
A complete Collection of planting techniques of Huai Yam

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Huishan medicine, commonly known as Huishan, is a very common ingredient in life. Because it contains a lot of trace elements and protein, so it is very popular with consumers, and there are not a few people who eat Huai yam every year in our country. It's grown in many places now, but

Huai Shan medicine, commonly known as "Huai Shan", is a very common ingredient in life. Because it contains a lot of trace elements and protein, so it is very popular with consumers, and there are not a few people who eat Huai yam every year in our country. Now it is planted in many places, but if you want to have a high yield of Huai yam, you also need to learn some planting techniques.

Planting technique of Huaihe yam

1. Land selection and preparation. Huai Mountain requires warm, moist and sunny environmental conditions, which develop well in deep, fertile, relaxed and well-drained sandy soil. A few days before planting, every 667 square meters (? Mu) first apply 5000 kg of barnyard manure, plant ash, compost and other mixed fertilizer as base fertilizer. After fertilizing, shallow ploughing and raking should be done once, and the beds should be 25cm in height and 60cm in width.

2. Planting. The cultivation of Huai yam varies due to local climatic conditions, and it is generally required that the ground temperature of the surface 5cm is stable more than 9 Murray 10 ℃. If possible, plastic film can also be used to cover it. The general method is as follows: after the Huai yam ditch is watered, the seedlings are placed longitudinally in the center of the deep border of the pre-prepared 10cm, the plant distance is about 25cm, and the density is 4000ml / 667m2, then cover with soil 5cm, and fertilize at the 20cm on both sides of the yam. General application of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer 3000kg/667 square meters, urea 10--15kg/667 square meters, potassium sulfate 40--50kg/667 square meters, calcium superphosphate 60--75kg/667 square meters, mature cottonseed cake 30--40kg/667 square meters, after fertilization, and then covered with soil 5cm, so that it into a small high ridge.

Fertilization Technology of Huai Yam

For every 1000 kg of yam, 4.32kg of pure nitrogen, 1.07kg of phosphorus pentoxide and 5.38kg of potassium oxide are needed. The proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium required is 4 ∶ 1 ∶ 5, and the amount and kinds of fertilizer required in different growth periods are different. Base fertilizer: according to the fertilizer law of local yam farmers, 3 to 5 square of high-quality mature farm manure are applied per mu, and the rotten chicken manure is the best, bean cake 100kg, Mexin or diammonium phosphate 75kg 100kg, agricultural potassium sulfate 100kg, urea 25kg, biological bacterial fertilizer 3 to 5 bags (40 kg each). Topdressing: the seedling stage is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, about 15 kg per mu. In the peak growth period of branches and leaves (early July), 25kg / mu of high-nitrogen and high-potassium compound fertilizer is applied, and 0.3% concentration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed for 2 times. In the first ten days of August, 25kg of high nitrogen and high potassium compound fertilizer was applied per mu.

Watering Technology of Huai Yam

The mountain medicine prefers sunny weather, lower air humidity and higher soil temperature. It needs to be watered 5 Mel 7 times in its lifetime. In the case of sufficient soil moisture, the first water is generally irrigated when the seedlings are basically complete, in order to promote seedling emergence and rooting, the second water is better early than late, and it is irrigated as soon as the head water is dry, and then watered every 15 days according to the rainfall. In the rainy season, after every heavy rain, stagnant water should be discharged and waterlogged garden should be changed in time, in order to reduce ground temperature, replenish soil air, prevent disease and dead seedlings.

Pest Control techniques of Huai Yam

The main results are as follows: 1. Short body nematode disease causes dwarfing of the plant, yellowing and death of the whole plant and tuber damage, which affects the yield and quality. Before sowing, the soil was treated with 5% thiazophos granules 5 kg per mu mixed with 100 kg of moist fine soil, ditched evenly on both sides of the seed potato, or combined with soil preparation, 25-30 cm into the soil.

2. The leaf wasp bites on the leaves of Chinese yam, resulting in serious loss of leaves, affecting photosynthesis and reducing tuber yield. Use 2% dipterex to kill 3000 times of liquid or 1000 times of crystal trichlorfon to spray stems and leaves.

3. Grubs bite the tuber so that the tuber can not be cooked and the taste becomes bitter. With soil treatment for control, 50% phoxim 250-300ml per mu, 25 kg of fine soil mixed well, sprinkled into the ridge, immediately cut into the soil layer of 20cm, and then sowed yam seeds.

When planting Huai yam, we should do a good job in site selection. Huai yam likes temperature and is not resistant to water, so drainage is very important. After planting, it is necessary to apply fertilizer and topdressing at the right time, because Huai yam likes to be fertilized, so that it will grow well. Huai yam is very vulnerable to insect pests, so pest control work should also be done.