
High-yield planting techniques and Management methods of Potato

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The ultimate goal of any planting industry is to achieve high quality and high yield of crops. Potato cultivation is an industry that has experienced a long history of development. With the development of the times and the continuous progress of agricultural science and technology, potato planting technology is also constantly developing.

The ultimate goal of any planting industry is to achieve high quality and high yield of crops. Potato cultivation is an industry that has experienced a long history of development. With the development of the times and the continuous progress of agricultural science and technology, potato planting technology is also constantly improving.

High-yield planting techniques of potatoes

1. Select improved varieties and detoxify seed potatoes. The early-maturing varieties of early tuber, rapid tuber expansion, short dormancy period, high yield, high quality and disease resistance, such as Holland 15, Luyin 1 and Holland 7, were selected, and the improved varieties of detoxification Ke 2 and Ke 3 were selected.

2. Cut into pieces to promote sprouting to ensure the whole seedling. Slicing and sprouting requires about 150 kg of seed potatoes per mu. 20-25 days before sowing, seed potatoes were placed in a warm and sunny place to dry for 2-3 days, while diseased potatoes and rotten potatoes were removed, and then cut into pieces. When slicing, make full use of the top advantage, spiral to the top oblique cut, and finally divide into two or four according to the top bud, each seed potato has 1 to 2 bud eyes, weighing 25 to 30 grams. After drying the knife edge, the sprouting was accelerated by stratification method in the room with a temperature of 18 to 20 ℃. When the bud grew to about 2 cm, it was dried under scattered light, and the buds were sown after green and thickened.

3. Seed dressing with chemicals to prevent insects and diseases. 50 grams of hydantoin 50% suspension agent mixed with Gaoqiao 60% suspension seed coating agent 20 ml was added to 1 liter of water and shaken evenly, sprayed on 100 kg seed potato cubes, dried and sown to prevent diseases and insect pests in the seedling stage and ensure that the seedlings were smooth and strong.

4. Double film covering and sowing at the right time. In Shandong area, single-ridge and double-row planting is generally carried out in the big arch shed on a sunny morning from late January to early February. The use of large arch shed with small arch shed can further put on the market earlier. The distance between ridges is 80 cm, double rows are planted, the distance between plants is 25 cm and 30 cm, and there are 5500 and 6000 plants per mu. When planting, the trench is 8 cm deep and 20 cm wide. Apply seed fertilizer and chemicals to control underground pests, mix well with the soil, plant the buds at an oblique angle after watering, cover the buds with a small amount of fine soil, then cover the soil with ridges, the ridge is about 15 cm high, hold the ridge flat, spray herbicides, and then cover it with 90 cm wide plastic film.

5. Soil testing formula, balanced nutrition. The technology of soil testing and formula fertilization was adopted to formulate the fertilization scheme according to the target yield. Generally apply 5000 kg of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer or 150kg of commercial organic fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary compound fertilizer (15Mu10 Mel 20) 180kg, zinc sulfate 1,2kg, boric acid 1kg per mu. Soil miscellaneous fertilizer is applied when ploughing, and other fertilizers are applied at burrow when sowing.

The management method of potato

1. Check the seedlings and replenish the seedlings: check the seedlings in time after the potatoes come out, and replenish the seedlings if there are missing seedlings in time to ensure the whole seedling. When sowing, the excess potato pieces are densely planted in the field to replenish seedlings. When replenishing seedlings, if there is a diseased rotten potato in the hole, the diseased potato and its surrounding soil should be dug up first and then the seedlings should be replenished. When the soil is dry, the seedlings should be planted after digging holes and watering, combined with a small amount of fertilizer, so as to reduce the slow seedling time and restore growth as soon as possible.

2. Cultivating soil with middle tillage: loosening and aerating the soil of tuber layer by ploughing loose soil, which is beneficial to root growth, stolon elongation and tuber expansion. If the soil surface is hardened before emergence, the soil should be loosened to facilitate seedling emergence. After finishing the seedlings, the first intertillage was carried out in time, with a depth of 8 cm and 10 cm, combined with weeding, 10-15 days after the first intertillage, and the second intertillage should be slightly shallow. When budding, the third intertillage is carried out, which is shallower than the second intertillage.

3. Timely topdressing: potatoes take a long time from sowing to emergence. After emergence, it is necessary to use clear dung water and a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer as soon as possible to promote the rapid growth of seedlings. In the bud stage, combined with soil cultivation, one-time topdressing of potato fertilizer, mainly potassium fertilizer, combined with nitrogen fertilizer, the amount of fertilizer depends on the growth and appearance of the plant. Generally no longer fertilize after flowering, if the late stage shows the phenomenon of premature senility, phosphorus and potassium or combined with trace elements can be used for foliar spraying.

4. pest control: the common diseases of potatoes are virus disease, late blight, bacterial wilt, ring rot, scab, cancer and so on. Late blight should be prevented and treated with Bordeaux solution or Rhizoctonia solanacearum as soon as possible. the control methods of bacterial wilt are mainly through reasonable rotation, selection of resistant varieties and small whole potato as seeds. The main pests are ladybugs, soil silkworms, aphids, grubs, mole crickets and so on.

5. Timely harvest: when the plant growth stops and most of the stems and leaves are yellow, the tubers are easily separated from the stolons, the periderm hardens, the specific gravity increases, and the dry matter content reaches the maximum, that is, the optimum harvest time for edible tubers. The use of tubers should be harvested 5-7 days in advance to reduce the adverse effects of high temperature in the later growth stage and improve the species.

Cost and benefit Analysis of Potato planting

The cost of planting a mu of potatoes is about 2500 yuan, the investment in agricultural materials such as traditional Chinese medicine, fertilizer, and water is a little more than 1,000 yuan, and the cost of oil, depreciation, maintenance, and labor of agricultural machinery is about 1,000 yuan, and the land rent is 300 to 400 yuan. So the cost is about 2500. The output of potatoes is conservatively estimated according to three tons, that is, 6000 jin, as long as one catty is not less than 4 cents (2400 yuan), basically will not lose money. If 6 cents per jin is just right, one jin will earn 20 cents, and 6000 jin will earn 1200 yuan. The local land is easy to find and on a large scale. if you can plant 1000 mu of land, you can earn 1.2 million per mu of land if you earn 1200 million mu a year.

Storage of potatoes

1. Put the potatoes in the cellar and keep them for at least 3 months as long as the temperature and humidity are moderate.

2. Put the potato and apple or banana peel in a box together. The ethylene gas emitted by the apple or banana skin can keep the potato fresh.

3. Put the potatoes in a sack or box, bury them with blighted grain or sand, and press them tightly. It is covered with plastic bags or some waste paper.

4. Remove the roots of the dug potatoes and wash them. Bury it in the sand, and then press the sand to prevent it from being breathable. Just dig it up when you eat it.

In this era when there is a certain profit in potato cultivation, planting technology is an important magic weapon for growers to make profits. The high-yield planting technology of potato can improve the planting amount of potato, and good field management is the effective guarantee of potato yield and quality. So these are what growers need to understand and learn.