
Management techniques of young citrus trees

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Citrus is a very common fruit, sweet and delicious, thick and juicy, and high nutritional value, rich in vitamins and nutrients, deeply loved by consumers. Growing oranges has also become a very popular planting project, so young citrus trees

Citrus is a very common fruit, sweet and delicious, thick and juicy, and high nutritional value, rich in vitamins and nutrients, deeply loved by consumers. The cultivation of citrus has also become a very popular planting project, so how to plant and manage young citrus trees?

Management techniques of young citrus trees

The main results are as follows: 1. Seedlings should be often irrigated after planting to keep the soil moist and promote new roots. after 15 days of planting, seedlings can gradually survive, and seedlings should only be watered and not fertilized before survival.

2. The fruit tree plate is covered with straw, crop manure, green manure or plastic film. The thickness of the cover is 10~15cm, which is away from the trunk 10cm, which is beneficial to keep the soil loose and moist and promote the sprouting and growth of branches.

3. After the first batch of buds of seedlings germinate, thin mature human feces and urine, or rotten bran water, or biogas water, or flushing fertilizer can also be applied. In general, commercial chemical fertilizers should not be applied before the first buds of seedlings germinate to the old shoots, so as to avoid fertilizer damage.

4. the budding buds of young trees should be removed in time to prevent flowering from consuming too much nutrients, but leafy buds must only pick buds and leave leaves.

Citrus shaping and pruning

The biological characteristics of citrus fruit trees are one of the important bases for shaping. The correlation between branches and leaves and root growth, apical dominance, branching angle and apical bud self-pruning are important conditions for pruning. Young trees are characterized by strong growth potential, which is mainly to draw shoots to expand the crown, cultivate backbone branches, and increase crown tips and leaves, which should be pruned properly on the basis of shaping.

1. Wire drawing and shaping

The main branches of some seedlings are inclined to one side, the central main branches of some seedlings grow upright and grow too strong, and the branching angle of some seedlings is too large or too small. These seedlings need to be pulled and corrected with hemp thread to make the main branches evenly distributed. The extension line between the main branch and the trunk is 40 °~ 50 °.

2. Pressure to help the weak

Two or three days after planting, the whole garden inspected and erased the young shoots that were particularly strong and prominent. For the irregular crown, the high part should be wiped once or twice to make the lower part of the shoot grow longer and delay the strong branch for 4-7 days. The new shoots will be relatively more and shorter, and the shortcomings of the uneven development of the crown will be corrected step by step through several times of correction of the new shoot period.

Fertilization methods of Citrus

Ring ditch application, strip ditch application and other methods can be used. The farm manure should be fully fermented and ripened; the one-time application of chemical fertilizer should not be excessive and should be applied diligently. In addition, the main root layer of adult trees is distributed in the deep 40~60cm of the soil, and the main absorbing root is the fibrous root tip-new root, which should be used as the basis when determining the depth and position of fertilization.

From November to December. The specific method is to apply once every other year, staggered between plants to dig radial or semi-circular or circular fertilization ditch from the crown dripping line, and be careful not to cut off the big root when digging. The amount of fertilizer application should be increased or decreased according to the age and growth of the tree. Combined with root pruning, each plant was put into weed green manure at the bottom of the ditch and then applied base fertilizer, which was fully mixed with part of the soil in the fertilization ditch. Fruiting trees should apply more potassium fertilizers such as plant ash fertilizer and potassium sulfate to facilitate flowering and fruiting.

Control of common diseases and insect pests

1. Scab prevention and control: spray before spring shoot new buds germinate to 2 mm and Xiehua 2 / 3, choose 80% mancozeb 800 times solution, 75% chlorothalonil 500-600 times solution, apply again in 10-15 days. Before and during the onset of the disease, 800-fold solution of mancozeb was sprayed twice every 7 days.

2. Prevention and control of anthracnose: ① should strengthen cultivation management to provide trees with sufficient fertilizer and water, prevent waterlogging, prevent soil consolidation, prune, renew and rejuvenate trees in time. ② properly sprayed agents to inhibit the development and division of bacteria, there are 50% carbendazim 800x solution, 70% topiramine 800x solution, 50% Dysenamine 800x solution, 65% Dysen zinc 500x solution, which can also treat scab and other diseases.

3. Prevention and control of gum disease: ① strengthens cultivation management, arranges drainage ditches, improves clayey soil, reasonable intercropping, pruning and thinning in time, keeping orchard ventilated and transparent, reducing orchard humidity, applying more organic fertilizer and balanced fertilization. At the same time, the application of boron fertilizer is beneficial to control the occurrence of the disease. 500-800 times borax can be sprayed or boron fertilizer can be applied to the soil, drainage should be paid attention to in rainy season, tree trunks are painted white, and the occurrence of the disease can be effectively reduced by thoroughly controlling gibberellin and longicorn beetles. During the peak period (April-May), the spray was sprayed every 10 days for 2-3 times, and 40% dimethoate 1000 times or 80% dichlorvos 1000 times could be selected. Chemical control of ②. In the disease department, several cracks were scraped shallow and deep up to the xylem (about 1 cm apart), and then smeared with 90% ethanophosphate aluminum 100x solution or 843 rehabilitation agent solution or methyl topiramate 100ppm, paclobutramycin 500-600ppm plus 2min 4tel D20ppm and so on.

4. Mites: there are red spiders and yellow spiders. There are 12 to 20 generations in a year, and there are two peak generations. The first generation damages spring shoots from April to May, and the second generation damages autumn shoots from September to October (in some areas). The insect population decreased sharply when the temperature was higher than 35 ℃ or lower than 12 ℃. When the damage of the red spider is serious, the leaves are grayish white and lose luster, while the yellow spider makes the leaf front appear protruding macula, and then distort. Both of them caused defoliation and fruit drop, which seriously affected tree potential and yield.

As mentioned above, compared with other fruit trees, citrus is very tenacious in vitality, easy to manage, do a good job in pest control, fertilization, pruning, etc., and the annual output of citrus is very astonishing. The prospects and benefits of planting citrus are very considerable.