
Red raspberry planting technology

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, If you are not afraid of thorns, you can also pick raspberries, like small coral beads saved into small balls, sour and sweet, color and taste are far better than mulberry. Mr. Lu Xun's "From Hundred Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore" must still remember. This plant is called raspberry, which is red raspberry.

"if you are not afraid of thorns, you can also pick raspberries, like small coral beads, which are sour and sweet, and the color and taste are much better than mulberry." Mr. Lu Xun's "from Baicao Garden to Sanwei Book House" must still remember. This plant called raspberry is red raspberry. So how can we cultivate red raspberries like small coral beads?

Planting techniques of red raspberry

1. Garden establishment: East China raspberries can be planted in spring or autumn, generally in mid-late November or mid-late March. Choose plots with shelter from the wind and sun, loose soil, high content of organic matter, moist soil and not suitable for stagnant water to build a garden. 2000 kg / mu of farm manure should be applied before the garden is built. The planting method is strip method, row spacing is 2 meters, plant spacing is 0.4-0.8 meters, planting hole size is 30 × 30 × 30 cm, pay attention to protect basal buds from damage when planting seedlings.

2. Fertilizer and water: apply sufficient base fertilizer and farm manure 3kg per plant before transplanting. During the growth period, combined with loosening soil and weeding, topdressing was applied 2 to 3 times a year, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, with appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Apply seedling fertilizer in March, flower fertilizer in April and overwintering fertilizer in November. 15002000 kg of human feces and urine per mu. Pay attention to watering during drought in summer and autumn

3. Scaffolding: raspberry branches are soft, often drooping to the ground, or easy to lodge in case of wind, affecting yield and quality. From April to May, when the lateral branch occurs, the terminal bud is removed to promote the growth of the lateral branch, at the same time, the heart of the lateral branch is removed to promote the secondary lateral branch, and the branch is leafy, which can increase the fruiting mother branch of the following year and increase the yield. Stand pillars next to each plant during the fruiting period to prevent lodging.

4. Pruning: the dry part of the top of the two-year branch should be cut off in time in spring to make the remaining branches give off strong fruiting branches. Thinning the base is too dense and there are diseases and insect pests, leaving 7-8 biennial branches per plant, keeping a reasonable density, conducive to ventilation and light, and ensuring high and stable yield. After fruit picking, the biennial branches were cut off, and the tillers and overdense basal branches were removed to control the total number of branches in the garden.

5. Harvest: the harvest time of raspberry is from mid-May to early June, when the fruit is fully developed and green, and has not yet turned red. Harvest is carried out in batches, and after harvest, stems, leaves, receptacles and other impurities are removed. Then blanch it in boiling water for 2 minutes and then remove it, then spread it out or dry it. The finished product with intact grain, solid yellow-green color, sour taste and no pedicel leaf chips is preferred.

Pest control and weeding of red raspberry

In spring, the young buds at the apex of the plant and at the top of the inflorescence are slightly damaged by the leaf roll moth, and when the damage is slightly serious, spraying 2000 times of 5% Fuling EC or pyrethroid pesticides can have a control effect.

Herbicide, alachlor, broad-spectrum herbicide, suitable for spraying soil before weed sprouting, diluting 100-150 times with 43% EC 500 grams and water per mu. Glyphosate, suitable for deep-rooted perennial Gramineae weeds, 1500-2500 grams per mu of liquid, 40-50 kilograms of water, spraying grass leaves. Ximazin, suitable for annual Gramineae weeds and broad-leaved weeds, 50% wettable powder 15-20 grams plus 50 kg water spray per mu, valid for 2-3 months. The amount of sandy land is 4.5-7.5 grams. At present, there are strict requirements for the export of frozen fruit, and pesticides should be used less or less. According to the local actual situation, diseases and insect pests should be dealt with flexibly and timely with pesticides that are efficient, pollution-free and in line with green food standards.

Can plant some rue around the orchard, the smell of rue can effectively dispel fruit flies, beetles and other pests. Rue is also known as Qili incense, vanilla, rue grass, Zhuge grass, citronella tendon grass, small citronella grass, fine-leaf thatch grass, wild herb, lime grass, smelly grass and so on.

Varieties of raspberries

1. Tray, 1 ~ 2 m high, warped on branches, simple leaves, 3-5 palmately divided, leaf surface nearly glabrous, abaxially short hairs and small spines. Castor ears are dense and drooping. The fruit is dark red and there is light. There are potential distribution in Northeast, Northwest and North China.

2. Thatched berry, also known as strawberry. Compound leaves, leaflets transcript grazing, leaf apex obtuse, oval. Pedicel 5-10 cm long, fruit globose, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, red, glabrous or sparsely pilose, sweet and sour, succulent, edible, fruiting July-August. Distributed in Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shandong, Shaanxi and other provinces.

3. Red raspberry, also known as raspberry, compound leaf, leaflet 3, white back, berry nearly spherical, diameter 1: 1.4 cm, red, fuchsia or orange, densely tomentose, edible, fruiting from August to September. The varieties cultivated in Northeast China all belong to this category.

4. Black raspberry, compound leaves, 5 or 3 leaflets, ovate, double serrated, branches purplish red, covered with white wax. The fruit is black. The BlackBerry cultivated in Northeast China belongs to this category.

5. Raspberries, also known as maple berries. The stem is scattered straight thorn, the branch tip is soft, the plant cluster expands, the leaf is simple, 3-5-parted, the margin is sharply serrated. The fruit is red. Wild in Guangxi, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui and other provinces.

The growing environment of raspberry

The root distribution of raspberry is shallow and it is not tolerant to drought, especially the lack of water at flowering and fruit ripening stage, which directly affects the yield and quality of raspberry. But it is not resistant to waterlogging, from waterlogging to rotting roots. So choose the soil with loose, fertile and high content of organic matter to build a garden where the soil is moist and does not accumulate water.

Raspberry has strong adaptability, but the cultivated varieties are native to Europe and adapt to the cold and warm climate. The northeast region should bury the soil to prevent the cold winter.

Raspberries like light and need plenty of light in order to grow well and produce high yields.

Raspberry is resistant to barren soil and sensitive to high temperature. shade measures should be taken in case of high temperature, and soil should be buried in cold areas in winter.

Red raspberries are only a member of a large family of raspberries. In addition to red raspberries, there are also thatberry, black raspberry, maple raspberry and so on. Each kind of raspberry can be divided into many small categories according to its origin and fruit size. Still, most raspberries have similar environmental requirements. So planting red raspberries can also refer to other related planting techniques of raspberries.