
Planting and management technology of garlic, timely sowing and reasonable fertilization

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Soil preparation: it is better to use sandy soil with fertile, soft and good drainage to avoid continuous stubble. Sowing: for garlic planting, it is appropriate to sow seeds from early September to early October, no later than mid-October, and for garlic planting, it is appropriate to sow seeds in mid-late August. Application

Soil preparation: it is better to use sandy soil with fertile, soft and good drainage to avoid continuous stubble. Sowing: for garlic planting, it is appropriate to sow seeds from early September to early October, no later than mid-October, and for garlic planting, it is appropriate to sow seeds in mid-late August. Fertilization: reasonable application of base fertilizer, seedling fertilizer, wax fertilizer, bolting fertilizer and foliar spraying fertilizer. Management: transfer and fix the seedlings with bamboo slices after completing the seedlings. Prevention and control of diseases and pests: the main prevention of epidemic diseases, coffee bean weevil. Harvest: generally from early April to early May.

Garlic is a common vegetable in our daily life. It is a drought-intolerant crop that grows better in moist soil. Let's introduce the planting method of garlic.

Planting and Management techniques of garlic

1. Soil preparation before planting

Garlic planting is suitable to choose fertile, soft and good drainage sandy soil, it is best not to stubble, generally deep ploughing at about 15-20cm, combined with deep ploughing about 1000-1500 kg of barnyard manure, build about 2 meters of border, and then dig a good drainage ditch, the border surface needs to be kept flat and soft.

2. Sowing time

It is best to choose garlic varieties with strong stress resistance, which are generally planted in garlic. It is appropriate to sow seeds from early September to early October every year, no later than mid-October at the latest. If it is planted as green garlic, it is appropriate to sow seeds in mid-late August every year. When sowing, the holes were planted with 3 leaves in each hole, the spacing was 17 × 20cm, and the depth was kept at 0.02-0.3m. After sowing, they should be covered with plant ash or poured with mud and sand. Generally, the sowing rate per mu is about 120-140 kg.

3. Fertilization management

There are mainly base fertilizer, seedling fertilizer, wax fertilizer, bolting fertilizer and foliar spraying fertilizer.

Base fertilizer: before soil preparation, 20-25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 4-5 kg of potassium chloride, 8-10 kg of superphosphate, or 15-20 kg of compound fertilizer can be applied per mu.

Seedling fertilizer: generally in the whole seedling after the three leaves at the beginning of this stage, per mu can be applied 1500-2000 kg of animal feces and urine, and then add about 5 kg of urea.

Wax fertilizer: that is, a fertilizer applied to crops from this winter to the next spring, generally about 10 kg of ammonium bicarbonate per mu and 1000-1200 kg of human and animal dung.

Bolting fertilizer: garlic can apply 15kg urea per mu during the bolting stage.

Foliar fertilizer spraying: when garlic is in a period of rapid expansion, 0.2-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed per mu, preferably before and after Grain Rain.

4. Field management

When the garlic seedlings are complete, bamboo slices can be used to transfer and fix the seedlings. Fertilization after seedling setting should be carried out in time to loosen the soil and weed. Greater Cold loosened the soil once before and after, and dredged the drainage ditch in time in late February of the next spring. In case of dry weather, ditch irrigation should be carried out in time to fight drought.

5. Prevention and control of diseases and pests

The main diseases and insect pests of garlic are blight and coffee bean weevil. Generally, 25% more than 100 grams of carbendazim per mu can be sprayed with 50 kilograms of water to control blight, and garlic coffee bean elephants can be fumigated with 5 grams of aluminum phosphide per cubic meter.

6. Timely harvest

The harvest of garlic bolts is generally from early April to early May every year. When the upper part of the garlic stalk is bent downward, or when the top of the leaf is pulled out 0.1 meters, the garlic stalk should be harvested in time, and the garlic stalk should be cut, spread out on the spot for about 2-4 days, and then stored.

Garlic growing environment

1. Temperature: garlic likes cold environmental conditions, the lowest temperature of its living environment is-5 ℃, and the highest temperature is 26 ℃. After passing the dormant period, garlic can sprout and sprout roots at 3-5 ℃, and the suitable temperature for stem and leaf growth is 12-16 ℃. The suitable temperature for flower stem and bulb development is 15-20 ℃. When the temperature is more than 26 ℃, the physiology of garlic plant is out of order, the stem and leaf gradually dry up, and the underground bulb will stop growing. When the average winter temperature is below-5 ℃, garlic sown in autumn can not survive the winter naturally. Garlic plants completed vernalization after 30-40 days in the low temperature range of 0-5 ℃.

2. Light: after vernalization, garlic begins to differentiate into flower buds and scale buds under long sunshine and higher temperature. In a cold and short-day environment, it is only suitable for the growth of stems and leaves. Scale bud formation will be inhibited, so whether sowing in spring or autumn, it has to go through the conditions of low temperature and long sunshine.

3. Moisture: garlic is a shallow root crop, which likes humid environment and is afraid of drought. Therefore, it requires higher soil temperature before and after sowing, so that it can sprout and root rapidly, reduce irrigation in the early stage of seedlings, strengthen ploughing and loosening soil, promote the development of root system and prevent seed petal from wet rot. In the period of flower stem extension and bulb expansion, it is not only the exuberant stage of garlic growth and development, but also the stage that needs the most water, which requires the soil to keep moist frequently, and to reduce the soil moisture when it is close to the mature stage. in order not to cause garlic rotten neck and loose petals, garlic skin blackening and quality reduction due to high humidity, high temperature and hypoxia.

4. Soil and nutrition: garlic is not strict on soil types, but it is suitable for fertile loam, loose and breathable soil with good water retention and drainage performance, the ecological environment is conducive to the growth and development of bulbs, garlic is large and tidy, good quality and high yield. The optimum pH of soil is ph5-6. The end of peracid root becomes thicker and the growth is stopped. If the root is too alkaline, the seed petal is easy to rot, small head and single garlic are increased, and the yield is reduced.

Pest control technology of garlic

1. Purple spot of garlic. At the initial stage of the disease, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times or 64% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times, 40% Dafudan wettable powder 500 times, 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder 500 times, 50% propofoin wettable powder 1500 times, spray once every 7-10 days, continuous prevention and control 3-4 times, generally have obvious better effect.

2. Garlic leaf blight. At ordinary times, it is necessary to strengthen field management, reasonable close planting, increase the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium comprehensive fertilizer, add biological multi-antibacterial fertilizer, cultivate strong seedlings, timely drainage after rain to prevent water accumulation in the field. It can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil or 65% Dysen zinc 500x, 50% Ye Kujing powder 1000 times or 10% Chlorothalonil powder 400,500x.

Garlic begins to be planted in September and October every year, and it is necessary to choose a good place to plant at the initial stage of planting and do a good job of drainage. Later stage of field management is also very important, fertilizer and water, disease and pest control are also indispensable. Only when all this work is done, will the garlic be of high yield and high quality.