
Radish planting time radish ripening season

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Radish is a kind of vegetable with large consumption. For rural families, the stewed radish with mutton during the Spring Festival and the sour and sweet radish in summer are very delicious. There is also a saying in the countryside that if you eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, then radish is ripe in winter.

Radish is a kind of vegetable with large consumption. For rural families, the stewed radish with mutton during the Spring Festival and the sour and sweet radish in summer are very delicious. There is another saying in the countryside, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer". Is radish a ripe vegetable in winter?

Radish planting time

Spring radish: sow in early spring and harvest in early summer. The growing period is generally 25-60 days. Cultivation is more common in the vast areas north of the Yangtze River in China. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Shanghai, Nanjing in Jiangsu Province, Wuhan in Hubei Province and other places, sowing from February to March and harvest from April to early June. In the Huang-Huai-Hai region, the seeds were sown from March to April and harvested from early May to June. In high latitude and high altitude areas such as Northeast, Northwest and Northern North China, they were sown from April to May and harvested from June to July.

Summer radish: sowing from May to June, harvest from July to August, sowing too early, easy to early bolting, the main autumn light supplement.

Autumn radish is sown in the warm areas of North China and Northwest China from late July to early August and harvested from late October to early November. The colder regions of Northeast and Northwest China are sown in the early and middle of July and harvested in the first and middle of October. In the northern alpine regions, sowing should be advanced to mid-June and harvested from late September to early October.

Winter radish: the sowing time of winter radish should be in the first and middle of September. Sowing too late, due to low temperature, will lead to insufficient growth of leaf clusters and low yield.

As an off-season radish cultivation, according to different varieties, the middle altitude of 800-1200m began to sow from April to May, harvested from June to July, and sowed from May to July to September harvest in high altitude areas. The cultivation of alpine radish uses strong winter varieties and double cropping, which can be listed from June to October.

Radish ripening season

According to the growing period of white radish and carrot, it can't be harvested all the year round.

In China, the florescence of white radish is from April to May every year, and the ripening period of radish is from May to June every year.

Carrots are harvested in spring and autumn.

Spring carrots are harvested 60-90 days after sowing; that is, from June to August.

Autumn carrots are generally harvested 100 days after sowing before the soil freezing period. From August to early October.

Planting conditions of radish

1. Temperature: radish is a semi-cold-tolerant vegetable, the seeds can germinate at 2-3 ℃, the optimum temperature is 20-25 ℃, the seedling stage can withstand the temperature of 25 ℃ and the low temperature of minus 3 ℃, the suitable temperature for stem and leaf growth is 15-20 ℃, and the optimum temperature for fleshy root growth is 18-20 ℃.

2. Moisture: the soil available water content of radish suitable for fleshy root growth is 65% 80%, and the air humidity is 80%. High air humidity can improve the quality, but the soil moisture can not be too much, and if the water supply is uneven, the fleshy root is easy to crack.

3. Soil: radish does not have strict requirements on soil, but the sandy loam with deep soil layer and loose soil with good performance of water and fertilizer conservation is the best, and the suitable pH value of soil is 5.3-7.

4. Nutrition: the amount of potassium absorbed by radish was the most, followed by nitrogen and phosphorus. For every 1000 kilograms of radish, the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 5.55kg, 2.6kg and 6.37kg, respectively.

5. Light: radish growth needs sufficient sunshine, sufficient sunshine, strong plant, strong photosynthesis, more matter accumulation, rapid expansion of fleshy root and high yield. The plants that complete vernalization are faster in flower bud differentiation and flower branch emergence under long sunshine and higher temperature.

Harvesting technology of radish

I. harvesting standards

The main results are as follows: 1. the leaf color turns pale and the underground stem is harvested in time after the underground stem is fully expanded.

2. Require uniform size, no root, no mud, no hairpin, no deformity, no bran heart, no wound, no discouragement.

3. According to the different requirements for the size of radish in the consumer market of different regions, the harvest standards are also different. Some areas want radish of more than two jin, and some areas want radish of less than two jin, so the size standard of harvest should be determined according to the needs of the market.

Second, pre-cooling transport: pre-cooling into the cold storage (2mur4 ℃) for about 10 hours, loading and thermal insulation transportation on the market.

With the development of science and technology, radish can be planted all the year round, and the cultivation of radish does not necessarily rely on greenhouse planting technology. According to different radish varieties, you can eat refreshing radish for most of the year. So you don't need to be too persistent about what season the radish is.