
High-yield planting techniques of watermelon

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the hot summer, we are sure that the first fruit that comes to mind is watermelon, because watermelon is sweet and delicious, clearing away heat and relieving heat, and it is the best selling fruit in summer. So how to grow watermelons? How to plant watermelons to increase yield? Next, the editor will introduce watermelons to you.

In the hot summer, we are sure that the first fruit that comes to mind is watermelon, because watermelon is sweet and delicious, clearing away heat and relieving heat, and it is the best selling fruit in summer. So how to grow watermelons? How to plant watermelons to increase yield? The following editor introduces the high-yield cultivation of watermelons.

High-yield planting techniques of watermelon

1. Soaking seeds to promote germination: drying the seeds for 2 days before sowing, and then sterilizing the seeds. Soak the seeds in 55 ℃ warm water, stir for about 30 minutes, and continue soaking for 2 hours after cooling. Medicament treatment usually uses formalin 100 times solution to soak seeds for 30 minutes, or 50% carbendazim 500 times solution to soak seeds for 1 hour, rinse with clean water and soak for 3-4 hours. Wash the treated seeds, germinate at 40 ℃ for 6 hours, accelerate germination at 33 ℃, and sow when the radicle grows to 0.5cm.

2. Prepare the seedbed: the seedbed should be built on the land with leeward and sunny direction, high dryness and convenient management. Watermelon seedling raising in early spring should be carried out in greenhouse or greenhouse, electric hot line can be laid to raise soil temperature, and a small arch shed should be added to the seedbed. In order to raise watermelon seedlings after autumn, sunshades should be built to prevent heavy rain erosion. Nutritious soil requires looseness, no diseases and insect pests, according to the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, slightly sticky. It can be evenly mixed with 6 parts of paddy topsoil, 3 parts of rotten barnyard manure and 1 part of plant ash, and 5 kg of rotten chicken and duck manure per cubic meter of soil. Soil and fertilizer should be mashed and sifted, kept granular, then fully mixed with appropriate amount of water, and made 1-2 months before sowing. Use nutrition bowl to raise seedlings, bowl mouth diameter is 6-8 cm, made of waste newspaper, each large newspaper to make 10 paper bowls, can also use plastic bowls, mud bowls. Load the nutritious soil into a nutrition bowl, 1-2 cm from the mouth of the bowl, and arrange it neatly in the seedbed.

3. Sowing: early-maturing watermelons were sown from mid-December to late March last year, medium-ripening watermelons were sown from April to June, and watermelons were sown in mid-late July after autumn extension. In the afternoon before sowing, the nutrition bowl was watered thoroughly. When sowing, put the seeds with bud tip flat in a nutrition bowl, 1 grain per bowl, covered with fine soil 1 cm thick, covered with film.

4. Seedling management: ① temperature management: after sowing, the temperature in the bed should be controlled at 28-35 ℃ during the day and 20-25 ℃ at night; after 80% of the seeds break the soil and emerge, keep 20-25 ℃ during the day and 15-18 ℃ at night; keep 25-28 ℃ during the day after the first true leaf appears. Seedling refinement began one week before transplanting. ② water management: generally no more watering before unearthing; watering should be controlled at cotyledon stage, the ground should be dry and wet, mainly to preserve soil moisture; the amount of water can be increased after real leaves are exhibited. Should be watered in the morning in sunny days, after watering loose topsoil to preserve soil moisture, cloudy days should not be watered. In addition, pay attention to uncover the film ventilation to prevent high temperature and humidity. Water supply should be paid attention to during the high temperature drying of autumn watermelon seedlings.

Temperature management

1. Colonization-the period from planting to 5Mel 6 leaves of melon seedlings from erect growth to creeping growth, about 13-15 days. It is generally not released in the first three days after planting to promote seedling retardation. After slowing down the seedlings, the air release rate can be gradually increased from 10:00 to 02:00 in the afternoon, so as to reduce the temperature, expel moisture, improve the light conditions, reduce the plant growth rate, improve the stress resistance, and achieve leaf thickness, neck thickness and strong root system.

2. Tuanggu-fruiting melon: this stage has entered the last ten days of April, the late frost period has passed, and generally there is no need to consider freezing injury. In this period, the roots, stems and leaves of the plant grow rapidly, and it is very easy to overgrow and make it difficult to set fruit. Therefore, it is necessary to take the strong wind in the morning and noon, cover the film at night to promote the rational distribution of nutrients and set fruit early.

Grafting technique

Connection between pumpkin and watermelon: remove the growing point when the cotyledons are flat and expose, and cut down with a blade at an angle of 45 degrees 0.5-1 cm below the cotyledons, with a depth of 2 cm, 5 cm, and 1 cm long. At the same time, the corresponding part of the watermelon scion was obliquely cut upward at an angle of 45 degrees, and the cut length was the same as that of the rootstock. The scion incision is embedded into the cut of the rootstock stem, so that the two interfaces are closely glued together, and the interface is fixed with a grafting clip. After about seven days, the interface healed, the root of the scion was cut off, and the grafting clip was removed after 15 days.

Top grafting with gourd as rootstock: when grafting, remove the gourd terminal bud and true leaves, leaving only two cotyledons, and then use a bamboo stick with a 6-8 mm slope at the same thickness as the watermelon seedling, which is inserted downward along the gourd cotyledon vein and the gourd stem at an angle of about 45 degrees, so that the tip of the bamboo stick is just exposed. The stem of the watermelon seedling was cut obliquely with a blade 8-10 mm below the cotyledons, and the section length was 8-10 mm. Pull out the bamboo stick and quickly cut the watermelon scion downward into the gourd rootstock, so that the two sections were tightly fastened, and the cotyledons of the rootstock crossed with the scion cotyledons in a "ten" shape.

Pest control

The main diseases of watermelon are Fusarium wilt, vine blight, spot disease, anthracnose, downy mildew, powdery mildew and blight. The main pests are ground tiger, aphids, leaf mites, thrips, yellow melon, Spodoptera litura, melon silk borer and so on. Fusarium wilt can be prevented by grafting and root replacement, and sprays such as 1000 times of methyl topiramate, 1500 times of azoxystrobin suspension, 2500 times of Poly more wettable powder, 2500 times of 70% Antaisheng wettable powder and 1500 times of 10% world high wettable powder can be selected for vine blight, spot disease and anthracnose. Downy mildew and blight can be sprayed with 72% Kelou wettable powder and Kejia suspension 1500 times, and powdery mildew can be sprayed with 6000 times of Fuxing EC and 1500 times of powdery mildew. To control aphids, thrips and leaf mites, 2500 times of insecticidal EC and 2500 times of net wettable powder can be used to control aphids, thrips and leaf mites, and 2500 times of Regent suspension can be used to control melon silk borer. Spray can be used to control Spodoptera litura and tobacco pests with 4000 times of 15% Anda EC, 800 times of Aolu No. 1 suspension and 1500 times of 10% suspension.

As mentioned above, the annual sales of watermelons are very large, because watermelons have a wide range of edible value, not only can be eaten directly, but also can make watermelon juice, watermelon yogurt, watermelon ice cream. Watermelon is in short supply every summer, the prospect of planting watermelon is very considerable, and it is particularly important to increase the yield of watermelon.