
Pollution-free cultivation techniques of navel Orange

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Navel orange is now a project that many growers are willing to choose. It is not only fresh to eat, but also can extract juice, its skin can be soaked in water to drink, and its juice is also used as a seasoning for cooking. How to grow navel oranges with so many functions? Next, let's just

Navel orange is now a project that many growers are willing to choose. It is not only fresh to eat, but also can extract juice, its skin can be soaked in water to drink, and its juice is also used as a seasoning for cooking. How to grow navel oranges with so many functions? Let's take a look at it together.

Pollution-free cultivation of navel orange

1. Build a garden. Navel oranges are suitable for ≥ 10 °annual accumulated temperature of 4500 ℃ ~ 6500 ℃, average annual temperature of 15 ℃ ~ 19 ℃, minimum temperature of minus 6.5 ℃, maximum temperature of 38 ℃, annual rainfall of more than 1000 mm, and air relative humidity of 65% and 72%. It is better to build a mountain garden with a slope of less than 15 °, and horizontal terraces must be built with a large slope to the south, southeast or southwest, the soil layer is deep and fertile, the water source is sufficient, the transportation is convenient, and the paddy field is changed to orchard, which requires convenient drainage and irrigation. when building the garden, the plough bottom should be broken, the garden site should be far away from the town, there are no factories, mines, hospitals and garbage dumps around, and the contents of heavy metals and harmful substances in all kinds of soil should meet the requirements of pollution-free cultivation. In addition, it is necessary to plan the main roads, branch roads and farming roads according to the size of the orchard, build water conservancy sprinkler irrigation facilities, retain them in the orchard or build taller trees as shelterbelts.

2. when the garden was built, the whole garden was 20 cm deep, and a planting pit or trench was dug according to the row spacing of 2 × 3 m × 3 m. First, the crude organic fertilizer, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer and lime were filled into the bottom of the hole. 50 kg of pig and cow manure were used to mix the flat pit per cubic meter, and finally, 1 kg of rotten stable fertilizer was added to 0.5 kg of compound fertilizer, and the fine soil was mixed to cultivate a square colonization pile 20cm above the soil surface.

3. When planting, the root system of the seedling is arranged evenly and spread in layers, and then the filling soil is compacted and poured with enough fixed root water, and the planting depth should be 2cm or 3cm above the ground after the soil is settled.

Planting time of navel orange

The planting of navel orange seedlings can be divided into two seasons: spring and autumn. Spring planting is carried out from mid-February to early March before spring bud germination. if the seedlings have already sprouted and sprouted at this time, the new buds should be removed before transplanting; autumn planting should be carried out before the end of October after the autumn shoots are ripe, not too late, lest the temperature is too low and affect survival, especially in winter where the temperature is low and frozen. Container seedlings or pseudo-planted seedlings can be planted every year, but it is best in May-June after spring shoots and October after autumn shoots are mature.

Field management of navel orange

1. Watering and moisturizing. If there is a sunny day with strong continuous sunshine and dry air after planting, the seedlings can be covered with hay on the tree plate combined with irrigation and heat preservation, and watered 2 or 3 times a week. Even rainy days should pay attention to ditching and drainage to prevent waterlogging from causing rotten roots and dead seedlings.

2. The vertical pole is fixed. Immediately after the seedling is planted, stand a small bamboo pole next to the seedling and tie it with plastic rope to avoid being affected by the wind and shaking.

3. Apply thin fertilizer frequently. After the plant survived, it began to apply thin and mature organic water and fertilizer, and then every 10 to 15 days. Thinning first and then thickening, but soil fertilization should be stopped after autumn shoots are mature and in winter.

4. shallow ploughing and weeding. Before watering and fertilizing for the first time, the tree plate should be ploughed and weeded in order to keep the soil loose and permeable. It is best to cover hay and no-tillage tree plate.

5. Pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and pests. Young trees shoot many times a year, have tender tissue, and are vulnerable to leaf-eating pests such as wind butterflies, beetles, weevil, leaf moth and anthracnose. It is necessary to strengthen observation and inspection and timely prevention and control.

Water management

1. Spring and early summer drainage: in low-lying gardens, if stagnant water makes the roots in a state of anoxic respiration for a long time, many harmful substances are produced under the condition of soil anoxia, which is easy to cause root rot and foot rot. We should do a good job in clearing ditches and drainage in time to prevent stagnant water, and at the same time pay attention to diverting water into ponds and ponds to store water to fight drought.

2. Irrigation in midsummer, autumn and winter: in the dry and rainy season, orchard irrigation should be carried out on the basis of water conservation and drought resistance of agricultural technology, so as to promote strong fruit and prevent fruit cracking. Each irrigation must be watered thoroughly, the amount of water is too little to play its due role, but increases the cost of management. The amount of water per adult fruit tree is not less than 100 kg at a time, once every 10 to 15 days. It is forbidden to irrigate 15-20 days before harvest, except for special drought, so as to prevent the decrease of fruit quality and storage performance. Irrigation in midsummer and autumn can be combined with mature organic water and fertilizer.

The cultivation techniques of navel orange are also complicated and need to be treated attentively, and the later management is also very important, which is directly related to the yield of the fruit period. After reading the above article, do you have a better understanding of the cultivation of navel orange? I hope everyone can grow navel oranges with high yield and sweet taste.