
How to cultivate Camellia oleifera with High yield

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Camellia oleifera, (Latin name Camellia oleifera Abel.) alias: Camellia oleifera, Camellia oleifera, Camellia oleifera; Camellia oleifera is a small evergreen tree. It is named because its seeds can extract oil (tea oil) for consumption. Tea oil is of clear color and fragrant taste, rich in nutrition, durable in storage, and of high quality.

Camellia oleifera Abel. Alias: tea seed tree, tea oil tree, white flower tea; Camellia is a tea family, evergreen small trees. Because its seeds can be extracted oil (tea oil) for food, hence the name. Tea oil color, flavor, rich nutrition, storage resistance, is a high-quality edible oil; can also be used as lubricating oil, rust oil for industry. Tea cake is both pesticide and fertilizer, which can improve the water storage capacity of farmland and control pests in rice fields. Peel is the raw material for extracting tannin extract.

How to cultivate camellia oleifera for high yield?

1. Selection of afforestation land

In the low mountains and hilly plain areas below 500 meters above sea level, choose acid soil with sufficient sunshine, slope below 25 degrees, thick soil layer, fertile soil and good drainage to plant Camellia oleifera.

2. Land preparation

(1) Land preparation method

① Belt cultivation: open the belt horizontally around the mountain according to the row spacing, high outside and low inside, width of 2 meters, dig holes at fixed points according to the row spacing of plants, hole specification: length 50 cm × width 50 cm × depth 40 cm.

② Hole digging: holes are dug at fixed points according to plant spacing around the mountain level, with a hole length of 50 cm × depth of 40 cm.

(2) Density: Generally, 107-167 plants per mu are required, i.e., the plant spacing is 2.3×2.7 meters (7×8 feet) or 2×2 meters (6×6 feet).

(3) Base fertilizer application: after digging holes, properly apply garbage fertilizer, straw, awn, farm manure, add lime 0.5 jin, compound fertilizer 0.5-1 jin, or phosphorus fertilizer 0.5 - 1 jin, potassium fertilizer 0.3 jin, nitrogen fertilizer 0.3 jin, then backfill the surface, and then fill the holes into steamed bun shape for afforestation.

3. Afforestation

(1) Seedling selection: generally select excellent clone grafted seedlings. Nursery stock quality requirement is: grow healthy, without disease and insect pest. The biennial seedlings are more than 30 cm high and 0.3 cm in ground diameter, and the annual seedlings are more than 15 cm high and 0.15 cm in ground diameter.

(2) Afforestation season: from early February to early March, when the soil is moist, it is suitable.

(3) Afforestation method: planting seedlings, one plant in one hole, planting seedlings in the middle, spreading root system, planting tightly and stepping on solid, planting a layer of loose soil, planting depth 1-3 cm higher than seedling root neck is appropriate.

4. Nurturing management

(1) Nurturing

After afforestation, the first year is to protect the root system and ensure the survival rate, and no tending can be done. In the second year, tending is done once or twice a year. The first time is from May to June, and the second time is from August to September. The main methods are loosening soil, weeding, cultivating soil and expanding holes. The forest created by hole reclamation can be gradually connected into belts through tending. The belts should be high outside and low inside. A bamboo joint ditch can be opened at a certain distance. Fish scale pits can also be built in places with serious soil erosion.

(2) Replanting and pruning

If missing or diseased plants are found, they should be replanted with strong seedlings of the same age, and management should be strengthened to make the seedlings grow in balance with the seedlings of forest land.

The pruning is mainly plastic, light pruning controls excessive growth skills, trunk control is appropriate at 0.6-0.5 meters, promote the growth of main side skills, and form low natural round-headed and open-heart crown.

(3) Interplanting and Fertilization

During the period of young forest, green manure, medicinal herbs, oil plants and other crops are planted in the gaps between forests, and cultivation and fertilization are used instead of tending, so as to effectively control the growth of miscellaneous irrigation and improve the ability of soil water storage and fertilizer conservation.

Fertilizing young stands, increasing organic matter and improving soil in combination with intertillage. Fertilization should be mainly organic fertilizer, quick-acting fertilizer combined with late-acting fertilizer, organic fertilizer combined with inorganic fertilizer. 10- 20kg farm manure is applied to each plant in winter, and compound fertilizer is applied before spring shoots sprout. The ratio of nitrogen, scale and potassium in compound fertilizer is 2:1:1.

(4) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

The main disease of Camellia oleifera is anthracnose. The prevention and control methods are as follows: First, combine with silviculture measures to eliminate the source of disease. The second is from July to September at the peak of the disease, spraying 3-4 times with 1% Bordeaux mixture and 2% tea bran water, or spraying 4-5 times with 800 times solution of Tuijunte WP and 50% carbendazim 500 times solution.

The main insects to be controlled by Camellia oleifera are scale insect, tea leaf moth and tea seed weevil. The adults of tea leaf moth can be killed by light, or 90% trichlorfon 500 times solution can be injected into branches to kill larvae. The tea seed weevil can be killed manually or sprayed with 90% trichlorfon 1000 times. Scale insects were sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times solution in March and April.