
New planting technology of Polygonatum polygonatum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many people may not know what it is, and it is difficult to know what it is just from its name. In fact, it is a relatively common traditional Chinese medicine. It has many uses in life, and it has many medicinal effects on the human body. What is Huang Jing?

Many people may not know what it is, and it is difficult to know what it is just from its name. In fact, it is a relatively common traditional Chinese medicine. It has many uses in life, and it has many medicinal effects on the human body.

What is Huang Jing?

Rhizoma Polygonatum (scientific name: Polygonatum sibiricum), also known as: chicken head Polygonatum, yellow chicken cabbage, pencil dish, claw ginseng, tiger ginger, chicken claw ginseng. It is a plant of the genus Polygonatum, the rhizome is transverse, cylindrical and nodules are dilated. Verticillate, sessile. Medicinal plants have the effect of tonifying spleen, moisturizing lung and promoting fluid. Polygonatum polygonatum is a plant of Liliaceae, which is the dry rhizome of Polygonatum polygonatum or Polygonatum polygonatum. It has the functions of tonifying spleen and moistening lung, nourishing yin and benefiting qi, etc. It mainly treats weakness of spleen and stomach, fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, diabetes, hypertension and so on. Its fluid extract can be used to treat foot fetishism. Rhizoma Polygonatum is distributed in the provinces and regions of northern China as well as Anhui, Zhejiang and Gansu. Polygonatum polygonatum is mainly distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu and the southern part of Northeast China. Polygonatum yunnanensis is distributed in Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan and other places.

Huang Jing's land selection and land preparation

Polygonatum polygonatum chooses the moist and fertile forest land or mountain area, and the forest edge land is the most suitable, which requires the influence of meta-stagnant water and saline-alkali, and the sandy soil with fertile soil, loose soil and rich humus is the best. Thin soil, drought and sandy land are not suitable for planting. Soil preparation requires that the soil should be turned more than 30 cm deep, and the soil should be flattened and then made into wow. The width of the face is 120cm, and the height is 1O~15 cm. Apply sufficient base fertilizer in the sleep, high-quality mature farm manure 4000 kg / mu, evenly applied to the prosperous bed soil, and then turn 30 cm deep, so that the fertilizer soil is fully mixed, and then leveled and fine before sowing.

The reproduction mode of Polygonatum polygonatum

Select strong plants with primary diseases and insect pests in the remaining fields, dig the rhizomes in autumn or early spring, and properly preserve them in autumn. 5-7 cm long segments are directly cut off in early spring, each section is intercepted according to 2-3 sections, and then the wound is treated with plant ash, which is to be dried and harvested, and planted immediately. Spring planting is in the first ten days of April and autumn planting is from September to early October. The horizontal trench is opened according to the row spacing of 25 cm on the finished surface, and the depth of the ditch is 6-8 cm. The seed root buds are placed upward and arranged along the ridge and furrow, flat every 10-12 cm, covered with fine soil 5-6 cm thick, compacted and compacted. When it comes to the poor feeling of the soil, the plots are soaked once after planting. Cover the soil with manure or compost before the soil freezes in autumn.

Field Management of Huang Jing

Each time ploughing and weeding should be shallow hoe, so as not to hurt the roots. Topdressing is carried out in combination with ploughing every year, and 1000-1500 kg / mu of high-quality fertilizer for people and animals is applied each time. Apply high quality farm manure 1200-1500 kg / mu again before winter every year, mix 50 kg of superphosphate and 50 kg of cake fertilizer, mix evenly, apply in ditch, and then water. In case of dry climate, it should be watered in time, and in the rainy season, it is necessary to prevent stagnant water and drain waterlogging in time. Pick the buds in time before the buds form. The main diseases are leaf spot, and the main insect pests are ground tiger and wax.

Harvest and processing of Rhizoma Polygonatum

It is better to harvest in autumn, the rhizome propagates 2-3 years after planting, and the seeds propagated 3-4 years after planting. After digging up the roots, remove the stems and leaves, shake the soil, cut off the beard roots, rinse with clean water, steam in a steamer for 10 minutes and 20 minutes, steam to the heart, take out and knead until completely dry, and become a commodity. Generally, the yield is 400-500 kg per mu, and the high yield can reach 600 kg. To taste sweet but not bitter, yuan self-heart, yuan fibrous root, yuan mildew, no insect frog, no pesticides, residues do not exceed the standard as qualified. Large block, fat yellow, translucent cross-section is a good product.

The cultivation of Rhizoma Polygonatum in terms of the current market situation in China, its planting is not very common. China is a big country of traditional Chinese medicine culture, and the culture of traditional Chinese medicine has lasted for many years, so traditional Chinese medicine has been deeply rooted in our country, so the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine is still more common in our country.