
Cultivation techniques of pomelo

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Grapefruit is one of the common fruits in autumn and winter. it is rich in nutrition and has the effect of beauty and beauty. It is a kind of fruit that many people like. Its taste is moderately sour and sweet, and most people can accept it. Cultivation techniques are the key to grow excellent and high-yielding sleeves.

Grapefruit is one of the common fruits in autumn and winter. it is rich in nutrition and has the effect of beauty and beauty. It is a kind of fruit that many people like. Its taste is moderately sour and sweet, and most people can accept it. If you want to grow excellent and high-yielding sleeves, cultivation techniques are a key step.

Cultivation techniques of pomelo

1. Planting density. The grapefruit grows vigorously, the crown is large, and the grafted tree enters the full fruit period in 6-7 years, so the planting density should not be too dense. There are 45 plants per mu in slopes above 20 degrees, 40 trees per mu in 10-20 degrees, and 35 trees per mu in gentle slopes below 10 degrees. Pomelo trees like warm, humid, need fertilizer and water, and require deep and fertile soil. Pomelo trees should pay special attention to planting in places with more fertile soil, more water or good water conditions.

2. Planting time. It is generally suitable for the rainy season in spring and autumn, from the end of February to late April in spring and from mid-September to mid-October in autumn. If possible, it can also be planted in other seasons, but it is not suitable to be planted under the conditions of bottom temperature in winter and summer drought in summer.

3. Planting density. Plant distance from 4x4 meters or 4x5 meters, generally about 40 mu, can also be dwarfed, densely planted, 50-60 plants per mu.

4. Planting method: dig a 1-meter square pit before planting, apply a large amount of engine fertilizer and appropriate amount of phosphate fertilizer as base fertilizer, and return to the soil 20-30 cm higher than the ground. When planting, the seedlings are gently placed in the hole, planted with loose broken soil, the fine mud around the root mass is compacted by hand, and the graft joint is exposed to the ground. After planting, arrange the nest plate 20 centimeters above the ground and fill it with root water.

Young tree shaping and pruning

After the seedlings are planted, they are cut and dried 30-40 cm above the grafting interface. After shoot extraction, 3-4 new shoots with strong growth, uniform distribution of four weeks and a certain interval between each other were selected as the main branches, and the rest were erased. When the top of each main branch continues to extend to about 40 cm, pick the heart and hit the top in time. 2-3 strong branches with appropriate position on each main branch are selected as secondary main branches. Proper spacing should be maintained between the main stem and the secondary main branch so that the meristematic lateral branches can receive sufficient light. Should often erase the trunk and the main branch on the intersection, overlap, disturb the tree-shaped branches, and improper branches and buds.

Irrigation and drainage

The pomelo tree is evergreen all the year round, the annual growth of branches is large, the fruit hanging period is long, the leaves are big and the fruit is big, and the requirement for water is high. The cultivation of pomelo must be irrigated to ensure its water requirements, irrigation should be based on the pomelo phenological period of water needs and drought conditions at that time. Generally speaking, its annual growth and development process needs an appropriate amount of water, especially in spring bud germination and flowering, fruit growth is the most sensitive, Hejiang has spring drought, irrigation must be carried out at this time.

Pay attention to drainage in places with low terrain and high groundwater level or in the rainy season. Check the pomelo garden drainage system at any time before the rainy season or rainstorm season, repair and dredge it in time, so that the drainage is unimpeded.

Disease control of pomelo

The main diseases of grapefruit are Huanglong disease, canker, scab and anthracnose. Canker does serious harm to grapefruit. Canker is caused by bacteria, which mainly invades new shoots, tender leaves and young fruits, forming canker spots with nearly round, corky, rough surface, yellowish brown and a diameter of 0.3-0.5 cm, causing falling leaves and fruit, affecting growth and yield, and reducing the appearance and internal quality of the fruit. The prevention and control methods are mainly prevention, comprehensive treatment, strict quarantine system, establishment of disease-free mother garden, ear harvest nursery and seedling base to prevent diseased seedlings from coming out of the nursery, and comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent and cure the diseased garden.

1. Clear the garden thoroughly. After harvest, cut off the diseased branches and leaves, clean up the diseased fruit and burn it on the spot. After clearing the garden, stone-sulfur mixture was sprayed comprehensively to eliminate the source of overwintering disease.

2. Timely control of infectious pests in each shoot period. Such as leaf miner and malignant leaf worm and so on.

3. Spray the medicine every 10, 30 and 50 days after the top of the new shoot is exposed and after the flower fades. The optional drugs are 1: 100 Bordeaux solution, 6-1000 units of agricultural streptomycin plus 1% ethanol solution per milliliter, 50% Dysen zinc aqueous solution, 50% antiseptic special powder, and so on.

In fact, the cultivation technology of grapefruit is relatively simple, the main thing is to cultivate attentively in order to grow grapefruit that has a good sense of export and is liked by people. Although the use value of grapefruit is very high, but it is a cool fruit, abdominal pain and diarrhea, it is best to avoid eating oh!