
Plum science planting technology

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Plum is a kind of temperate fruit with a wide distribution range. Because of its strong survival characteristics, it is planted in most parts of China. Because of its high yield, so every year to the plum mature season, the market can be seen everywhere its figure, its edible

Plum is a kind of temperate fruit with wide distribution. Because of its strong survivability, plum has been planted in most parts of our country. Because of its high yield, when plums mature every year, it can be seen everywhere on the market, and its food use and efficacy are very strong.

Scientific planting technique of plum

1. Select seedlings. Select plum seedlings with pure variety, complete root system, strong, full bud, no quarantine object and no diseases and insect pests.

2. Planting. Generally, the row spacing is 2.5 m × 4 m, and the plant is planted before bud germination (preferably before April 20). Plum has self-flowering sterility phenomenon, therefore, the cultivated variety should not be single, should be planted at a certain distance with the same flowering period of different varieties as pollination trees, the proportion is 4:1 or 8:1.

Living conditions of plums

The temperature requirements of plums vary according to species and varieties. China's plums originating in the north, such as cellar door plum, red dry kernel plum, yellow dry kernel plum, etc., can be used at a low temperature of 40 ℃, while Furong plum and Sanhua plum, which grow in the south, have poor adaptability to low temperature. Apricot plum is native to North China, and its cold tolerance is strong. European plum is native to the southern Mediterranean and is suitable for cultivation in warm areas, while American plum is more hardy and can survive the winter safely in northeast China. The optimum temperature at flowering stage of plum is 12 Mel 16 ℃. The flowering stage of Chinese plum is earlier, and the yield of plum is easily affected by frost in North China Plain. However, if we can correctly select the garden and make use of the favorable conditions of microclimate, we can also prevent or reduce frost injury. European plums bloom later than Chinese plums and can generally avoid the harm of early spring frost.

Fertilization techniques of plums

1. Base fertilizer. Base fertilizer is the basic fertilizer that can supply plum trees with a variety of nutrients for a long time, generally with late-acting farm manure, such as compost, barnyard manure, crop straw, green manure, deciduous leaves and so on. It is better to apply basic fertilizer in autumn, adult plum trees, and each plant should apply 50 kilograms of farm manure.

2. Topdressing:

Topdressing before flowering: 0.5 kg of available nitrogen fertilizer or 25 kg of mature manure can be applied 10 days before plum sprouting.

Topdressing after anthesis: quick-acting nitrogen and potassium fertilizer should be applied in time to reduce physiological fruit drop. 0.5 kg should be applied to the plant from late May to mid-June.

Topdressing in the period of fruit expansion and flower bud differentiation: after the physiological fruit drop to before the fruit entered the rapid expansion stage, the compound fertilizer of available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was applied, and the plant was applied 0.5ml / kg.

Topdressing in the later stage of fruit growth: topdressing during the period from the beginning of fruit coloring to harvest. This time, it is mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and the foliar spraying of available nitrogen fertilizer is better, and the concentration is 0.2%, combined with spraying.

Pest control of plums

1. Plum red spot disease. Prevention and treatment: thoroughly clean up the diseased leaves and fruits of the orchard and burn them centrally. Pay attention to drainage and reduce the humidity of the orchard. Spray 3-5 Bomedo stone-sulfur mixture before sprouting, spray 50% carbendazim 600 times or 70% methyl topiramate 800 times, 70% mancozeb 600 times every 10-15 days.

2. Li Shifeng. Agricultural control: turn over the tree plate at the beginning of winter and freeze the larvae in the soil to death. Chemical control: during the de-fruiting period of the larvae, 25% phoxim microcapsules were sprayed on the ground, or 48% Lexben 200 times 300 times. After spraying, gently rake the soil to make the soil mix evenly. When plum flowers are sprayed at 80-90%, 5% cypermethrin is 2000 times, cypermethrin is 2000 times, and deltamethrin 2.5 times is 3000 times.

3. Plum heart borer. Control methods: the key period for the control of plum heart borer is the peak period of adult and spawning of each generation and the burying period of the first generation of mature larvae. Spray 90% trichlorfon 0.8% solution, 50% malathion 1% solution, 50% dichlorvos. Before fruit drop, 50% phoxim 1% 1.5% solution was applied once in the soil under the crown of Li Shu. At the end of falling flower (95% falling flower), when the small fruit is the size of wheat grain, spray the first time, using dichlorvos, enemy killing, quick killing, and Laifuling, once every 7 to 10 days. From the point of view of comprehensive control, biological agents can also be used to treat the soil under the canopy, such as Beauveria bassiana. The fallen fruit should be swept away after autumn to reduce the source of insects in the following year.

The planting technology of plums is still very simple. When planting, we should choose seedlings with excellent varieties to plant, and observe whether there are wormholes on the surface. Wormholes can not be selected. The selection of varieties is also very important. Varieties with stronger cold resistance should be chosen in the north and more selective in the south.