
How to make lettuce thicker

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lettuce is a kind of vegetable that we often eat in our life. it is nutritious and delicious. it has the effects of fighting cancer and preventing cancer, lowering blood pressure and promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis. Growing lettuce has also become a hot planting project, so how can lettuce grow thick? Next, I will be with the editor.

Lettuce is a kind of vegetable that we often eat in our life. it is nutritious and delicious. it has the effects of fighting cancer and preventing cancer, lowering blood pressure and promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis. Growing lettuce has also become a hot planting project, so how can lettuce grow thick? Let's get to know it with the editor.

How to make lettuce thicker

1. Variety selection: varieties with cold tolerance, strong adaptability and late bolting are selected for overwintering lettuce and spring lettuce, such as "cold-tolerant white leaf fruit", "cold-tolerant second white bark", "Ruomian leaf" and so on. Summer and autumn lettuce, choose heat-resistant early-maturing varieties, such as "cold-resistant white leaf fruit", "heat-resistant large mosaic" and so on.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization: the soil with loose soil, good drainage, rich organic matter and strong water and fertility conservation should be selected. Deep ploughing and drying the land, 2-3 tons of rotten farm manure per mu, fine soil preparation after 7 days of sunburn, and soil moisture of 1.8-1.9 meters should be used for cultivation in the main season and high moisture in the reverse season.

3. Sowing and raising seedlings: the seeds should be sowed at the right time, and the seeds can be sowed directly on the seedling ground (new high-fat film is applied before sowing), then rake the topsoil lightly with tooth rake to make the seeds sow into the soil, and spray 800-fold liquid of new high-fat film on the surface to keep the soil moisture, prevent the soil from forming plates and improve the seed germination rate.

4. Transplanting and planting: land with fertile topsoil and strong water retention should be selected for transplanting, sufficient bottom fertilizer should be applied before planting, bottom water should be poured through, reasonable and close planting should be made, and the density should be 20ml / 26cm. After planting, root water should be poured and sprayed with 800-fold liquid of new high-fat film to isolate diseases and insect pests, shorten the slow seedling period and make the seedlings grow healthily. 5. Field management, timely watering and topdressing after transplanting, weeding and weeding, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, at the same time, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer and trace potassium fertilizer should be applied at the rosette stage and stem expansion of lettuce, combined with spraying Zhuangtuanling can make lettuce stalk stout, plant luxuriant, strong natural taste, and improve the ability to resist disasters. Increase the efficiency of pesticides and fertilizers and reduce residual toxicity.

The planting environment of lettuce

1, lettuce is a semi-cold-tolerant vegetable, like cold, slightly resistant to frost, afraid of high temperature, poor growth in hot season.

2. Lettuce is a long-day crop with sufficient light, and it is sensitive to soil acidity and alkalinity, so it is suitable to be planted in slightly acidic soil.

3. The root system of lettuce is shallow, the absorption capacity is weak, and the demand for oxygen is high. Sand loam and loam are the best soil for planting lettuce.

Seedling stage management

The seedling bed should be watered frequently to keep the soil moist to facilitate seedling emergence. After completing the seedlings, the seedlings should be interspersed in time, and the excessive growth of seedlings caused by the density of seedlings should be prevented in time. And timely spraying 800-fold solution of new high-fat film to protect seedlings from bacterial infection, improve the ability to resist natural disasters, and protect the growth of grain seedlings.

Pest control

1. Disease

① downy mildew: lettuce is particularly serious with downy mildew, which is easy to occur at high temperature and humidity. Metalaxyl manganese zinc and disinfectant alum are used 20 days after planting. At the initial stage of the disease, 687.5 grams / liter silver farinol suspension 1000m 1500 times solution, 66.8% mildew doke wettable powder 1000m 1500 times solution, 77.2% downy mildew water agent 1000ml 1700 times solution can be used to control downy mildew.

② leaf spot, brown spot: 75% chlorothalonil (daconine) wettable powder 1500ml 2000 times solution; 10% Shigao (difenoconazole) water dispersible granule 3000ml 3500 times.

③ Sclerotinia sclerotiorum disease: in recent years, the damage of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is also quite serious, and it is a disease of low temperature and high humidity. When the temperature is about 5: 15 ℃ and the relative humidity is more than 85%, it is beneficial to the occurrence and invasion of bacteria. In addition, viral diseases can be prevented and treated with poison elimination, Haopu and so on.

2. Insect pests

① aphids: 50% imidacloprid EC 3500 Mel 4000 times.

② leaf miner: the adults can be treated with 1.8% avermectin EC 4000 Mel 5000 times, and the larvae can be controlled with 75% Qianke (cystomide) wettable powder 4500Mel 5000 times.

The above is the lettuce planting method summarized by the editor. I hope it can help you. The meat of lettuce is crisp and delicious, and its leaves are also a particularly fresh and delicious green leafy vegetable with high nutritional value, suitable for all men and women, young and old. However, we should pay attention to enough is enough, not eat too much.