
Scientific planting technology of citrus

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Citrus has been planted in China for a long time, and its high yield is comparable to that of apples. The vitamin C content of citrus is the best in fruits, which is higher than that of apples, so our country is a big edible country of citrus. With such a high consumption, there must be some good plants.

Citrus has been planted in China for a long time, and its high yield is comparable to that of apples. The vitamin C content of citrus is the best in fruits, which is higher than that of apples, so our country is a big edible country of citrus. With such a high consumption, it is necessary to have some good cultivation techniques to cultivate high-yield oranges in order to meet the needs of people.

Scientific planting technology of citrus

The main results are as follows: 1. In the early stage of orange orchard, planned close planting should be carried out and planted at 3-4 times of conventional density to achieve early fruiting and high yield. The conventional planting density is generally suitable for row spacing of 3X3.5m (63 plants / mu) or 3X3m (76 plants / mu).

2. Planting time. It is suitable to be planted in spring, generally in 3 / 4 /, and before orange bud germination.

3. Cultivation methods. Seedlings can be planted in planting ditches or holes, and the depth of the ditches or holes is about 0.8m. The lower layer of the planting ditches or holes should be layered into enough mature organic fertilizer or superphosphate. Generally, organic fertilizer 30-40kg+1-1.5kg phosphate fertilizer is applied at acupoints. Thinning trees were transplanted on the border surface as a cushion to raise the planting height and expand the root system.

Main measures for cultivation and Management of Citrus

The main results are as follows: 1. Planting trees during thinning, keeping the necessary crown spacing, thinning or thinning, with the principle of not affecting or affecting the remaining trees. The sign of the need for thinning is that the yield of the orange orchard begins to decline and the canopy is cross-shaded. Take the natural shape of Wenzhou mandarin as an example, when the crown coverage rate is more than 84%, the crown intersection is more than 500px, and the leaf area index is more than 7, it is necessary to start thinning preparation, and the crown coverage rate reaches 100% H inch, that is, thinning is needed. Generally, the trees are gradually compressed 4-5 years before thinning or thinning, and thinning is carried out when the crown is less than 1 / 2 and the yield is less than 1 / 3.

2. For the sparse tree, the root of the ring groove is cut off from March to April of the year before transplanting, and from September to October at the latest. The method is as follows: first take the stem circle as the radius, take the stem as the center, then dig along the circle, and then fully cut off its root. After cutting off the thick root, it is appropriate to cut the incision, and then fill the ring groove with fertile soil and organic matter to promote its fine roots. In this way, when the tree is dug in the second year, it can less affect the root system of the retained tree, and improve the survival rate and growth potential of the transplanted tree. In order to facilitate the operation, in general thinning, it is appropriate to remove all the trees planted between rows, but when the operation allows or when the trees are dense, they can also be thinned first to make full use of the space and increase the yield.

Manure and water management of citrus

Citrus needs more fertilizer, and big trees should be fertilized 3-4 times a year during the full fruit period. One was postharvest fertilizer, which was applied as base fertilizer from October to November. The late mid-ripening varieties harvested with 50 kg organic fertilizer and 1 kg azadirachtin biological compound fertilizer can be applied one week before fruit harvest. The amount of fertilizer applied accounts for 40%-50% of the fertilizer used in the whole year, and once is budding fertilizer, which is applied 1-2 weeks before the warmer spring weather and citrus sprouting, so as to make the spring shoots grow neatly, grow healthily, delay the shedding of old leaves, and improve the fruit rate. 1 kg nitrogen fertilizer plus 1 kg azadirachtin biological compound fertilizer was applied to each plant. Once again, strong fruit fertilizer was applied in July after the physiological fruit drop stopped. 0.5 kg potassium fertilizer plus 1 kg azadirachtin biological compound fertilizer was applied to each plant, and the young trees could be applied together with shoot release fertilizer and irrigation.

Common diseases of citrus and their control methods

1. Citrus anthracnose: it often starts from the tip of the leaf, it is dark green at first, it looks like it has been scalded by hot water, the junction between disease and health is not obvious, then it turns yellowish or yellowish brown, the leaves curl and fall off. The chemical control was sprayed once at the tender shoot stage of spring, summer and autumn. The protection of young fruits should be carried out within one month after falling flowers, spraying every 10 days or so for 2 or 3 times in a row. It can be sprayed with 1000 times of fungicide or Guoyou 101 + 1000 times of spray stubble.

2. Citrus scab: mainly harms new shoots, leaves and young fruits, as well as calyx and petals. Control methods: the first time in spring bud germination, the second time in Xiehua 2 / 3. It can be sprayed with 1000 times of fungicide or Guoyou 101 + 100x of spray stubble.

3. Citrus foot rot: it mainly harms the citrus root neck about 10 cm above and below the soil surface. When diseased trees are found, scrape off the rotten parts and some healthy tissues around the disease department in time, and then apply 1000 times of aldicarb or irrigate the roots with 3500 times of aldicarb, 1000 ml per plant.

The scientific cultivation of citrus will greatly increase the yield per mu of citrus, thus creating better economic benefits. Citrus cultivation should do a good job in the early management, site selection and seedling selection is more important, can not choose a place with stagnant water, drainage system should be in place, later pest control should be strengthened, so that excellent citrus can be cultivated.