
Cultivation techniques of zucchini planting techniques of zucchini in open field

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to zucchini, I believe many people know it very well, because zucchini is white melon, one of the vegetables often eaten in life, and more and more people grow zucchini. So how to grow zucchini? How to manage it scientifically in the later stage? Below and small

When it comes to zucchini, I believe many people know it very well, because zucchini is white melon, one of the vegetables often eaten in life, and more and more people grow zucchini. So how to grow zucchini? How to manage it scientifically in the later stage? Let's get to know it with the editor.

Cultivation techniques of zucchini

1. Soil preparation and fertilization

Give priority to organic fertilizer, generally apply 2000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 75 kg of cake fertilizer, 40 kg of compound fertilizer and 80 kg of plant ash per mu. Spread fertilizer evenly on the ground, turn it 30 cm deep and flatten the ground.

2. Open ditches and straighten up the bed

It was cultivated with deep trench and high border and covered with plastic film. Generally, the width of the border is 100 cm, the height of the border is 20 cm, and the width of the groove is 25-30 cm. Before covering the film, the border surface should be leveled again and herbicide should be sprayed. When covering the film, it must be tightened and covered flat, so that the plastic film and the border cover are close, and the sides of the film are compacted with soil. After fertilizing the land as a border film, smoke with 45% chlorothalonil smoke agent 1 kg per mu before planting, and the greenhouse was closed for disinfection for about 7 days.

3. Colonization

It is generally planted in the middle of March, and when the seedlings are just unfolded in 3 leaves and 1 heart or 4 leaves, the seedling age is about 30 days. The small varieties were planted in double rows according to the plant spacing of 40 × 40 cm, with about 1800 plants per mu. The large varieties were planted in double rows according to the plant spacing of 50 × 50 cm, with about 1600 plants per mu. Pour the seedling bed with water one day before planting, select strong seedlings and good seedlings, transplant the roots with more soil as far as possible, let the roots stretch normally during planting, pour root water after planting, and cover the planting holes tightly with fine soil, and then water them once a day until the seedlings survive.

4. Temperature

Slow seedling stage is not ventilated, increase the temperature of the shed, promote rooting. The greenhouse temperature should be kept at 25-28 ℃ during the day and 18-20 ℃ at night. When the greenhouse temperature exceeds 30 ℃ at noon on a sunny day, it can be properly ventilated. After seedling retardation, the greenhouse temperature was controlled at 20-25 ℃ in daytime and 12-15 ℃ at night, which was beneficial to female flower differentiation and early sitting. After sitting melon, keep the temperature to 22-26 ℃ in daytime, 15-18 ℃ at night, and the lowest is not less than 10 ℃. Increasing the temperature difference between day and night is beneficial to nutrition accumulation and melon expansion.

Planting technique of zucchini in open field

The varieties with strong growth potential, high fruit setting rate and good quality, especially strong disease resistance, should be selected for planting zucchini at high temperature. The suitable sowing date of autumn zucchini is mid-late July, the row spacing is 1m, and the plant spacing is about 40cm. In terms of water and fertilizer management, from seedling stage to before flowering and fruit setting, ploughing to conserve water and control water and fertilizer to prevent excessive soil water and fertilizer from overgrowing or "crazy seedling" zucchini to produce melons mainly on the main vine. Spraying Huawang No. 3 in the young fruit stage of zucchini can promote the top nutrition of the plant to return, inhibit the growth of the main shoot, transform the growth nutrition into reproductive nutrition, promote flower bud differentiation and improve the quality of flower bud fertilization.

Cultivated varieties of zucchini

1. Mosaic zucchini: it is widely cultivated in northern China, with short vines, few branches, compact plant shape, 3 to 5 melons per plant, long oval melon, dark green peel, irregular yellow-green stripes, green and white flesh, dense flesh and less fiber.

2. Seedless zucchini: a variety that can be eaten with seeds. The plant is trailing, 1.6 meters long, melon short column, tender melon can be used as a vegetable, old ripe melon peel orange, single melon weight 4-5 kg.

3. Green zucchini: the vine of the plant is 3 meters long, the leaf is heart-shaped, dark green, the leaf edge is irregularly serrated, the melon is long and oval, the epidermis is smooth, green and white, and there are 6 angules. generally, a single melon weighs 2-3 kg.

4. Long vine zucchini: the plant is creeping, the stem is about 2.5 meters long, the branching is medium, the leaves are triangular, lobed, green, the back of the leaves are hairy, the main vine begins to bear melons after the ninth node, there are 2 or 3 melons per plant, the melon is cylindrical, and the middle is slightly thinner.

Scientific field management

1. Clean up the countryside, remove the remaining branches and leaves, burn or bury them deeply, eradicate weeds on the edge of the field, and turn the soil 30 cm deep after applying basic fertilizer to reduce the source of bacteria.

2. high border cultivation and plastic film mulching are adopted, micro-drip irrigation or dark irrigation under plastic film are adopted in winter, and fog-free film is adopted in protected cultivation, so as to strengthen the control of temperature and humidity in greenhouse, timely ventilation, proper control of watering, and timely moisture drainage after watering to control the occurrence of diseases.

3. Hanging vines in time, diseased leaves, diseased melons and old leaves should be removed in time and taken out of the ground and buried deeply. Zucchini in the open field should be ploughed and weeded timely to loosen the soil.

4. in the agricultural operation, the diseased plant should be separated from the healthy plant to avoid spreading the virus, or wash hands with soapy water after operation on the diseased plant, and then operate on the healthy plant.

As mentioned above, zucchini is a relatively easy vegetable to grow, but there are many common diseases and insect pests, so we must do a good job in pest control. The output of zucchini is very high, and the nutrition is delicious, and the market is wide, so it is a good planting project. Friends who want to start a business might as well try it.