
Scientific planting technology of white cantaloupe

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, White cantaloupe is a kind of cantaloupe, its skin is white, the flesh is crisp, tender and sweet, many people like its taste. Eating white cantaloupe also has many advantages, which can make people's skin more tender, promote secretion and help digestion. It is a summer-relieving holy product. Plant this

White cantaloupe is a kind of cantaloupe, its skin is white, the flesh is crisp, tender and sweet, many people like its taste. Eating white cantaloupe also has many advantages, which can make people's skin more tender, promote secretion and help digestion. It is a summer-relieving holy product. Planting this kind of white cantaloupe is also very economically promising.

Scientific planting technology of white cantaloupe

1. Select land, prepare land and make beds. The previous crop is non-Cucurbitaceae, and the sandy soil with good drainage is the best. After autumn ploughing, 3000 kg of high quality organic fertilizer is applied every 667m2, deep ploughing, overwintering, storing rain and snow, weathering soil and eliminating diseases and insect pathogens. Spring rake: heavy rake after soil pulping, leveling the land. Cover the border with plastic film before the Qingming Festival, increase the temperature and preserve soil moisture, ridge and ridge by 150 cm, 60 cm, 20 cm high, cover with plastic film, and apply all the base fertilizer. Generally, 20 kg of potassium sulfate ternary compound fertilizer is applied every 667 square meters. Double-film cultivation and planting in the shed at this time.

2. Sowing seeds. The sowing time is 5 cm, the ground temperature is stable through 12 ℃, and the suitable sowing time is 20 days in this area from April 15 to 20. Sowing first under the film dark irrigation watering, reserved shallow ditch under the film, watering with a stick to support the film mouth, watering with this method watering every 667 square meters of water consumption of more than 10 square meters, more water-saving than flood irrigation. After the water seeps, punch and plant, 3-4 grains per hole, covered with wet soil 2 cm. The density of seedlings is equal to 2000,2500 seedlings per 667 square meters.

Planting conditions of White cantaloupe

1. The best breeding time. The suitable sowing time for cantaloupe cultivation is from August to October, no later than November 15 at the latest. Spring sowing can be from February to March, but it is better to ensure the harvest during Qingming Festival and Grain Rain Festival.

2. The best growing soil. The most suitable soil for the growth and development of muskmelon is deep soil, rich in organic matter, fertile and well-aerated loam or sandy loam, and the soil with solid phase, gas phase and liquid phase is suitable.

3. Growth humidity requirements. Cantaloupe is drought-resistant and not resistant to waterlogging, but because of its shallow roots, high requirements for soil moisture, large leaf transpiration and low requirements for air humidity, especially for thick-skinned cantaloupe, the air relative humidity is best controlled below 50%.

4. The optimum growth temperature. The optimum temperature for growth and development is 18ml / 25 ℃. The suitable temperature for flowering and fruiting is 22 ℃ 25 min. Its adaptability is wider than that of cucumber, and its resistance to low temperature is also very strong.

5. The best growth light. Require sufficient light, sunshine time should be more than 10: 12 hours per day, as usual, keep 14: 15 hours / day, cantaloupe grows well.

Field Management of White muskmelon

1. Fertilizer and water management. Watering enough slow seedling water when planting, generally not watering before flowering, in case too much water makes the plant grow too much, resulting in falling flowers and fruits. After setting the fruit, wait for the melon to grow to the size of the egg, you can apply fertilizer once, and water it in time after topdressing. 20 kg of ternary compound fertilizer, 10 kg of urea, 10 kg of potassium sulfate or 800 kg of 1000 kg dilute dung water were applied per mu. Stop watering 7-10 days before harvest to improve the sugar content of cantaloupe.

2. Pest control. The main diseases of muskmelon in greenhouse are seedling quenching, anthracnose, downy mildew and powdery mildew. Irrigation of the seedbed with 0.05% potassium permanganate and 1000 times Pulic can effectively prevent and cure the disease. The occurrence and spread of anthracnose, downy mildew and powdery mildew can be controlled by spraying Remicol wettable powder on the seedbed or plant. The main pests are aphids and cabbage insects.

Tips on the Preservation of White muskmelon

1. Choose a cool and ventilated place and clean it, and sprinkle lime powder on and around the ground. Then spread a layer of straw or wheat straw on the ground or shelf, then gently place the melons covered with foam net for 3-4 layers, which can be stored for 15-20 days.

2. Put the melons covered with foam net into bamboo baskets or wicker baskets, and then overlap the baskets in a cool and ventilated room. Keep room temperature 16-18 ℃, relative humidity 80-85%, can be stored for 20-25 days.

3. Put the melons covered with foam net into cardboard boxes or bamboo baskets with ventilation holes, and then cross-stack them in the cold storage after pre-storage. Keep temperature 4-5 ℃, relative humidity 80-85%, can be stored for 2-3 months.

The planting of white cantaloupe should grasp two time points, one is autumn, the other is spring. When planting white cantaloupe, we must do a good job of drainage. White cantaloupe is a drought-tolerant but not waterlogged crop, and it has high requirements for soil, and likes to grow in thick soil and fertile places.