
Planting Technology of Potato in greenhouse

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The emergence of vegetables in the greenhouse allows everyone to enjoy the vegetables and fruits they want to eat all the year round, which adds a lot of speed and convenience to people's life. Potato is a very popular vegetable, and its annual market sales are considerable, so

The emergence of vegetables in the greenhouse allows everyone to enjoy the vegetables and fruits they want to eat all the year round, which adds a lot of speed and convenience to people's life. Potato is a very popular vegetable, and its annual market sales are considerable, so the combination of potato and greenhouse is a thing that conforms to the trend.

Planting Technology of Potato in greenhouse

1. Select land and stubble

Potato is a tuber plant, and its tuber is formed and grown in the soil, so it is required that the soil is loose and fertile, the soil layer is deep, the soil is sandy, neutral or slightly acidic (PH=5.8~7.0), and the drainage and irrigation function is the best. Choose corn, wheat and millet stubble in the previous stubble. In particular, the rotation of vegetables such as potato and onion and garlic can not only regulate soil nutrients and increase yield, these vegetable crops can secrete a plant fungicide, which can kill late blight and other bacteria. Avoid rotation with sugar beet, radish, carrot and other root crops, they also consume a lot of potassium in the soil, which will lead to lack of soil potassium fertilizer and common diseases and insect pests at the same time. It is strictly forbidden to choose crops that have been sprayed with herbicides such as atrazine, Pusht, chlorosulfuron and so on, otherwise it will cause a serious reduction in production.

2. Land preparation and border formation

Potato belongs to deep ploughing crop, which requires deep soil layer and loose soil. Deep tillage is beneficial to the growth and development of root system and the formation and expansion of tuber. at the same time, it also loosens the soil, eliminates weeds, enhances ventilation, promotes microbial activity, increases available nutrients in soil, and improves the ability of drought resistance and drainage. Therefore, soil preparation advocates deep ploughing fine rake, which requires deep ploughing of 20cm and 25cm, and then raking fine and flat, so as to achieve the upper and lower fruit, without bumpy, so as to create good soil conditions for potato growth, potato fruiting and high yield. Organic fertilizer and farm manure are mixed in the soil before ploughing, generally applying 30 tons of rotten livestock manure per hectare and mixing well with the soil to promote soil ripening and loosening. Fertilizer potassium sulfate 300 kg / ha, diammonium 900 kg / ha. In order to control underground pests, 3% phoxim granules 40-50 kg / ha can be mixed with farm manure and ploughed into the soil. After soil preparation, make a border with a width of 1.0 to 1.2 meters, with a width of 30 cm and a depth of 20 cm. Shallow trenches are opened in the border, 10 cm to 15 cm wide and 8 cm to 10 cm deep, for watering.

3. Slicing and treatment of seed potato

About 15 days before sowing, put the seed potato on the sunny indoor, greenhouse and plastic greenhouse of 15: 20 ℃, spread 2-3 layers, and turn frequently so that each tuber can fully see the light. When the bud grows to 0.5-1cm, cut the bud and sow the seed (the first-class original whole potato is sown). Large and medium potatoes should be cut into 4-5 pieces from top to bottom, generally cut into 40-50 grams, containing at least one bud hole, up to 2-3 bud eyes; seed potatoes less than 50 grams are not cut into pieces, and whole potato sowing is recommended. The cutter is disinfected with potassium permanganate before use. After the seed potato is cut into pieces, the seeds are mixed with plant ash mixed with fungicides to prevent the seed from rotting.

4. Sowing and density

① sowing and fertilization

The suitable sowing time of potato is 10 cm and the soil temperature is kept at 7: 8 ℃. Sowing potato in greenhouse is suitable for sowing from early March to early April. Ditch on the border on demand, generally 1.0-1.2 meters on the border 2 rows, bud eyes placed upward (press in the soil), sowing depth 8-10 cm. After sowing, 96% Metolachlor was sprayed at 2000ml / ha, and then covered with film. One small arch shed can be built every 2 rows. Reach 3 films: plastic film, ordinary greenhouse film, greenhouse. Watering is strictly prohibited before potato seedlings emerge to prevent rotten seeds. In greenhouse potato cultivation, bottom fertilizer is generally applied when making beds.

Reasonable close planting of ②

Considering the production purpose, variety type, natural conditions and other factors, with comprehensive reference to the field configuration, sowing density is an important link to increase production. Generally, the row spacing is 60 cm (1.2 meters on the border), and the plant spacing is 25 cm to 30 cm. Early-maturing varieties and high-fertility soil can be closely planted, 60-70 000 seedlings per hectare, sparse planting of late-maturing varieties and low fertility soil, 50-60 000 seedlings per hectare.

The growing environment of potatoes

1. Soil: the sandy loam has more sand and good ventilation, but the ability of water and fertilizer conservation is poor, and it prefers acidic soil.

1. Temperature: the most suitable temperature for plant growth is about 21 degrees, and the optimum temperature for flowering is 15 to 17 degrees. Of course, due to the different cold resistance of varieties, the response to temperature is also different.

2. Moisture: not too dry and too wet.

4. Sunshine: potatoes are light-loving crops and are placed in places where there is plenty of light indoors.

5. Fertilizer: among the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, potato needs the most potassium fertilizer, followed by nitrogen fertilizer and less phosphorus fertilizer.

Key points of Potato seed selection

First, to recognize the packaging, some information on the packaging can help you identify. Variety packaging, logo integrity, including: variety name, grade, variety characteristics, cultivation techniques, origin, production unit, production date, contact number.

Second, like buying other goods, asking the dealer for an invoice (indicating seed name, grade, quantity, price, etc.) after purchasing seeds can prove the buying and selling relationship.

Third, when selecting potato varieties, we should buy varieties that are in line with the local environment and land, and potato varieties should be planted successfully in the local trial, with good yield, disease resistance and commodity appearance.

Fourth, carefully identify the high moisture content of potatoes, carefully check whether potatoes have sprouted or not, moldy, rotten and smelly potatoes can not be used as seed potatoes.

Fifth, when selecting and purchasing seed potatoes, we should choose potatoes with good color and consistent size, so as to prevent the illegal act of impersonating commercial potatoes as seed potatoes.

When will Tudou enter China?

Due to the lack of early written records or confusion of crop names in written records, experts have different opinions on the time when potatoes were introduced into China. Some think that during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1573-1619), others think that potatoes were first introduced into China in the 18th century. According to the textual research of Chinese scientists, it is believed that potatoes were first introduced into China during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1573-1619). In the second volume of Changan Hakka dialect written by Jiang Yikui during the Ming Wanli period, potatoes grown in Beijing are described as potatoes.

Generally speaking, the greenhouse planting technology of potatoes is not different from the general planting methods of potatoes, but it takes more energy for growers because of the difference of environment. In addition, it is best to pay attention to the selection of greenhouse vegetables, to choose more high-quality potato species in order to grow better fruit.