
How to plant jujube trees

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Jujube is a kind of light-loving species, which is distributed in many parts of our country, so when the jujube is mature in September every year, we can see that there are dates in many places to buy. Dates are crisp and delicious, have high edible value, and sell well every year. But its species

Jujube is a kind of light-loving species, which is distributed in many parts of our country, so when the jujube is mature in September every year, we can see that there are dates in many places to buy. Dates are crisp and delicious, have high edible value, and sell well every year. But its planting is not an easy thing!

How to plant jujube trees

1. Choose a good cultivation garden. Jujube has strong adaptability and lax requirements on soil conditions, so various places can make full use of wasteland and saline-alkali land for cultivation. However, in order to achieve higher economic benefits and produce high-quality and pollution-free products, we should try our best to choose the environment such as air, water source and soil without pollution, flat and open terrain, good drainage conditions, strong soil permeability and good aeration performance. the groundwater level is higher and the garden land with fertile soil is better. When planting jujube trees in mountainous and hilly areas, sunny slopes with deep soil layers should be selected, while shady slopes should not be planted.

2. Choose good planting varieties. There are many varieties of jujube, a high-quality variety, must be good tree potential, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, fruit crack resistance, good fruit shape, good fruit color, high nutrient content, good taste. Jujube farmers can introduce and cultivate according to their needs, or select scions of high-quality varieties for grafting cultivation.

3. Cultivation mode: first, dwarfing and dense planting, which is mainly suitable for varieties with early fruit and small tree type, and the suitable row spacing is 2 m × 3 m or 3 m × 2 m. The second is intercropping cultivation, which is mainly suitable for varieties with medium or large tree type and late fruit, with row spacing of 8m to 10m. The distance between plants is 3 to 5 meters. Other crops can be planted among trees in the early stage.

The planting time of jujube trees

The planting period of jujube can be divided into autumn planting and spring planting. Autumn planting can be carried out from defoliation in autumn to before soil freezing. The earlier the planting time in autumn, the better. If there is no need for long-distance transportation of seedlings, planting with leaves can be carried out in late September, which can improve the survival rate. Planting in spring next year can be planted late appropriately, if it is not planted in a large area, the survival rate is higher when jujube buds just sprout. From the theoretical analysis, the survival rate of jujube planted in autumn should be higher than that in spring next year, such as good soil moisture and low salt return, and the root activity is earlier than the aboveground part in the coming year, but the practical result is that the survival rate of late planting in spring is higher, which is mainly due to the loss of water of seedlings. Because it takes half a year for jujube trees to sprout from autumn to next year, the north is affected by cold and low temperature in winter, "air dryness, strong wind and other factors, resulting in the loss of water of seedlings. In addition, jujube is a temperature-loving tree species, and the ground temperature needed for root activity and growth is higher than that of other northern deciduous tree species. In autumn, the soil temperature of jujube tree after defoliation is lower than that of root growth and activity, and the root system has no water absorption function. It is difficult to replenish the aboveground parts and cause the seedlings to die.

Techniques of protecting flowers and fruits in jujube trees

1. To restrain vegetative growth, adjust the contradiction between growth and fruit, and promote fruit setting, such measures include root cutting, coring, sprouting, branch thinning, nail opening, ring cutting, cutting, fertilizer and water management, and so on. it can regulate the contradiction between nutrient distribution and operation between tree vegetative growth and flowering and fruit, improve tree nutrition level, and make more nutrients needed for flowers and fruits.

2. Spraying water at flowering stage can increase the air humidity, and the air humidity during flowering period is not less than 60% to 70%, otherwise it will be affected. The effect of spraying water in the evening or morning is good, generally combined with foliar fertilizer spraying 0.3% 0.5% urea.

3. Release bees in jujube orchard and increase pollination medium. some jujube varieties are self-pollination and some are cross-pollination. Intra-variety pollination or inter-variety pollination can set fruit well, and the effect of increasing pollination media is good.

4. Spraying plant hormones and trace elements, mainly gibberellin, 2.4 Mel D, paclobutrazol, dwarf, B9, indolebutyric acid, indole acetic acid, acetic acid, borax, boric acid and so on.

Water application skills of jujube trees

Most of the spring is dry and little rain, and the irrigation effect in the budding stage is good. The amount of irrigation should be determined according to local weather, soil moisture, tree potential, tree age, etc. Irrigation is best based on roots, promote jujube roots to develop, water flow to smooth, enhance the quality of root tillers, promote dense fibrous roots, rooting, strong roots, improve the ability of root ducts to transport nutrients and metabolic frequency.

In the early stage of jujube planting, we should do a good job in selecting gardens and varieties. Although the jujube tree has a strong ability to adapt to the sudden, but it is very afraid of the wind, so we must avoid the tuyere when choosing the planting place. In the later stage of planting, the prevention and control of insect pests and diseases should be strengthened to avoid the losses caused by insect pests.