
When to plant pumpkin scientific planting technology of pumpkin

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pumpkin as a crop also has a certain growth law, in order to achieve pumpkin growth, flowering, fruit, various environmental conditions are essential, so pumpkin planting also has a certain time law. If you want to grow good pumpkins, you have to follow the existence of pumpkins.

Pumpkin as a crop also has a certain growth law, in order to achieve pumpkin growth, flowering, fruit, various environmental conditions are essential, so pumpkin planting also has a certain time law. If you want to grow a good pumpkin, you have to follow the natural law of pumpkin existence.

When will pumpkins be planted?

Pumpkin was planted in spring from January to March, sowed in autumn from July to August, seedling transplanting was used in spring planting and direct seeding in autumn.

Scientific planting techniques of Pumpkin

1. Construction of pumpkin planting garden

We should choose the land with high topography, good drainage, loose soil and good air permeability, preferably sandy loam and light loam, low-lying land prone to waterlogging is not suitable to grow pumpkin. The soil should be slightly acidic, and the PH value should be between 5.5 and 6.8. Avoid repeating and stubble with cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae crops to avoid serious occurrence of soil-borne diseases. Soil preparation should be fine. Before soil preparation, 3000 to 5000 kg of high-quality farm manure and 20 kg of diammonium phosphate should be applied every 667m2, and biological bacterial fertilizer can also be applied if possible.

2. Sowing pumpkin

The sowing time is determined according to the specific conditions of the year and the local conditions. The basic principle is to make the seedlings avoid the final frost and sow the seeds when they are unearthed. The Yangtze River basin is usually from February to April. Early sowing uses hotbed or cold bed to raise seedlings, and after mid-or late March, direct seeding can be done after budding. Seeds can be sown in South China from February to September. It is mainly divided into spring sowing from February to March and autumn sowing from August to September. The specific methods are as follows: soak the seeds in 55 to 60 ℃ hot water for 15 minutes, kill the bacteria on the surface of the seed coat, then pour into cold water to cool to 30 ℃, soak for 4 to 6 hours, wrap them in a wet cloth or towel and put them in 25 to 30 ℃ to accelerate germination to about 0.3cm before sowing. It can be planed according to 50 cm plant spacing, planing one ridge and one ridge, so that the plant row spacing is 50 × 120 cm, which is conducive to ventilation and light transmission and disease prevention. First water in the rice, after water infiltration, put 2 seeds flat per mu, seed buds face down, cover 2 to 3 cm fine soil, conditional plastic film can be covered, in fact, pumpkin row spacing is large, not much film is used, and only 10 yuan per mu is invested. But when covered with plastic film, we must break the bumpy cover, make the plastic film close to the ridge surface, tighten around and press into the soil, otherwise the effect of plastic film is not obvious, and the seedling generally does not need to be watered. When melon seedlings grow to 3 true leaves, choose large seedlings with strong plants and complete cotyledons. One plant is left in each plant, and the rest is cut off from the ground.

Artificial pollination and pressing vine of pumpkin

After the melon vine grows, the first vine grows to the seventh node, and the fourth vine grows to the ninth node, generally giving birth to the first female flower. After the female petals are unfolded, the pistil stigma can be fertilized. At this time, at 5-9 am every day, the newly opened male flower core (the pollen rod of the stamen) is picked manually in the field and gently contacted with the pistil to make the pollen adhere to the pistil stigma. Each male stamen can only adhere to 2 Mel 3 pistils. Be sure to choose 5-9 o'clock every morning, because this is the most exuberant time for the growth of pistils and stamens, with high insemination rate and strong vitality. 100% pregnancy can be achieved after each pistil is pollinated continuously for two days.

After artificial pollination, the petals of the female flowers began to wilt and close, which proved that they were pregnant. Press a small pile of soil on the first section of each melon to let the vine come into close contact with the ground, grow secondary roots, and supply the vine with water and nutrients. When pressing the vine, it is best to leave the melon on the top of the ridge or pile up a small mound, leaving the melon on top to prevent the late Rain Water from causing rotten melon due to excessive diseases.

The harvest of pumpkins

Open field cultivation is mainly to harvest old melons, and some tender fruits can also be picked according to market demand. In protected areas, tender melons can be harvested in the early stage and old melons can be harvested in the later stage. Precocious pumpkins can be harvested 40-45 days after planting. The first tender melon in early spring takes about 25 days from female flower blooming to harvest, and then it can be harvested 18 days after female flower blooming with the increase of temperature. when picking tender fruit, rattan leaves should be avoided, and the harvest standard is the size of the long-cost varieties. Tender melons whose flesh has not yet aged. It is worth mentioning that early harvesting of young fruits with low nodes is beneficial to plant growth, increase the number of fruits and increase yield. Due to different varieties, the old melon can not reach physiological maturity until 30-60 days after flowering. Its main characteristics are that the pericarp wax powder thickens, the skin color changes from green to yellow or orange, the fruit skin hardens, and it is not easy to break when carved with fingernails. Old melons should be picked in the morning and cut off along the stalk.

Chinese pumpkin and Indian pumpkin, old and tender can be harvested, tender melon contains more vitamin C, tender taste fresh. The old melon contains more sugar and starch and has a long storage life. The standard of testing whether the melon is old or not: it is determined on the basis of hardness, wax powder, color and lustre, etc., generally, the epidermis is immobile, the wax powder is thick, the melon stalk has obvious cracks, and the color darkens, that is, it reaches the degree of maturity. The harvest standard is determined according to the eating habits and market demand of various places.

The planting time of pumpkin is very important, planting at the right time can help pumpkin take root and sprout smoothly, blossom and bear fruit. In addition, some artificial assistance is also very important, in addition to artificial pollination, weeding, fertilization and so on are very important, in addition, reasonable harvest time and methods are also necessary.