
When to plant peonies?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Confucianism points out that everything has to be done at the right time, in the right place, and in harmony with people. Philosophy tells us to conform to the laws of development. Planting peony flowers also needs to be given appropriate sunlight, air, heat and moisture according to the growth habits of peony flowers, especially when selected.

Confucianism points out that everything has to be done at the right time, in the right place and in harmony with people. Philosophy tells us to conform to the laws of development. Planting peony flowers also requires proper sunlight, air, heat and moisture according to the growth habits of peony flowers, especially when choosing the right time.

When to plant peonies?

Peony is planted in mid-autumn, and the specific planting period is from mid-September to late October.

Peony sprouts early in spring, germinates in February, unfolds leaves in March, buds and blossoms between Qingming and grain rain. 5-9 Month for peony flower bud differentiation period. After the middle of September, although the growth tends to stop and gradually enters the dormant period, the root does not completely stop growing. At this time, planting peony is easy to produce new roots, so it can promote the next year's growth and flowering tend to be normal. In the Yellow River basin, the planting time of peony should be selected between the autumnal equinox and the cold dew.

Growth Characteristics of Peony

Peony flower is a kind of environment that likes warm, dry and abundant sunshine very much, but peony as a national flower is also very strong in cold tolerance and drought tolerance, but what is mentioned in the small series is only drought tolerance, strong direct sunlight peony flower is very bad, there is also a point that peony flower in the growth process of soil can not accumulate too much water, for it a loose, deep and fertile soil is the best environment for its growth. Relatively speaking, the high temperature and highly humid weather in the south are not very good for the growth of peony flowers, and it is necessary to enjoy beautiful peony flowers under certain conditions.

Peony flower planting techniques

Peony characteristics are "four should be afraid of", that is, should be cold afraid of cold, should be warm afraid of heat, should be afraid of shade, should be dry afraid of wet. Therefore, planting peony should choose spacious and ventilated, sunny in the morning, fertile and loose soil, not planted in ponding land, damp land or rubble land. When building a platform for planting, the size of the platform should be determined according to the number and size of the plants, and the height should be determined according to the original terrain and groundwater level.

The general height is 50-100 cm, with stones or bricks built into the platform, and paved with broken tiles or broken bricks. If the soil is sticky, replace it with culture soil. The culture soil was mixed with 6 parts of land, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of chaff ash. Peony planting is different from other flowers. Peony planting does not need irrigation, let alone manure irrigation. People can block the soil in winter to prevent cold, and open the blocked soil after warm spring to facilitate growth.

Peony pest control

1. Peony pest control

Underground pests are mole cricket, white grubs and ground tiger damage root bark and shoots. Poison baits and night lights are used to control mole crickets. To control white grubs and cutworms, fermented organic fertilizer can be added to phoxim and turned into 20 cm underground, with good effect.

Ground pests are scale insects, longicorn and other main damage stems, causing death of the whole plant. To control scale insects, 1000~1500 times of dichlorvos can be sprayed at the hatching stage of larvae, such as spraying fluoroacetamide, the effect is better, and the sulfur mixture of Baume 3 degree can also be used to brush branches during dormancy or before germination in early spring. The control of longicorn can be carried out by using sulfur powder or stemona root cold hole, or by using cotton dipped in 50% dichlorvos 20 times liquid cold hole. It is also a good way to fumigate seedlings with aluminum phosphide.

2. Disease control of peony flowers

① leaf spot disease. Leaf spot disease is also called "black spot disease." The disease is transmitted by fungi belonging to the genus Polychaeta, which mainly infects leaves, stems and flowers. The disease usually occurs 15 days after flowering, and becomes more and more serious with the increase of humidity in the middle of July. The early stage of the disease showed brown spots on the back of the leaves, the edge color was slightly dark, forming irregular concentric ring withered spots. In July, the spots increased and fused with each other, and the leaves withered and withered. The injured petiole produces a black-green vellus layer, and the stem produces raised spots. Pedicel produces small pink spots on corolla. The control method of leaf spot disease should be combined with cleaning garden field and drug control. Before and after "beginning of winter," dry leaves in peony field should be cleaned up to reduce pathogenic bacteria source. May spraying 1:1:160 times Bordeaux mixture, 10~15 days a time, until the end of July. At the beginning of the disease, spray 500~800 times of zinc, once every 7~10 days.

2. Purple stripe disease. Purple streak is a fungal disease caused by soil and root transmission. The victim has purple or white cotton flocculent hyphae, commonly known as "black knot head." Light ones do not produce new roots, branches wither thin, leaves yellow, heavy ones the whole root neck and root rot, plant death. It occurs mostly in hot and rainy seasons. The most effective method to control the disease is to plant in high dry land with good drainage, cultivate in time to reduce humidity in rainy season, rotate and select resistant varieties to reduce damage, smear roots with 500 times quintozene solution before planting, and soak roots with 5% diammonium solution 1000 times.

Common also have sclerotia, anthracnose, rust and so on. Peony old planting areas, there are also nematodes harm, should choose medicine to control.

Autumn is a good time for peony root development, so planting peony flowers should be selected in mid-autumn. Although peony gives the feeling of atmosphere, in fact peony plants are very delicate, afraid of cold, afraid of heat, afraid of shade, afraid of wet. Therefore, if you want to cultivate a precious peony, you need to give it more exquisite care.