
What kind of fertilizer is applied to navel orange?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The most attractive thing about navel orange is its orange appearance. It looks like it has an appetite. A cup of oranges a day can also supplement many vitamins needed by the human body. It is a kind of drink that people often drink in their daily life. If you want to eat delicious oranges, you can't do without planting.

The most attractive thing about navel orange is its orange appearance. It looks like it has an appetite. A cup of oranges a day can also supplement many vitamins needed by the human body. It is a kind of drink that people often drink in their daily life. If you want to eat delicious oranges, you can't do without the usual management of growers.

What kind of fertilizer is applied to navel orange?

Navel oranges generally apply organic fertilizer, foot fertilizer, organic fertilizer to supplement nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter and so on. In addition to the above fertilizers, it is also necessary to supplement calcium, magnesium, zinc and boron and other important nutrients, calcium to promote roots and strong trees, magnesium to reduce yellow leaves and fallen leaves, zinc and boron to accumulate nutrition for flower bud differentiation, promote flowers and fruits, and prevent years. Micro-Baili granule, containing high concentration of calcium, magnesium, zinc and boron, buried with organic fertilizer, can effectively prevent navel orange from deficiency in yellow leaves, yellow trees and strong trees. At the same time, the leaf spray micro-tonifying force plus strong strength, comprehensively replenish a large number of, medium, trace elements and other available nutrients, protect leaves and restore tree potential.

Fertilization method of navel orange

1. Fertilization in annular ditch. According to the size of the crown, take the trunk as the center, open a ring-shaped ditch near the outer edge of the crown, the depth of the ditch depends on the depth of the root distribution, generally 20-30 cm deep and 30 cm wide. The advantage of circular fertilization is that it is fertilizer-saving, simple and easy to do, but it has a small area and is easy to hurt roots, so it is often used to fertilize young trees.

2. Radial fertilization. According to the size of the crown, 4-6 radial trenches are dug in the tree plate, with a width of about 30 cm, shallow near the trunk and deeper outward. In this method, the root injury is less, and the fertilization site is changed every other year or every other time to expand the fertilization area.

3. Strip ditch fertilization. Strip ditches were opened between rows or plants of navel orange trees, 30 cm deep and 30 cm wide, filled with soil after fertilization, and ditched alternately between plants and rows year by year, which was suitable for fertilization in adult navel orange orchards, especially in closed navel orange orchards.

4. Hole fertilization. Evenly dig 8 holes at the outer edge of the crown, 20 cm deep and 30 cm wide. Apply fertilizer into the hole and cover the soil after infiltration. The method of hole fertilization is simple, the root injury is less, but the fertilization area is small, so it is suitable for the application of liquid fertilizer.

5. fertilization in the whole garden: spread the fertilizer evenly over the whole garden, and then turn it into the soil. It is suitable for navel orange adult orchards with roots all over the orchard, but the fertilization depth is shallow and it is easy to lead to root growth, so it should be used alternately with other methods.

Extra-root topdressing of navel orange

1. Extra-root topdressing is also called foliar fertilization. The main nitrogen fertilizers used for foliar spraying are urea, ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, and urea is the best. Phosphate fertilizer is mainly ammonium phosphate containing the mixture of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and ammonium hydrogen phosphate, calcium superphosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate and so on, among which ammonium phosphate has the best effect.

2. Calcium superphosphate was used as foliar fertilization. after soaking in water for one day and night before use, it was prepared according to the required concentration. Potassium fertilizer, mainly potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium nitrate and dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, etc., potassium dihydrogen phosphate is the best.

3. In order to save man-hours, different fertilizers are usually mixed to meet the overall requirements of nutrients for the growth and development of navel oranges, and sometimes proper mixing of fertilizers can improve fertilizer efficiency.

When to apply fertilizer to increase navel orange yield

1. Young trees, once a year in early March, early April, late May to early June, late July and mid-November.

2. For fruiting trees, sprouting fertilizer was applied about 15 days before spring bud germination from February to March, accounting for 15% of the total fertilization in the whole year. Available nitrogen fertilizer was applied as stable fruit fertilizer during flowering, accounting for 15% of the whole year. Strong fruit fertilizer was applied in the first and middle of July, mainly nitrogen and potassium combined with phosphate fertilizer, accounting for about 35% of the whole year. Fruit harvesting fertilizer, weak trees and trees with less fruit were best applied before harvest, and trees with few fruits were concentrated on re-applying base fertilizer after harvest. The amount of fertilizer applied accounts for about 35% of the whole year, and the organic fertilizer for the whole year can be concentrated during this period. It can also be applied twice a year, base fertilizer is applied before spring shoot germination after fruit harvest, organic fertilizer and half of chemical fertilizer are concentrated in the whole year, and the remaining half of chemical fertilizer is applied after stable fruit in July.

There are still many fertilization methods for navel orange, and fruit trees in different periods need to apply different fertilizers, which will increase the yield of navel orange. Navel orange is very popular with consumers because of its rich taste and high nutritional value. I believe that as long as we make painstaking efforts and better planting management, we can grow high-yield navel oranges, and it will also bring good benefits.