
A complete Collection of planting techniques of okra

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, With the pursuit of quality of life, people pay more and more attention to health and nutrition in diet. Okra is a kind of high-grade and nutritious health care vegetable, known as green ginseng, deeply sought after and loved by people. So how to plant okra? The following and

With the pursuit of quality of life, people pay more and more attention to health and nutrition in diet. Okra is a kind of high-grade and nutritious health care vegetable, known as "green ginseng", deeply sought after and loved by people. So how to plant okra? Let's go with the editor to learn about the planting method of okra.

A complete Collection of planting techniques of okra

1. Prepare the land to make beds. Okra can not be continuous cropping, it is appropriate to choose water and fertilizer conservation, deep soil layer, rich in organic matter loam or sandy loam land, deep ploughing soil before sowing, rake flat to make beds. High ridge cultivation, the width of the ditch border is 1.3 to 1.7 meters, the height is 30 centimeters, the length is determined according to the topography, and the ditch width is 30 centimeters to 50 centimeters. In ditches or holes, 15002000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer and 20kg of ternary compound fertilizer were applied per mu to cover the soil layer.

two。 Sow seeds. Seed direct seeding or seedling transplanting can be used. It can be sowed from early March to early June. Because the suitable temperature for seed germination, plant growth and development and pod setting is 22: 35 ℃, sowing should not be premature. Generally, it is better to sow when the ground temperature is above 15 ℃. Because of the difference in altitude and air temperature, the production time should be arranged according to the local air temperature. Soak the seeds in warm water for 12 hours before sowing, wash and change the water once in the middle, then wrap it in cloth, put it under 25: 30 ℃ to promote germination, and sow about 75% of the seeds after whitening.

Can be strip sowing and hole sowing, hole sowing is often used in production, the distance between holes is 40-50 cm, each hole has 2-3 seeds, the covered soil is about 2 cm thick after sowing, seedlings emerge in about 10 days, and the amount of seeds used per mu is about 200 grams. Seedling cultivation and transplanting can be used in the protected field in early spring, the seedling bed is 15 meters per mu, the seed amount is 500 to 600 grams, and the seeds are sown after budding. After emergence and time seedlings, get rid of the inferior and retain the good, and keep the seedlings growing healthily. When the seedlings grow 4-5 true leaves, they can take the soil and transplant to the field. The row spacing is about 40 cm × 50 cm, and 2000 plants are planted per mu. The border surface of seedling transplanting can be covered with black plastic film, which can keep warm and prevent weeds.

Cultivation season

Okra likes warmth and is afraid of frost. the whole growth period should be arranged in the frost-free period, and the flowering and fruiting period should be in the warm and humid season. Cultivation in the open field, sowing in April to June in the north and south, and harvest in July to October. The seeds in North China are usually sown from mid-late April to May. Seedlings are raised in solar greenhouses and plastic greenhouses commonly used in cold areas in the north, and then planted in the field after frost in early spring and evening.

Field management

The main results are as follows: 1. When the seedlings break their hearts, it is the first time that the seedlings are broken, and the seedlings are disabled and weak. When there are 3 true leaves for the second time, strong seedlings are selected. 3The seedlings were fixed when there were 4 true leaves, and 1 plant was left in each hole.

2. Weeding and soil cultivation by ploughing

After the seedlings are unearthed or planted, the temperature is low, so they should be ploughed twice in a row to increase the ground temperature and promote slow seedling. The first flower should be ploughed before blooming in order to squat seedlings moderately to facilitate root development. After flowering and fruiting, the plant growth is accelerated. After each watering and topdressing, the plant should be intertilled, and the soil should be cultivated before closing ridges to prevent the plant from lodging. Summer rainstorm windy areas, it is best to choose about 1 meter bamboo pole, or branches inserted near the plant to prevent lodging.

3. Watering and fertilization

① watering okra requires higher air and soil moisture during growth. Artificial sprinkler irrigation should be done in the morning and evening when there is a shortage of water within 20 days after sowing. After the seedlings are slightly larger, mechanical sprinkler irrigation or furrow irrigation can be used. The summer season is in the peak harvest season of okra, with large water demand and high surface temperature, so it should be watered before 9 o'clock in the morning and after sunset in the afternoon to avoid root damage under high temperature. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season to prevent dead seedlings. The whole growing period is to keep the soil moist.

On the basis of applying sufficient base fertilizer, ② topdressing should be properly topdressing, not partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. The first time was Qimiao fertilizer, which was carried out after emergence, applying urea 90-120 kg per hectare.

The second time is to raise seedling fertilizer, fixed seedlings or planting after opening ditches to withdraw application, per hectare application of compound fertilizer 225,300kg. Re-application of fertilizer during the flowering and fruiting period, 30000-45000 kg of human manure, or 300kg-450kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer. In the middle and later stage of growth, a small amount of topdressing should be applied for many times to prevent plant premature senescence.

4. plant adjustment under normal conditions, okra plants grow vigorously, the main and lateral branches are stout, the leaves are hypertrophy, and the flowering and fruiting are often delayed. Twisting branches can be adopted, that is, the petiole is twisted into a curved sag to control vegetative growth. In the middle and later stage of growth, the timely removal of the old leaves below the tender fruit can not only improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions, reduce nutrient consumption, but also prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests. Picking the heart of the young fruit harvester at the right time can promote the lateral branch fruit and increase the early yield. Picking the heart in time can promote the ripening of the fruit, make the grain full and improve the seed quality.

Okra harvest

Okra takes about 55 days from sowing to the formation of the first tender fruit. After that, the whole harvest period is as long as 90,120 days, and the whole growth period can reach about 150 days, or even longer. The picking standard of okra commercial fresh fruit is that the fruit is 8cm long, the fruit appearance is bright green, and the seeds in the fruit are not aging. If the harvest is not timely, the meat quality is aging, the fiber is increased, and the edible value of the commodity is greatly reduced. In general, after the first fruit is harvested, it is harvested every 2-4 days at the initial stage, and the harvest interval is shortened with the increase of temperature.

During the full fruit period in August, it is harvested every day or every other day. After September, the temperature dropped and harvested once every 3-4 days. When harvesting, it is appropriate to use scissors and put on gloves to avoid stabbing the skin with bristles or tumors on stems, leaves and fruits. Wash them with soapy water or roast lightly on fire to reduce the pain and itching. Usually, the tender fruit is harvested 4 days after flower fade, and the quality is the best. The yield per mu is about 2000-3000 kg.

Through the above content, I believe everyone has a certain understanding of okra. Okra looks like green pepper but not spicy. It tastes very crisp, tender and juicy, with a unique taste and high nutritional value. Now more and more people like okra, and the prospect of planting okra is also very promising.