
How to grow organic vegetables

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The development of organic vegetables has a very broad market prospect, but also has a good comprehensive benefit. Organic vegetable cultivation skills 1. Selection of origin environment The origin environment mainly includes factors such as atmosphere, water and soil. First of all, there must be no sources of atmospheric pollution around the base,

The development of organic vegetables has a very broad market prospect, but also has a good comprehensive benefit.

Planting skills of organic vegetables

I. selection of environment of producing area

The environment of the producing area mainly includes atmosphere, water, soil and other factors. First of all, there should be no air pollution sources around the base, and the ambient air should meet the GB3095 quality standards; secondly, there should be effective isolation measures between the organic land drainage and irrigation system and conventional land, and the irrigation water quality must meet the GB5084 farmland irrigation water quality standards; third, the soil tillage is good. No prohibited substances are used within 36 months, and there are no toxic and harmful substances such as heavy metals. The newly opened wasteland has to go through a conversion period of at least 12 months, and the conversion period from conventional vegetable cultivation to organic vegetable cultivation takes more than 2 years.

2. Fertilization technology

The significance of fertilization is to cultivate healthy and fertile soil, return the taken nutrients to the soil for the next vegetable harvest, and provide a good living environment for the root system of vegetables.

1. Types

The types of fertilizers suitable for growing organic vegetables are: organic fertilizer, compost, retting fertilizer, green manure, mineral fertilizer, as well as pure organic fertilizer and bio-organic fertilizer allowed to be used on organic vegetables produced by some manufacturers. In the process of applying these fertilizers, it should be noted that the added microorganisms for organic composting must come from nature, not genetic engineering products; self-made organic manure must be thoroughly ripened; compost and retting must kill parasitic eggs and various pathogens through fermentation; biogas fertilizer should be strictly airtight and have appropriate amount of moisture, the optimum fermentation temperature is 25: 40 ℃, and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen is 30: 40. Biogas residue can be used as agricultural fertilizer after harmless treatment: when planting green manure, we should pay attention to shredding the cultivated land and turning it into the soil when it is fresh and tender, and decompose it, or make fertilizer by composting; the content of heavy metals in mineral fertilizers should comply with the restrictions in Table 1, and the mutual influence and mutual restriction of various elements and the existing antagonistic relationship should be avoided when applying.

2. Application technology

In the process of planting organic vegetables, it is necessary to apply fertilizer scientifically according to different vegetable varieties, and the blind application of organic fertilizer can also lead to excessive nitrite content in vegetables. For example, in the areas where the occurrence of ground maggots is serious, the application of immature organic fertilizer can aggravate the damage of ground maggots; the nutrient content of chicken manure is high, uric acid is high, and the application rate should not exceed 3kg/m2, otherwise, it will cause seedling burning; the application rate of compost is generally 1530t; the amount of retting fertilizer is 2.3x104kg/hm2 Legume green manure crops contain organic 225kg, nitrogen 67.5~135kg/hm2 and nitrogen fixation 45~90kg/hm2 according to 3 375kg/hm2 of fresh plants, which is equivalent to 225~450kg/hm2 ammonium sulfate. Generally, the amount of fertilizer application can be determined according to the nutrient content and release ratio of fertilizer, the nutritional demand and output of vegetables.

Planting methods of organic vegetables

1. Organic vegetable seeds and seedlings should be used in variety selection, and conventional seeds without prohibited substances may be used in the absence of certified organic vegetable seeds and seedlings (such as in the initial stage of organic cultivation). Vegetable species and varieties that adapt to local soil and climate characteristics and are resistant to diseases and insect pests should be selected, and the protection of crop genetic diversity should be fully considered in variety selection. The use of any genetically modified seeds is prohibited.

2. Rotation and clean pastoral organic bases should use at least three crops, including legumes or green manure, for rotation; in areas where only one crop of vegetables can be grown per year, rotation of two crops, including legumes, is allowed. After the previous vegetable harvest, clean the base thoroughly and transport all the diseased bodies out of the base for destruction or deep burial, so as to reduce the disease base.

3. Through cultivating strong seedlings, changing roots by grafting, ridging cultivation, plastic film mulching, reasonable close planting, plant adjustment and other techniques, matching cultivation techniques make full use of light, heat, gas and other conditions to create an environment conducive to the growth of vegetables. in order to achieve the goal of high yield and high efficiency.

Fertilizer use

1. Allowed types of organic fertilizers, including animal manure and residues, plant retting to make fertilizer, green manure, plant ash, cake fertilizer, etc.; minerals, including potassium ore powder, phosphate rock powder, calcium chloride and other substances; in addition, it also includes organic special fertilizers and some microbial fertilizers certified by organic certification bodies.

2. Harmless treatment of fertilizer the organic fertilizer should be treated innocuously 2 months before application, and the fertilizer should be wet, piled up and covered with plastic film to make it fully fermented and mature. During the fermentation period, the temperature in the pile is more than 60 ℃, which can effectively kill the diseases, insect pests and weeds in farm manure, and the treated fertilizer is easy to be absorbed and utilized by vegetables.

3. The method of using fertilizer

(1) Fertilizer amount: when using fertilizer in the land where organic vegetables are planted, growing vegetables and improving soil fertility should be carried out simultaneously. The ratio of animal to plant fertilizer should be controlled at 1 ∶ 1. Generally, 3000-4000 kg of organic fertilizer is applied per mu and 100kg of special organic fertilizer is applied.

(2) applying sufficient base fertilizer: 80% of the total amount of fertilizer is used as base fertilizer, and the fertilizer is evenly mixed into the tillage layer combined with cultivated land to facilitate root absorption.

(3) skillfully applying topdressing: topdressing fertilizer can be used for vegetables with high planting density and shallow root system. When the vegetables grow to 3-4 leaves, the dried and fine fertilizer is spread evenly into the vegetable field and watered in time. For vegetables with large row spacing and concentrated roots, topdressing can be applied by opening ditches, do not break the roots when opening ditches, and water them in time after being covered with soil. For vegetables with large row spacing, the method of hole topdressing can be adopted.