
Planting technique of Hawthorn with big fruit

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Big fruit Hawthorn is a kind of Hawthorn with large fruit, which tastes sour and has the effect of appetizer and digestion. The use value of Hawthorn is also very rich, not only can be processed into desserts, Hawthorn slices, Hawthorn cake, but also can be dried into dried Hawthorn water to drink. So, such as

Big fruit Hawthorn is a kind of Hawthorn with large fruit, which tastes sour and has the effect of appetizer and digestion. The use value of Hawthorn is also very rich, not only can be processed into desserts, Hawthorn slices, Hawthorn cake, but also can be dried into dried Hawthorn water to drink. So how to grow Hawthorn with so many benefits?

Planting technique of Hawthorn with big fruit

1. Propagation and planting Hawthorn seedlings are widely used in grafting. Wild Hawthorn or cultivated varieties can be used as rootstocks. The kernel of the cultivated species is often degraded, and only 25% and 30% of the serious ones have kernels, so the sowing amount should be increased when raising seedlings. Because of the core-shell ossification outside the kernel, it is difficult to ventilate and absorb water, so the seed stratification is collected by conventional methods, and the germination rate is very low after sowing, sometimes it takes 2-3 years before emergence. Therefore, it is necessary to collect seed stratification in advance when the seed embryo is formed and the core and shell is not hardened. The normally harvested seeds were treated with gibberellin at the concentration of 100/1000000 (100Ppm) and then stored in sand, which could also greatly increase the germination rate of seeds in the next spring.

2. For Hawthorn trees that grow freely in shaping and pruning, there are often too many big branches in the whole tree, but dense branchlets in the crown, which affects the yield and quality. According to the growth characteristics of Hawthorn branches, the tree shape of open stratification, natural round head of multi-main branches or natural happy shape can be used for shaping. The hierarchical tree structure of evacuation is the same as that of apples, which can be referred to. However, Hawthorn tree has weak dryness and is prone to the phenomenon of partial dryness and partial crown. In plastic shaping, the cutting direction of cut buds or the extension branch of the central stem can be used to control and adjust. When the central stem is seriously inclined and difficult to cultivate, it can also comply with its growth to remove the central stem and change it into a natural happy tree. The whole tree retains 3 or 4 main branches with a base angle of 45 ~ 50 degrees, and then properly cultivate secondary main branches on each main branch to occupy space. When the natural round head shaping of multi-main branches is adopted, according to the natural growth of the branches, the main branches can be properly dispersed and arranged at an interval of about 30 cm, and extend outward, and a total of 6 or 7 main branches can be cultivated in the whole tree.

Fertilization skills

Pre-flowering fertilizer: weak trees are mainly nitrogen fertilizer, combined with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; strong trees are mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, no or less nitrogen fertilizer. Stable fruit fertilizer: when the leaf color is thick green or green, there is no need to apply stable fruit fertilizer, light yellow leaf color should be supplemented with fertilizer, mainly compound fertilizer, not partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, in order to prevent the shoot from falling fruit. Strong fruit fertilizer: applied in the middle and late May, it is still mainly compound fertilizer, the amount of fertilizer is determined according to the amount of fruit and the size of the crown, large amount of fruit, large crown should be applied more, otherwise less application, general plant application of compound fertilizer 1-2 kg, urea 0.5-1 kg, for a small number of prosperous trees do not apply nitrogen fertilizer, only phosphorus and potash fertilizer. Fruit-picking fertilizer was applied 7-15 days before fruit harvest. Skillfully spray foliar fertilizer and growth regulators. Spraying 0.2% borax + 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.3% urea at full bloom can improve the fruit setting rate. Spray 2meme 4murD 7-10 days before the first and second physiological fruit drop to reduce fruit drop. Spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.3% urea solution 1-2 times in mid and late June.

Analysis on the Prospect of Hawthorn planting

The main functions of Hawthorn are eliminating food and invigorating stomach, promoting qi and dispersing blood stasis and so on. Hawthorn contains a variety of organic acids. After oral administration, it can enhance the acidity of gastric juice, improve the activity of pepsin and promote the digestion of protein. Hawthorn can regulate gastrointestinal motility, inhibit gastrointestinal smooth muscle in spastic state, and excite smooth muscle in relaxed state. Hawthorn can reduce blood lipids and anti-atherosclerosis. It also has a certain effect on the cardiovascular system, in addition, Hawthorn can also enhance myocardial contractility and increase cardiac output.

Hawthorn has strong bacteriostatic effect on Shigella, Proteus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and so on.

To sum up, in addition to the daily knowledge that Hawthorn promotes digestion, it also has many medicinal effects. After testing the antioxidant activity of 30 kinds of common fruits in China, it is considered that the anti-aging effect of Hawthorn ranks first in the group of fruits. Therefore, 2017 planting Hawthorn has a very far-reaching significance.

Distribution range of Hawthorn with large fruit

Adapt to planting in the north and south of our country. Jingxi is the origin of big fruit Hawthorn, which is distributed in all villages and towns, and the masses have a long history and habit of planting and processing big fruit Hawthorn. According to the Records of Guishun State in the Qing Dynasty, Jingxi Daguo Hawthorn products are famous in domestic and Southeast Asian markets. According to the investigation, the Hawthorn tree which has been born for more than 80 years in the county has grown exuberantly and bears a lot of fruit. Because it was in the state of natural reproduction for a long time in the past, the cultivation area was small, the yield was low, and the commodity utilization rate was low. After the official name, Baise area was listed as one of the top ten commodity production bases of big fruit Hawthorn. Since then, the area has expanded year by year, and the output has increased. At present, Jingxi County has planted 35000 mu, with a total annual weight of 2000 tons, and the fruits are exported to Guangdong and southern provinces. Hawthorn products are one of the high-quality tourism commodities and sell well at home and abroad. It is planned that in a few years, the county's big fruit Hawthorn area will reach 100000 mu, with an annual output of more than 10,000 tons, making it a major pillar industry in Jingxi.

Big fruit Hawthorn is a famous special fruit in Jingxi County, its fruit is large, single fruit weighs 100-120g, the fruit is bright in color, fragrant, sour and sweet, rich in nutrition, including protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, B, C, pectin, pectic acid and so on. Fruit processing rate is high, if preserved, Hawthorn horn (cake), fruit juice, fruit wine, jam, medicine and so on. It has high medical value, which can enhance myocardial contractility, increase atrial and ventricular motion amplitude, increase coronary blood flow, prevent arrhythmia, reduce serum cholesterol and glycerol, reduce blood pressure, diuresis and sedation. It can accumulate. Dissipate stasis, resolve phlegm, detoxify, prevent heat and cool down, refresh the brain, tonify the spleen and stomach, and increase appetite. At present, the planting area is 35000 mu, with an annual output of 2000 tons, while the planned planting area is 100000 mu, with an annual output of more than 10000 tons. It is an important fruit tree in the mountainous area of Hebei, whose fruit is used for fresh eating, processing or sugar fenugreek. Hawthorn is generally used as rootstock for grafting propagation.

As mentioned above, most of the big fruit Hawthorn is planted in Jingxi County, which is also a famous fruit in Jingxi County. Big fruit Hawthorn vitality is particularly tenacious, will not easily die of disease, and high annual output, good sales, considerable profit prospects, is a rare good entrepreneurial project.