seedlings enter the trailing stage, and the stem vines grow faster, and the plants lodge because they can not bear the overweight leaves, changing from erect growth to creeping growth, so it is called the trailing period. During this period, the plant growth is characterized by the expansion of leaf area, differentiation of new leaves and lateral vines, and some begin to show buds, growing more and more vigorously, but do not pour some water properly, so as not to accumulate water in the soil. The roots of the plants were anoxic.

Tie a vine

The longer plant can be tied to the shelf after planting for about 30 days, that is, the longer plant is tied to the shelf, also known as hanging vine, the specific method is: first of all, the plant should be sorted out, because during this period, the plant has grown a lot of lateral branches, which is this kind of bifurcation, as well as this kind of tendrils, as well as male and female flowers, there is an obvious difference between female and male flowers, and there is an ovary under the female flower, which is long oval, short oval and oblate in shape. After setting fruit, the ovary develops into wax gourd. On the other hand, there is no ovary under the male flower and can not develop into wax gourd. Generally, there are only 2-3 female buds left on a seedling, all the extra buds are removed, all the bifurcations are removed, only one trunk is left, and such tendrils are removed for the purpose of concentrated nutrition and cultivation of melons and fruits.

Then tie the melon seedlings to the shelf with grass knots and be careful not to hurt the stalks. After binding vines, the ventilation and permeability of melon seedlings are better, which is beneficial to the growth of plants. You can also pull an iron wire above the border, tie a strong plastic rope to the middle and lower part of the melon seedlings, and the other end is tied to the upper iron wire. The melon seedlings will also grow up along the plastic rope, which has the same effect as the front shelf.

Fruit setting

Because wax gourd is planted in the greenhouse, no insects are pollinated in the greenhouse, nor can it be pollinated by air flow, which can easily lead to few melons and slow growth. in order to help wax gourd set fruit, artificial auxiliary measures are generally adopted, that is, 0.1% thiobenzuron wettable powder is dipped in flowers, which is a plant growth regulator.

Specific operation method

When the buds are not yet unfolded 1-2 days before flowering, according to the commodity instructions, dilute the thiaburon wettable powder into a 100-fold water solution, spray the solution on the surface of the buds and ovaries with a spray can, spray them all around, and soak the buds in aqueous solution, so that the setting rate of wax gourd can reach more than 90%. The use of this growth regulator can also accelerate fruit expansion, increase yield and mature ahead of time. This growth regulator does not replace flower pollination, but directly allows the wax gourd ovary to develop into wax gourd, so the wax gourd produced by this method can not be used for the next generation of seed collection. Water, fertilizer and temperature management during fruit setting period: grafted seedlings have fast growth rate, developed root system, strong stress resistance and easy to grow seedlings. In order to avoid the small size of yangwang melon, it is not suitable to be watered during fruit setting period, and the temperature should be controlled between 25-30 ℃ in daytime and not less than 15 ℃ at night.