
Multi-measures to improve the quality and efficiency of modern animal husbandry

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture has resolutely implemented the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in promoting agricultural transformation and restructuring, adopted effective measures to speed up the transformation of the development mode of animal husbandry, improved quality, efficiency and competitiveness, and made remarkable progress in the construction of modern animal husbandry. Transfer mode

Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture has resolutely implemented the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in promoting the transformation of agricultural mode and structure, and has taken effective measures to accelerate the transformation of animal husbandry development mode, improve quality, efficiency and competitiveness, and made remarkable progress in the construction of modern animal husbandry.

Change mode, adjust structure, animal husbandry development level rises rapidly. We will continue to promote standardized scale breeding of livestock and poultry and accelerate the transformation of production methods. In-depth development of livestock and poultry breeding standardization demonstration, 410 new national-level demonstration farms, more than 4000 national-level livestock and poultry standardization demonstration farms, scale breeding level maintained rapid growth. Actively promote the "grain to feed" pilot, in Hebei and other 10 provinces and regions selected 30 counties to carry out corn silage and high-quality pasture pilot. Formulate and issue Opinions on Promoting the Development of Herbivorous Animal Husbandry, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of herbivorous animal husbandry, and further optimize the production structure of livestock and poultry.

Strengthen quality, grasp safety, and strive to enhance market consumer confidence. Adhere to the combination of production and management and source control, strictly implement the quality and safety monitoring plan for feed and fresh milk, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts such as prohibited addition of feed and fresh milk. We have earnestly supervised the quality and safety of feed and fresh milk to ensure the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the people. Organize and hold China Dairy D20 Summit, promote the establishment of China Dairy D20 Enterprise Alliance, implement market subject responsibility, strengthen enterprise responsibility consciousness, and improve dairy quality and safety level from the source.

Excellent regulation, stable production, improve animal husbandry production benefits. Conform to the needs of modern animal husbandry development, optimize macro-control means, and give more play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation. Since the end of March this year, pig prices have risen for 24 weeks, up 50.1%. In the face of upward price pressure, strategic determination was maintained, information dispatching guidance was strengthened, and market micro-regulation was implemented in cooperation with relevant departments, successfully avoiding the ups and downs of pig production.

Strengthen policies, improve mechanisms, and accelerate the green development of animal husbandry. Deepen the implementation of the subsidy and reward policy for grassland ecological protection, promote the implementation of major projects such as returning grazing land to grassland and returning farmland to forests and grasslands in a new round, and accelerate the restoration of grassland ecology. Carry out grass animal husbandry experiment pilot, and create a batch of modern grass production and management subjects with good benefits, fine technology and strong demonstration driving ability. Formulate and issue the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Optimization and Adjustment of Pig Breeding Layout in Southern Water Network Areas, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of pig breeding and promote the green development of animal husbandry.

In the next step, the development of animal husbandry will be guided by the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, adhere to the development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing", accelerate the transformation of production methods, strengthen policy support and legal protection, and strive to achieve the goal of animal husbandry in the process of agricultural modernization.