
Planting and Management techniques of Dragon Fruit

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I believe you are very familiar with the dragon fruit, because we live in large and small fruit stores to buy, is a more common kind of fruit. Although everyone is very familiar with the taste and shape of dragon fruit, most of them have never seen the planting of dragon fruit.

I believe you are very familiar with the dragon fruit, because we live in large and small fruit stores to buy, is a more common kind of fruit. Although everyone is very familiar with the taste and shape of dragon fruit, most of them have never seen the plant of dragon fruit. Let's go with the editor to learn about the planting of dragon fruit.

Planting and Management techniques of Dragon Fruit

Pitaya is a shallow root plant, the cultivation process does not need to change pots, can be used 25-35 cm in diameter of mud pots, wooden boxes and other better permeable containers. It is best not to use plastic pots, porcelain pots and other containers with poor air permeability. The pots must be disinfected before planting, and the new mud pots can not be disinfected. However, it must be soaked in clean water for several hours to discharge the dirty gas from the stomata on the basin wall, otherwise it will affect the normal growth of the root system.

The requirements of dragon fruit on the culture soil are not strict, but the soil must be loose and breathable, good drainage, neutral or slightly acidic soil, do not like alkaline soil. Family potted plants can be prepared with self-cultivated soil. 6 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of manure soil and 2 parts of coarse river sand were mixed evenly. Store for more than half a month.

Potted dragon fruit had better choose cuttage seedlings, as long as the seedlings have roots and send out new branches, they can be transferred to the pot. First of all, put two pieces of mud tiles staggered on top of the hole at the bottom of the basin, and then put a layer of pebbles or large grains of coarse sand 3-5 cm thick at the bottom of the basin as a drainage layer. Then put into the prepared cultivation soil basin, in the center of the basin soil, pile up two steamed bread-shaped mounds side by side, put the two seedlings on the soil pile, the plant distance is not more than 5 cm, and make the seedling roots scattered around the soil pile. Then insert a stick between the two seedlings and tie the seedling and the stick together. At this time, it is necessary to adjust the direction of the seedling, with the sunny side facing south (the triangular stem of dragon fruit is divided into yin and yang, the two widest, largest angle and lighter side of the three nuclei are the shady side, and the opposite angled side is the sunny side). Then cultivate the soil to 3 cm along the mouth of the flowerpot, gently press the soil around the plant with your hand, and pour water again. After slowing down the seedling for 1 week, move to the balcony for normal management, and pay attention to the sunny side to the south when placed.

The dragon fruit is a drought-tolerant plant, which would rather be dry than wet than dry rather than watered. Pour nitrogen-based organic fertilizer once a week, not too thick. Although the dragon fruit is a sunny plant. But at noon when the sun is too strong in summer, it should also be properly shaded. It is also necessary to remove the new lateral buds on the stem branches at any time, leaving only the terminal buds and promoting the growth of height. When the plant is about 1 meter tall, cut off the stem tip about 3 cm long at the top, causing lateral branches to be sent out at the top. When the apical lateral branch grows to about 50 cm. Then insert 4 bamboo poles of more than 1 meter around the edge of the basin, tie the crossbeam at the top of the bamboo pole, and tie the side branches to the crossbeam to make it flat or droop naturally. When the lateral branch is more than 80 cm, the stem tip should be cut off about 3 cm to reduce nutrition consumption, promote flower bud differentiation, and blossom and bear fruit earlier. If well managed, it can blossom in 7-8 months.

Grafting method of dragon fruit

1. Splicing method: use a sharp knife to cross-cut the triangular prism of Bawanhua at an appropriate height, then cut the three peaks at 30-40 degrees, stab the sterilized fairy thorn into the middle vascular bundle of the rootstock, connect the cut scion to the other end of the thorn, connect the scion and rootstock with thorns, and keep the rootstock and scion as close as possible to avoid unfavorable healing of bacterial infection, and then add a thorn on each side. Then tie it tightly around the base with thin thread.

2. Wedge method: cut a crack longitudinally with a sterilized knife at the top of the rootstock, but not too deep, then cut the lower part of the scion into a duck's bill shape with a sterilized blade, insert it into the crack of the rootstock immediately after cutting, and fix it with plastic adhesive tape. then cover plastic bags to maintain air humidity, conducive to survival. After 20 days, the growth of grafting was observed, and if it could keep fresh and fresh green, it would survive. It can be out of the nursery in a month.

The growing environment of dragon fruit

The dragon fruit is a tropical and subtropical fruit, which likes light and shade, heat and drought, fertilizer and barren, and grows rapidly in a warm, humid and well-lit environment. Open field cultivation in spring and summer should be watered more to keep its roots in a state of exuberant growth. drainage should be carried out in time in rainy weather to avoid stem and flesh rot caused by bacteria. The stem can also grow on the rock, and the plant is extremely resistant to wind, as long as the bracket is strong enough to resist typhoon. It can withstand 0 ℃ low temperature and 40 ℃ high temperature, and the optimum temperature for growth is 25-35 ℃. It can adapt to many kinds of soil, but it is better to use neutral soil and weak acid soil which contain more humus and preserve water and fertilizer.

Solutions to common diseases and insect pests of dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is not usually sick, but the following two diseases may occur:

1, branch anthracnose, the disease is red and yellow dense spots, if not treated, it will gradually infect the whole branch is small spots, branches fester. Some targeted anthrax agents can be used.

2. Rot. The symptom of the disease is that there are yellow dots in the early stage of the branches, which gradually expand, and the fleshy parts of the branches become yellow and fester. The disease generally occurs in the season of high temperature and humidity or when the temperature changes greatly. If it is found early, you can dig up the disease dots with the tip of a knife. If you find it late, the branches dropsy and fester, and you can gently scrape off all the festering flesh with a knife, and be careful not to hurt the trunk of the branches.

Speaking of which, I believe you have already understood the technology of dragon fruit cultivation. In fact, the dragon fruit plant belongs to the cactus family succulent plant, if the management is good, you can plant a pot at home, the early ornamental value is very high, the later stage will blossom and bear fruit, is not particularly good! Action is better than action, choose a beautiful flowerpot to plant fire dragon fruit!