
Scientific planting techniques of broccoli

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, With the popularity of broccoli in the vegetable market, broccoli growers will continue to grow with the sales of broccoli, but now the quality of vegetables in the vegetable market is uneven, and they want to eat really green and healthy vegetables. or help people improve their lives.

With the popularity of broccoli in the vegetable market, broccoli growers will continue to grow with the sales of broccoli, but now the quality of vegetables in the vegetable market is uneven, want to eat really green and healthy vegetables, or to help people improve the quality of life, so that everyone can eat green and healthy vegetables, growers need to work hard.

Scientific planting techniques of broccoli

1. Pre-planting preparation

The nursery bed soil should be artificially prepared nutrient soil, which is generally composed of garden soil and organic fertilizer, the ratio is 2:1. Garden soil is suitable for those that have not grown vegetables, this kind of soil carries few germs, and organic fertilizer must be fully mature. A small amount of superphosphate or compound fertilizer can be added to the nutritious soil. The artificial nutritious soil has the advantages of good structure, fertile soil, strong water retention, good ventilation and less pathogenic bacteria, which is beneficial to the cultivation of strong seedlings.

2. Cultivate high-quality and strong seedlings

After all the water in the seedling bed is seeped, sprinkle a thin layer of sifted fine soil, and then sow the dry seeds evenly on the border surface, and cover the fine soil immediately after sowing. The thickness of the covered soil is generally 5 times the thickness of the seeds (about 0.5 cm). The thickness of the covered soil should be uniform, sowing 3 grams per square meter. Immediately after sowing, cover with a black screen to prevent heavy rain erosion. When the seedlings grow to 3 Mel 4 leaves, the seedlings are divided, and the growth of the seedlings is consistent by promoting the small and controlling the large.

3. Planting technology

Timely planting is very important. The planting density varies from region to region, and it is generally appropriate to plant about 2000Mu ~ 2200 plants per mu. 1250 kg of rotten chicken manure was applied to the base fertilizer of the planting land per mu. Before planting, throw 1000 kilograms of human feces and 50 kilograms of special fertilizer for vegetables. Make a deep trench and a high border with a width of 1.3mur1.5 meters. After finishing the land, the furrow is delimited according to the row spacing (ditch depth 2 cm). Pour sufficient bottom water after planting.

Planting conditions of broccoli

1. Light: broccoli likes sufficient light, and when the light is sufficient, the plant grows healthily, and it can form a strong nutrient body, which is conducive to photosynthesis and nutrient accumulation, so that the flower ball is compact and compact, and the color is bright green and good quality. but too much sunshine in midsummer is also not conducive to growth and development.

2. Temperature: broccoli has strong cold and heat tolerance. In the range of 5-20 ℃, the higher the temperature is, the faster the growth and development is. The optimum temperature for germination, seedling stage, rosette stage and rosette stage are 20-25 ℃, 15-20 ℃, 20-22 ℃ and 15-18 ℃, respectively.

3. Moisture: broccoli needs more water in the growth process, especially in the period of vigorous leaf growth and flower head formation, but rainy or high soil moisture at seedling stage can easily cause black rot, black spot, etc., and the field capacity of soil moisture is 70% and 80% during flower head formation.

4. Soil: broccoli is suitable to be planted on loam and sandy loam with good drainage and irrigation, deep plough layer, loose and fertile soil and strong water and fertility conservation. The range of PH is 5.5-8, and 6 is the best. During the whole growth process, the ratio of N, P and K is 14:5:8.

Planting time of broccoli

The planting time of broccoli usually begins to sow in autumn, grows in winter, goes on the table normally after the Spring Festival, blossoms in spring to seed maturity in April and May, and seedlings in summer and autumn are raised in the high temperature season from August to October, when the temperature is generally above 25 ℃, sometimes 30-35 ℃, coupled with the harm of rainstorm and hail, so shade net is used to raise seedlings in the open field, and the seedling age is generally 35-40 days. Sowing or direct hole planting can be used, the average seedling stage is about 30 days, from planting to harvest 80-90 days, the winter is slightly stronger, the seedling stem diameter 10 mm can accept the effect of low temperature to complete the vernalization process.

The harvest of broccoli

When the flower bulb at the top of the plant is fully expanded and the bud is not yet open, it is better to harvest broccoli; too late harvest is easy to cause loose balls and flowering. When harvesting, cut off the lower part of the flower bulb with a flower stem of about 10 cm. After the terminal flower bulb is harvested, the axillary buds of the plant germinate and rapidly grow into lateral branches, and the top of the dry lateral branch forms a rosette, that is, the lateral flower bulb; when the lateral bulb grows to a certain size and the bud has not yet opened, it can be harvested again. In this way, it can be harvested for 2 to 3 times in a row.

After broccoli is planted, no matter what the market situation at that time, the grower must first think of the quality of broccoli, because under any conditions, quality is the last magic weapon to win, for the quality of broccoli, all aspects of planting must cost growers a lot of thought, but they will not regret it when they receive the goods.