
Cultivation techniques of Loquat seedlings

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Loquat tree is a common tree in the south, which is often used in landscaping. Loquat tree will bear delicious Loquat-Shaped Cake every March or April. Next, let's learn with the editor how to plant loquat saplings. Is this kind of tree easy to raise? How to protect it?

Loquat tree is a common tree in the south, which is often used in landscaping. Loquat tree will bear delicious Loquat-Shaped Cake every March or April. Next, let's learn with the editor how to plant loquat saplings. Is this kind of tree easy to raise? How do you usually care?

Cultivation techniques of Loquat seedlings

Loquat is the earliest ripe fruit variety in a year. High-quality Loquat-Shaped Cake has large size, few kernels, orange, red and bright skin, soft and juicy pulp, moderate sweetness and sour, unique flavor and rich nutrition, which has the effects of clearing heat, moistening lungs, relieving cough, invigorating stomach and so on. High-quality loquat quietly entered the high-end fruit market, not only high price, but also a large market. Planting loquat has a broad market prospect. In order to obtain high quality and high yield in planting loquat, we should pay attention to the following points:

1. Reasonable close planting: choose red, yellow and loam soil with deep soil layer, good drainage and high humus content. The row spacing should be 4-5 meters and 30-40 plants per mu.

2. Dig the planting hole deeply: it is about 1 meter wide and 0.8 meters deep, or the bottom layer is removed after blasting.

3. Heavy application of base fertilizer: 0.5-0.75 kg of lime and 1-1.5 kg of calcium, magnesium and phosphate fertilizer are filled in each hole. Compound fertilizer 1 kg, mature manure 20-30 kg, according to the coarse fine divided into three layers, it is best to cultivate the ground 35-40 cm mound.

4. Scientific topdressing: the tending period of loquat seedlings is within 3 years after planting, and the crown is mainly enlarged by vegetative growth. Fertilization to achieve "light fertilizer application frequently, promote before and control after". Shoot promotion fertilizer and strong shoot fertilizer were applied before and after spring shoot, summer shoot and autumn shoot each year. Each time, 5-10 kg of water and fertilizer was applied to each plant, and 50-100 g of urea was added. Fertilization for adult fruit trees: generally divided into 3-4 times, from January to February, from flowering to young fruit stage, mainly available potassium and phosphorus; from May to June, fruit-picking fertilizer was heavily applied, 30-40 kg water fertilizer was applied to each plant, and 1-2 kg pond cake (withered) fertilizer and 1 kg calcium superphosphate were added to restore tree momentum and promote summer shoot emergence. Timely apply pre-flowering fertilizer and fruit fertilizer.

5. Shaping and pruning: after planting, loquat is topped and fixed on the trunk about 50 cm above the ground. when sprouting in spring, one strong bud growing upward and 4-5 lateral buds in different directions are selected and cultivated into the central trunk and several main branches. by means of pulling, brace and hanging, the main branch is opened at an angle to make it grow diagonally (or horizontally) to form the first layer branch. According to this method, the second and third layers of branches are cultivated, the central trunk of more than three layers of branches is happy, and the height of the crown is controlled at about 3 meters. Results the loquat orchard can be pruned in summer or before sprouting in spring from May to June after fruit harvest. Mainly delete dense branches, withered branches, disease and insect branches and overgrown branches to facilitate ventilation and light, so that nutrients are concentrated.

How to maintain and manage loquat seedlings?

The main results are as follows: 1. The input of fertilizer and water is less in the young tree stage, if the fertilization and watering is less, and the growth is laissez-faire, the young trees are lack of nutrition and it is difficult to meet the material needs at the flowering stage. For this kind of "hungry" young trees, fertilizer and water should be increased and nutritional status should be improved in order to bear fruit in a timely manner.

2. Improper pruning for young trees, if one year is short and overweight is short, it is bound to cause vigorous growth, unstable tree potential, and difficult to blossom and bear fruit. The pruning of young trees should take shaping as the long-term goal, increase branches, expand crowns and stabilize the tree potential.

3. The branch of the fruit tree without opening angle has the habit of growing upward naturally. If it is a young tree that does not open at the branch angle, it is bound to be prosperous but not slow, the growth center moves outward, the inner hall is closed, the ventilation and light transmission conditions deteriorate, and it is difficult to bloom and bear fruit. The solution is to open the branch angle by means of bracing, pulling, distinguishing and hanging in the growing season, which is the structural basis of the early results.

4. the influence of diseases and insect pests and crops on the orchard management is extensive, and most of the diseases and insect pests are serious. The branches, new shoots and leaves were damaged to varying degrees, inhibited the normal growth, and delayed the fruiting period of the right age. Some orchards unscientifically plant some intercrops, compete with fruit trees for fertilizer, water and light, and even become hosts of fruit tree pests, which is disadvantageous to fruit tree growth and fruit solarization.

When is the suitable time for transplanting loquat seedlings

1. The best time for transplanting loquat trees.

If the loquat tree wants to increase the success rate of transplanting, it is necessary to pay close attention to its transplanting time. We all know that trees are best planted in spring and autumn. Loquat trees should also be transplanted in these two seasons, the best of which is from the end of March to the beginning of April. During this period of time, for a newly transplanted tree, it will take a while to adapt to the land under its roots, and it will take a while for it to absorb water from the land well, and the temperature should not be too high during this period of time. Otherwise, it will be easy to dehydrate the trees. And during this period of time, there is no more or less water in the land, which is very suitable for the survival of trees.

2. Choose the area to transplant

Loquat tree is best planted in the dry land where the apprentice is soft, fertile and rich in organic matter, and the irrigation conditions in this area are adequate. But can not choose in the areas prone to stagnant water, because loquat trees like dry land, too much water will drown loquat trees.

3. Matters needing attention when transplanting

When transplanting loquat trees, we should try not to hurt the root system of loquat trees, because the root system is the key part of tree survival. If the roots are damaged in a large area during transplanting, the transplanted loquat trees will not be able to absorb water and nutrients from the soil and will die easily. In addition, in the process of transplanting loquat trees, we should also pay attention to the moisturizing work of loquat trees, it is best to leave part of the soil on the roots at the time of seedling, so as to maintain moisture, and it is best to add some rooting agents when planting loquat trees. this will be more conducive to the survival of loquat trees.

How to sow loquat seedlings in soil preparation

The nursery land should be selected in the sunny, well-drained sandy loam. The nursery should be deeply dug before sowing and disinfected with 3% quicklime. Nursery bed width 1.2 meters, bed height 20 cm, bed surface to be meticulous and smooth, remove stones, weeds, side ditches, trails to be straight, ditch bottom to be flat, not stagnant water.

Sowing in early March, sowing can be on demand or strip sowing. The row spacing of plants on demand is 10 cm to 25 cm, the row spacing of strip sowing is 30 cm, and the depth of sowing ditch is 8 to 10 cm. First put rotten cake fertilizer at the bottom of the ditch, and then cover the base fertilizer with a layer of loess 5 cm thick before sowing. After sowing, cover the seeds with a layer of loess 2 cm thick, which helps to reduce weeds among seedlings, promote the growth of seedling roots, and finally cover with a layer of straw to moisturize. It's usually over 80%. Germinated and unearthed about 40 days after sowing, straw should be uncovered in time when 30% of the seedlings were unearthed.

Through the above content, I believe we all understand the planting technology of loquat saplings. in fact, loquat tree is a kind of tree with relatively good conservation, its vitality is relatively tenacious, and it does not need to be very high on the soil. and Loquat-Shaped Cake of loquat tree knot is delicious and delicious by people.