
How to control pea bud blight

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green beans and sprouts in peas are very popular with consumers. However, in the process of production, the quality and yield are often affected by some physiological obstacles and bacterial invasion. Such as bud blight, also known as wet rot or head rot, there are two obvious symptoms, one is at the top of the tender stem.

Green beans and sprouts in peas are very popular with consumers. However, in the process of production, the quality and yield are often affected by some physiological obstacles and bacterial invasion. For example, bud blight, also known as wet rot or head rot, has two obvious symptoms.

First, water stains appear at the top of the tender stem 2cm to 6cm. When the climate is dry, the rotten part dries up and hangs at the top of the stem. When rainfall or air humidity returns, the disease part will show wet rot symptoms.

The second is the disease of the young pod, there is a gray-white hairy mildew layer around the pod, and there are black granular cyst peduncle and sporangium in the middle. In the later stage, the pod is withered and yellow, and the diseased pod extends from the stem to the stalk. When the humidity is high, it can be seen that many susceptible pods have gray-white hairs and semi-withered yellow peas.

Cause of disease

First, diseases are caused by low temperature, low light and high humidity.

Second, there are residual mycelia in the soil or produce conjugate spores to provide pathogens through the winter.

Third, there are bacteria invading wounds on pea plants; fourth, wind and rain can accelerate the spread of bacteria; fifth, insects help spread diseases.

Prevention technology can start with agricultural control and chemical control respectively.

In terms of agricultural measures, first, peas should avoid continuous cropping and crop rotation should be carried out, preferably in flood and drought rotation; second, fields with high fertility should be appropriately reduced to prevent shade; third, ditch boxes should be refined and drained in time; fourth, flood irrigation should be strictly prevented in times of drought. Pay attention to the "dry flower wet board", that is, keep the ventilation and light when blooming, reduce the humidity, keep enough moisture when setting pods, and keep moist management.

In terms of chemical control, first, at the initial stage of the disease, 64% alum wettable powder 400 times, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600x, 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder 500x, 70% ethyl phosphorus manganese zinc wettable powder 500x, and fifth, when there is resistance to certain fungicides, 69% Anke manganese zinc 1000 times solution can be used.