
Profits from the cultivation of fungi

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, I think everyone has eaten mushrooms in my life. I remember that when I was a little editor, I often went to the mountain to pick mushrooms with a few friends. At that time, there were many wild mushrooms on the mountain, but with the development of society now, many mountains have been exploited.

I think everyone has eaten mushrooms in my life. I remember that when I was a little editor, I often went to the mountains to pick mushrooms with several friends. At that time, there were many wild mushrooms on the mountain, but with the development of society now, many mountains have been mined, and there are fewer and fewer wild mushrooms.

Profits from the cultivation of fungi

Planting 100square meters of edible fungus micro-factory, annual profit of more than 500000 yuan. Take the bisporus mushroom, which is the most popular in the planting market and with a higher nutritional price, as an example, a batch of single layer per square meter is calculated according to the most conservative production of 30 jin of mushroom, the single layer produces 3000 jin of mushroom per square meter, and the five batches of mushroom production per year is 15000 jin. Generally, five layers can be cultivated in three dimensions, that is, 15000 jin X5 layer = 75000 jin, and the annual output value is 75000 jin X8 yuan / jin = 600000 yuan. Minus the purchasing cost of raw materials is straw + bacteria + nutrient solution + labor cost = 1 yuan / jin, 75000 jin X1 yuan / jin = 75000 yuan, net profit = output value 600000 yuan-75000 yuan = 525000 yuan.

The net profit of ordinary mushroom cultivation is at least 20%, while eubacteriosis is planted because of the use of rice straw, wheat straw, corn straw, soybean straw, peanut straw, cotton straw, branches and miscellaneous wood, as well as worthless raw materials such as cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and other livestock and poultry manure, and there is no input of fertilizers, pesticides and hormones, and there are concessions from national policies, and the price of green and healthy food is relatively high. The profit is as high as 75%!

Nutritional advantages of fungus vegetables

1. High protein content. The protein content of fresh or waterborne edible fungi is 1%-3.5%, which is slightly higher than that of ordinary vegetables. For example, the protein content of Auricularia auricula is 1.5%, and that of fresh Lentinus edodes is 2.2%. The dried edible fungus has a great increase in the proportion of protein due to the decrease of moisture, and its protein content is mostly 10% to 30%. The quality of protein in edible fungi is also high, which contains 9 kinds of essential amino acids, and its proportion is close to that of essential amino acids in human body, so it has better utilization and high nutritional value.

Rich in micronutrients, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin K, vitamin D, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and selenium. The most unique of these is vitamin D, which is rarely found in other vegetables. Its main function is to promote calcium absorption and regulate calcium metabolism, which is very important for bone health. In recent years, studies have also found that vitamin D is related to the prevention and treatment of common chronic diseases such as arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

3. Edible fungi contain a kind of components with special health value-fungus polysaccharides. Fungus polysaccharides exist in the cell wall of edible fungi and have been proved to have the effects of improving immunity, regulating blood lipids, anticancer and so on. Some of these fungus polysaccharides, such as lentinan and Auricularia auricula polysaccharides, have been developed as drugs and applied in clinic.

Remedies for the problems encountered in the growth of mushrooms

1. The hyphae can not grow on the soil layer. It is mainly due to the overcooked or partial fermentation of the culture material or the improper pH value of the culture material and soil cover, or due to spraying too much water into the material layer, resulting in mycelium shrinkage or death. In cultivation, measures should be taken to strengthen ventilation, adjust ph value and excessive moisture emitted by cuttings in materials to remedy.

2. Dead mushroom at high temperature. The mushroom buds turn yellow or die due to too high temperature and humidity. In management, measures such as strengthening ventilation, stopping water spraying and lowering room temperature are used to reduce dead mushrooms.

3. Mushroom. Mainly because the culture material is too thin or too dry, or the soil cover is too thin, the mycelium is exposed to fine soil and poor management, resulting in weak mycelium life, dense mushroom production, small mushroom body and poor quality. Therefore, measures such as topdressing and replenishing soil and maintaining normal temperature should be taken to prevent dense mushrooms.

4. Open the umbrella hard. Due to the decrease of temperature or the excessive temperature difference between day and night, the air is dry, or the culture material is too wet, the mycelium life is weak, so the immature fruiting body is easy to produce hard umbrella opening, and heat preservation and increasing air humidity are often used to prevent the occurrence of hard umbrella opening.

5. Deformed mushroom. Some deformed mushrooms often appear because of overthick soil, too large soil particles, too late fine soil cover, too high humidity, poor ventilation and so on. The main preventive measures are that the size of soil particles should be appropriate, the soil cover should be timely, and the soil layer should not be too thick, followed by strengthening the management of moisture and ventilation.

6. When the air temperature is high, the water supply is insufficient and the temperature is low, the mushroom grows slowly and stays in the mushroom bed for too long, the hollow phenomenon will occur. It is mainly prevented by strengthening temperature and water management.

Design of mushroom bed

Mushroom house mushrooms can be cultivated by using old houses, basements, air-raid shelters and dry base cultivation rooms, plastic film houses and sugarcane fields and mushroom sheds.

1. The direction of the mushroom house should be facing south, which is beneficial to ventilation and indoor heat preservation in winter.

2. The mushroom house should have a solid structure, no air leakage on the four walls of the roof, good heat preservation and moisturizing performance, and lime water can be painted on the surrounding walls and tops to eliminate pests and control miscellaneous bacteria.

3. The mushroom room should be tightly closed; after the doors and windows are closed, it becomes a dark room, and there is no rat hole, so it is not easy for pests to enter.

4, air circulation, open doors and windows for ventilation, can change into fresh air in a short period of time, exhaust harmful gases, and do not make a sharp change in indoor temperature. It is best to set up fixed ventilation windows; windows are set on the wall and floor windows are set at the foot of the wall. the lower the floor window is, the better the ventilation is. Because carbon dioxide is heavier than air, it is often deposited in the lower layer, and it is not easy to discharge when the ground window is high. It is required that the concentration of carbon dioxide accumulation in the mushroom room should not exceed 0.5%.

5, close to the clean water source, the surrounding area is open, there are sufficient places for stacking culture materials, the terrain is high, it is conducive to drainage, and requires that there are no factories that produce toxic gas around.

As wild mushrooms are slowly on the verge of extinction, but people's demand for mushrooms is still increasing, so many people have begun to plant mushrooms. The most important thing in mushroom cultivation is the design of mushroom beds. As long as you master certain skills, you can greatly increase the production of mushrooms.